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RESULTS - Monday January 3 2022

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Honiton Town    P-P      Crediton United


Brixham               1-2       Ivybridge Town (aet)

Camelford               2-2         St Blazey (aet, St Blazey win 3-1 on pens)

Cullompton Rangers     P-P       Torpoint Athletic

Elburton Villa          P-P        Launceston

Okehampton Argyle    P-P  Falmouth Tn

Wendron United         0-6        Bodmin Town


Axminster Town          2-3         Liskeard Athletic


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I have huge respect for Darren Gilbert, whilst I’m obviously not a fan of some of his previous conduct towards referees, nobody can question his dedication and influence to football in the county.

Sadly, the time has come for him to step down and let someone else try and progress the club now. He seems to have run out of ideas and the passion isn’t there to the same level it used to be.


I certainly don’t think Matt Hayden is the answer though, a step in the wrong direction I feel for the club.

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Odd signing that for Heston not sure Colwell is the player to fill the void of tucker leaving  

good tidy  player but he at the end of his career now . Took the step down from parkway to play at easier levels with Bodmin 

2 hours ago, FootballChat said:

I have huge respect for Darren Gilbert, whilst I’m obviously not a fan of some of his previous conduct towards referees, nobody can question his dedication and influence to football in the county.

Sadly, the time has come for him to step down and let someone else try and progress the club now. He seems to have run out of ideas and the passion isn’t there to the same level it used to be.


I certainly don’t think Matt Hayden is the answer though, a step in the wrong direction I feel for the club.

Not sure it’s that. Probably feels he done all he can for the club now and can see the club is getting left behind . No real plan to go up and progress like the others around him. The crowds are non existent

his pull with getting in top quality players is gone. Tavi , Saltash , parkway , helston and Falmouth have seen to that 

you have to worry about where  Bodmin will be in say 2 or 3 years 

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With any luck Bodmin will have a weakened team on Saturday when they come here to play the G it doesnt seem fair they can play Helstons Stu Bowker who has scored twice so far for Bodmin vs Wendron Dan Jennings with the other goal Think the G got a good chance of beaten Bodmin at the weekend because all the western league players will be back at there normal clubs ,and Bodmin losing there best player Steve Colwell to Helston could be a weak Bodmin team this weekend even Darren maybe putting his boots on again .


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Bodmin with a full complement of ringers today. Not one of them cares abut the club as they all play for other teams. 
who on the bench that plays full time if that was me I have jumped in the car and gone  ? 

also Massey signed the wrong player from Bodmin. Should have signed Dan Jennings as billy tuckers replacement Jennings is wasted at Bodmin to be fair  


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Gilby has been brilliant with me, also with Shans and Stevie in letting us go and ply our trade at a higher standard. Mass really appreciates that hence why whenever we are available and Gilby needs us we will go and play for him! Say what you want about Mass or Gilby they both live and breath football and are brilliant to play for! Won’t have a bad word said about either of them. 

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24 minutes ago, Stu B said:

Gilby has been brilliant with me, also with Shans and Stevie in letting us go and ply our trade at a higher standard. Mass really appreciates that hence why whenever we are available and Gilby needs us we will go and play for him! Say what you want about Mass or Gilby they both live and breath football and are brilliant to play for! Won’t have a bad word said about either of them. 

So why can't Bodmin get any players that will commit to the club for a decent length of time (not including the obvious few)?

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5 hours ago, silly billy said:

So why can't Bodmin get any players that will commit to the club for a decent length of time (not including the obvious few)?

Do you know what I actually think the pandemic has shaken up a few lads mentalities and made a few realise how short we actually play football for and that if the chance comes to play higher lads are now grabbing that chance to do that! Me personally have always told myself to play as high as I can while I can and would tell any young footballer trying to make their way in the game the exact same. 

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18 minutes ago, Stu B said:

Do you know what I actually think the pandemic has shaken up a few lads mentalities and made a few realise how short we actually play football for and that if the chance comes to play higher lads are not grabbing that chance to do that! Me personally have always told myself to play as high as I can while I can and would tell any young footballer trying to make their way in the game the exact same. 

And this opportunity has presented itself with a lot more clubs being in higher leagues now. 

Bodmin used to be.. "playing at a higher level" and therefore attracted the best players

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Claret and blue tinted post incoming with perhaps a bit of saltiness too. 

Bizarre one at The Underlane today - really felt we did enough to push Bodmin and were the better side for long spells. The ruthlessness of Bodmin’s front line allowed them to capitalise on some of our errors whilst we hit the woodwork 5 times and missed several other good chances. For the difference in scoreline I actually thought it was a relatively even game. 
Did hear that Bodmin only had 4 regular Bodmin players in their squad today but that may just be a figure that was thrown about. That’s by the by anyway as you’ve got to beat what’s in front of you on the day. 
Good crowd today and well officiated by today’s officials too. 

All the best to Bodmin in the next round and to their ‘keeper who looked like he injured his arm. 

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1 minute ago, WendronOfficial said:

Claret and blue tinted post incoming with perhaps a bit of saltiness too. 

Bizarre one at The Underlane today - really felt we did enough to push Bodmin and were the better side for long spells. The ruthlessness of Bodmin’s front line allowed them to capitalise on some of our errors whilst we hit the woodwork 5 times and missed several other good chances. For the difference in scoreline I actually thought it was a relatively even game. 
Did hear that Bodmin only had 4 regular Bodmin players in their squad today but that may just be a figure that was thrown about. That’s by the by anyway as you’ve got to beat what’s in front of you on the day. 
Good crowd today and well officiated by today’s officials too. 

All the best to Bodmin in the next round and to their ‘keeper who looked like he injured his arm. 

Was at the game today and counted 5 players for Bodmin whose 1st club play at a higher level. (Apologies if incorrect)

Stu Bowker, Reece Shanley, Steve Colwell. (Helston)

Levi Landricombe (Buckland but understand has now left)

Tallan Burns (Tavistock)

Not sure about any of the others.

Two points to make.

1. This is meant to be a "League Cup" I am sure all is within the rules but is it morally right to field a team where at least 5 of the 11 starters play in a higher league?

2. Steve Massey, who was at the game is surely playing with fire allowing Stu Bowker to play for another team. Helston have been considerably weakened already by the departure of Billy Tucker. (played two, lost two since he left) Bowker is their other outstanding talent and an injury sustained elsewhere to him would seriously dent their title hopes.

Couldn't see Westy allowing this at Falmouth!

I wonder how Wendron feel about the game. Hit the woodwork 5 times and Bodmin's two outstanding performers on the day, Burns and Bowker don't even play most games for Bodmin. (Admittedly, Dan Jennings did score a hat-ful on the day as well but the opening two goals from Bowker did set the scene for the game)

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This has been going on one way or another in Cornish football for donkeys years and will continue to do so 🤷🏼‍♂️ from my point of view there is nothing we can do about it, Bodmin broke no rules so they go through and we don't and we wish them the best. My concern is the next round is on a Saturday so they've spent an awful lot of money which may be better spent elsewhere at the club to go a round further 🤔  

Wendron will dust themselves down and focus on liskeard next week at home, this will not define our season, thanks to all for turning out today 🥰

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18 minutes ago, Scoffy said:

This has been going on one way or another in Cornish football for donkeys years and will continue to do so 🤷🏼‍♂️ from my point of view there is nothing we can do about it, Bodmin broke no rules so they go through and we don't and we wish them the best. My concern is the next round is on a Saturday so they've spent an awful lot of money which may be better spent elsewhere at the club to go a round further 🤔  

Wendron will dust themselves down and focus on liskeard next week at home, this will not define our season, thanks to all for turning out today 🥰

Agree that this has been going on for ever, but it doesn't mean that it cannot be improved. Given it is a "League" cup. Why can't there be a requirement that the players have to have played a minimum number of games in the league ( for any team) before they can play in the cup?

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Colwell... Played all season at Bodmin until. Last week

Landricombe... Started season at Bodmin until. Prised away to higher standard(where he has now left and is possibly back at Bodmin full time? 

Shanley.. Started season at at Bodmin until prised away to a higher standard 

Bowker.... Helston have no hold on him as he obviously isn't contracted. 


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15 minutes ago, The Observer__ said:

Apart from the obvious spelling mistake is their anything factually wrong with my post? 

You’ve never got anything nice to say about me, Helston, Bodmin, Gilby or Mass! You sound like someone like a player who’s very bitter and angry?!?! Question, Have you ever played for either manager? If you have nothing nice to say why don’t you keep 🤐 instead 😘

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1 hour ago, Scoffy said:

This has been going on one way or another in Cornish football for donkeys years and will continue to do so 🤷🏼‍♂️ from my point of view there is nothing we can do about it, Bodmin broke no rules so they go through and we don't and we wish them the best. My concern is the next round is on a Saturday so they've spent an awful lot of money which may be better spent elsewhere at the club to go a round further 🤔  

Wendron will dust themselves down and focus on liskeard next week at home, this will not define our season, thanks to all for turning out today 🥰

Exactly this. 

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3 minutes ago, FutureGK said:

Good on you lad 👍 Nice to hear an honest view point from a players perspective …

Given the form you are in I’m surprised step 4 clubs haven’t come calling yet ? Parkway or Willand perhaps ? Defo agree players should be aiming as high as possible .. short time playing long time retired ! 

I’m really happy where I am to be completely honest, hopefully all being well I’ll be playing step 4 next season 🤞🏻 

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14 minutes ago, Stu B said:

You’ve never got anything nice to say about me, Helston, Bodmin, Gilby or Mass! You sound like someone like a player who’s very bitter and angry?!?! Question, Have you ever played for either manager? If you have nothing nice to say why don’t you keep 🤐 instead 😘

Played for both and with you. I speak as I find. 

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I can understand why Darren does what it takes to field a team, I follow Camelford and.for the fifth game in a row they had five players out usually for the most feeble excuse, I sometimes wonder why Reg bothers. They are doing well in the league but still players cry off week in week out, gets very wearing as a fan so it must be horrible for a mansger

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To be fair you can’t blame the players for helping out some needed minutes anyway but the whole thing in general is wrong. 
so Bodmin are now through and arguably half the team won’t even be involved. 
No wonder people have lost interest in watching Bodmin . 
I do feel the manager next year has to try and build a team of players committed to the club. Of course the odd one will move on but then the club needs to move on and sign a replacement 

they might just start to get an identity and togetherness as a club again 

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17 minutes ago, The Observer__ said:

Played for both and with you. I speak as I find. 

Never seen a football shirt with Bitter & Twisted on the back. 

15 minutes ago, Footy follower said:

Ahh brilliant.... This is going to be like guessing who is the masked singer 😂

He probably gets bitter at that as well. 

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  • Dave Deacon changed the title to RESULTS - Monday January 3 2022
14 hours ago, sportsman10 said:

To be fair you can’t blame the players for helping out some needed minutes anyway but the whole thing in general is wrong. 
so Bodmin are now through and arguably half the team won’t even be involved. 
No wonder people have lost interest in watching Bodmin . 
I do feel the manager next year has to try and build a team of players committed to the club. Of course the odd one will move on but then the club needs to move on and sign a replacement 

they might just start to get an identity and togetherness as a club again 

Could be a long road back for Bodmin with loads of managerial changes along the way. Looking at the clubs who dominated Cornish football in the eighties and nineties (specifically Blazey, Falmouth, Liskeard and Saltash) as guides, they all had years in the wilderness. The thing that would make we worry about Bodmin is that they don't appear to have the loyal support or strong and established committees that these clubs have. Getting it right behind the scenes is essential before you can move forward on the pitch.

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12 hours ago, Paul said:

Camelford 2v2 St Blazey A.E.T. St Blazey win 1v3 on pens.

Excellent win for St Blazey and potentially a very tasty draw in the next round. 

Match highlights below. 


Paul - was a bit St Blazey centric, but totally appreciate your interest was their attacks - always good to see highlight in any case, wish more clubs had the volunteers to do it. Was a good game - draw would have been fair with both teams missing chances - but Chappers and your penalty takers did the job. Good luck in the next round - would be a good Cornish tie if Falmouth get through - two of the biggest clubs in the County - and having beaten the Camels you now have my support lol

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23 minutes ago, TheolderIgetthebetterIwas said:

You can look at the Bodmin result anyway you like but Wendron did not play Bodmin in truth.

A devaluation on the win and the competition overall for me.

What if Bodmin do it all the way to winning it?


Know that no rules have been broken, but it just doesn't feel right. Bodmin will presumably field different sides on a Saturday in the league (when players are required for their primary clubs), and then an all star testimonial style line up for the midweek cup games. Part of me though wouldn't begrudge Darren Gilbert lifting the league cup in May as a managerial send off.

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34 minutes ago, Way Of The Park said:

Know that no rules have been broken, but it just doesn't feel right. Bodmin will presumably field different sides on a Saturday in the league (when players are required for their primary clubs), and then an all star testimonial style line up for the midweek cup games. Part of me though wouldn't begrudge Darren Gilbert lifting the league cup in May as a managerial send off.

Hollow win for me.

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I do think they should bring in the rule that if you leave and Join to play for another team in a league above you can only play once  for a team in a lower league  .
It would stop all of this turning out for multiple teams and even help the clubs move on and maybe look at signing players from a lower league to step up. 

If your not careful the whole peninsula league will be in danger of being a joke just a league used by western league players to get fit or have a laugh in 

what happen to the link bodmin had with st cleer ?? Didn’t they sign 3or 4 to step up this Season haven’t seen any involved would have been perfect to give them a run out yesterday 

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