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I can’t be the only one wondering what on earth is going on with the organisation and running of both the Trelawny League & Combination league lately? 

From teams leap frogging 2-3-4 divisions and going straight in at that level, to being (from what I was told weeks ago!) 4-5 weeks away from the start of the season yet no one knows who’s in what league, or what the opening day fixtures are or when they will be!!

COVID can only take so much blame, I can’t for the life of me see how it has ANYTHING to do with this monstrosity mind you!

what’s the hold up here, someone needs to take the bull by the horns and get a grip of these leagues before they become completely undesirable to play in!

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Unfortunately the Trelawny League have to wait until everyone else has sorted themselves out. So we are always last to find out! In regards to sides leap frogging, whilst I don't agree with it, the option was there for any club to apply to either St Pirans or Combo since they had openings (although no issues at all with Mawnan and Goonhavern going up).

It was my understanding the league is due to start 14th August, with all league secretary's being sent the proposed leagues for the upcoming season. With a couple of Premier sides folding, lots of sides have found themselves pushed up a division, however with the league unofficially completing, promotion and relegation was optional. This is why some sides have gone up a division and some haven't.

The proposed divisions are:


West Cornwall
Camborne School Of Mines
Newlyn Non-Athletic
St Just
Ludgvan Res
Mawnan Res

Div 1:

Penzance Res
Frogpool & Cusgarne
Illogan 3rds
St Buryan
St Day 3rds
Rosudgeon Res
St Erme
Perranwell Res
Culdrose Res
Redruth United Dev

Div 2:

Frogpool & Cusgarne Res
St Ives Mariners
St Ives Town Res
Famouth United
Threemilestone Res
Holmans Res
Wendron 4ths
New Inn Titans
Goonhavern Res
Falmouth DC

Div 3:

St Agnes 3rds
Lizard Argyle Res
Constantine Res
Mount Ambrose
Troon Res
Mullion 3rds
Stithians Res

Div 4:

St Just Res
Perranporth Res
Wendron 5ths
Falmouth United Res
Dropship Res
Goonhavern 3rds
St Keverne
Ruan Minor
Mousehole U21s
Helston Raiders


Seems pretty straight forward to me, with the benefit of all leagues having equal teams for once. We have a date and we have our leagues. Unless for some reason another side folds or a side doesn't get voted in, I don't see the issue. Once the voting has been completed and the above finalised, I'm sure we will have fixtures announced soon enough.

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What a shame. Just spoke to Chris. Seems that as alot of clubs are finding the interest in village football is going. Clubs are struggling to get helpers and Loyalty from players. These are different times now. You had to earn the wright to get promoting in years gone by. Now form a new team and just walk into higher leagues. When it all goes wrong just fold and start again. Pathetic. Rant over.   Good luck to Graham and Chris at Probus for the upcoming season.


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Such a shame on probus!!  but Yep tbh the people who run these leagues have gotta stop this and not allow these flyby clubs formed on the back of some fool , being allowed to join and therefore taking players from these established village clubs that have been running and run well for years !!! If there’s a load of players kicking about let them find an established village/town club and those fire up a reserve/third team using there facilities/bar put some money back . Not some club who’ve no land no facilities no long term hope of helping the community 🙄

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23 minutes ago, 6times said:

Such a shame on probus!!  but Yep tbh the people who run these leagues have gotta stop this and not allow these flyby clubs formed on the back of some fool , being allowed to join and therefore taking players from these established village clubs that have been running and run well for years !!! If there’s a load of players kicking about let them find an established village/town club and those fire up a reserve/third team using there facilities/bar put some money back . Not some club who’ve no land no facilities no long term hope of helping the community 🙄

I'm sure the management committees of Leagues share your opinions but their hands are tied by FA rules. Any team can apply to join a league if there are vacancies and whether or not they get in is decided by those voting at an AGM. Committee members can vote at such a meeting but so can the member clubs - who are generally in the majority. League management committees have no powers to stop the constitutional process!


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1 hour ago, John Mead said:

I'm sure the management committees of Leagues share your opinions but their hands are tied by FA rules. Any team can apply to join a league if there are vacancies and whether or not they get in is decided by those voting at an AGM. Committee members can vote at such a meeting but so can the member clubs - who are generally in the majority. League management committees have no powers to stop the constitutional process!


So the people that run these leagues  (and probably know more about local areas local facilities)have no power ? Well that makes no sense ..

So is it the Cornish or English FA ruining village clubs /towns/social clubs ?



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20 hours ago, 6times said:

So the people that run these leagues  (and probably know more about local areas local facilities)have no power ? Well that makes no sense ..

So is it the Cornish or English FA ruining village clubs /towns/social clubs ?




4 hours ago, Dave Deacon said:

Should we perhaps also be adding managers and players to the list?

It seems management committees are the only ones who cannot be accused of "ruining village clubs". Part of their responsibility is to ensure full compliance will all rules, none of which are made by them!

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Management Committees are there to run the league's on behalf of the Club's.

The Club's have the power at the AGM to vote other clubs in. The Club's have the power, the League Committee doesn't!

You can not stop teams applying to join the league. However, member Clubs decide whether to allow them in or not.

I think many out there dont understand the concept and job of a League Committee. 

I'd also like to point out that the Committee still has a number of vacancies... 

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Well said Dave Bartlam , throughout the country players moan and carp in about " incompetent , useless , bent " league officials  " . They don't seem to , or don't want to realise that  A. leagues have to comply with rules set down by the F.A. B. all meetings are subject to minutes whereby all comments and decisions are recorded and are subject to scrutiny  C .   committees  can make recommendations  to the member clubs and give them the right to vote on those recommendations at the A.G.M  as in the case for new clubs joining  the league . D.  sometimes committees may have to make decisions that they don't like on a personal basis but have to do it in order to keep that league in existence  .

Having said that players have every right to complain , there's a queue of people stretching  from John o' Groats to Mawgan Porth  just itching to get on league committees and replace those useless , incompetent , bent officials .

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It will be interesting, assuming a full season, to see if the FA "interfere" with the promotion/relegation process in the NLS (Steps 1-6).

They have already upset several leagues at Step 7 (Feeder leagues to NLS) with their incompetence recently.

I don't think they will bother too much with leagues below Step 7, so whinge away.

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I'm hearing a team has appealed to the CFA after applying to go combo, which is why the trelawny leagues can't confirm leagues and fixtures (as they may yet be in the trelawny leagues). Any idea which side that is? I'm assuming it's because their application to combo was rejected?

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3 hours ago, 1ofthekids said:

I'm hearing a team has appealed to the CFA after applying to go combo, which is why the trelawny leagues can't confirm leagues and fixtures (as they may yet be in the trelawny leagues). Any idea which side that is? I'm assuming it's because their application to combo was rejected?

An appeal was lodged against the outcome of the Combination  League AGM as announced on their Facebook page a little while back.  The outcome of that appeal was passed to the Combination League on 9th July so all should become clear soon.

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5 hours ago, 1ofthekids said:

I'm hearing a team has appealed to the CFA after applying to go combo, which is why the trelawny leagues can't confirm leagues and fixtures (as they may yet be in the trelawny leagues). Any idea which side that is? I'm assuming it's because their application to combo was rejected?

Falmouth united 

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On 14/07/2021 at 16:02, Dave Bartlam said:

We cancelled our application.

It didn't feel right leapfrogging the other divisions 

Thankyou for clearing that up Dave 

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On 14/07/2021 at 20:36, Steve Carpenter said:

An appeal was lodged against the outcome of the Combination  League AGM as announced on their Facebook page a little while back.  The outcome of that appeal was passed to the Combination League on 9th July so all should become clear soon.

Seems like the carrier pigeon has got lost. Noticeable lack of  information from Combination League as to outcome. 

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5 hours ago, Clubman said:

Seems like the carrier pigeon has got lost. Noticeable lack of  information from Combination League as to outcome. 

John Roberts still breathing, then ? Golls ! What time's the stage coach with the square wheels arriving from Godolphin Cross ?

Just now, isaac rosenberg said:

John Roberts still breathing, then ? Golls ! What time's the stage coach with the square wheels arriving from Godolphin Cross ?

I am still waiting for my Xmas card. 

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SGM (face-to-face) at Holman SC this coming Tuesday. I assume all will be revealed after that.

On 14/07/2021 at 20:36, Steve Carpenter said:

An appeal was lodged against the outcome of the Combination  League AGM as announced on their Facebook page a little while back.  The outcome of that appeal was passed to the Combination League on 9th July so all should become clear soon.


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so you have two 'senior' leagues, that your meant to have ambition to move up through the leagues to get to them...

ow no wait, its Cornish football, you can just apply to join them no matter what...

And everyone wonders why players dont have the ambition to play as high as possible, just rather play with friends... 

The whole Cornish structure and attitude to drive players and clubs to earn what they deserve is poor... no wonder volunteers, managers and players are not loyal, its problem created by the league set up and the ability to tell people and clubs no.... go away and earn your right to join our leagues etc..

Instead of saying yes you can drop out of prem as its a tough division and re-join next year, tell clubs to buck up there ideas and fight for their place in their league, it shouldn't be easy to jump leagues or just join leagues freely...

Glad I am out of all the the leagues have created...... you are not increasing participation in football in Cornwall, you have created a joke of Cornish football...

Well done

On 17/07/2021 at 23:27, bighairydave said:

Provisional fixtures have been sent to clubs, but until the Combination League do their fixtures there isn't much that the Trelawny League can do.


They could send out fixtures for any club that hasn't got a team in Combo.. most clubs dont have a team in Combo.. so combo fixtures would not affect most clubs....

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You have no idea what it takes to issue a complete fixture list until ALL the leagues above have released their fixtures .

Its not only the Combo league that also have teams in Trelawny , add in ST Pirans , Swpl and possibly Western leagues soon , they all get first pick on pitches !

Your theory would lead to some clubs not playing for weeks on end as no pitches would be available ! Can you tell me in July what pitches are free in April ? 

Keep spouting your rubbish and leave the rest to people who know what they are doing !!! 

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1 hour ago, skinner said:

What is the problem with fall unt

I’d imagine nothing looking at full time I see they finished 2nd ( in Covid times)in division 3 so I’d expect promotion to division 2 scratching my head why they or any other club in that scenario to ask/appeal/expect to be promoted 3 leagues . That make sense? 

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A team in the league with ambition should nt jump up and help them reach their ambitions quicker and develop and challenge their youth but NEW teams should jump straight in??? There wasn’t enough teams to make up the Combo so teams applied, congratulations to the teams who got in, no sour grapes at all but I think too many people don’t know the facts behind teams applying. Congrats to Mullion and Ben at Godolphin 👍

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23 minutes ago, Dave Deacon said:

Not particularly biting, just trying to help him relieve himself with the invitation to open up and then chill 😉 

Wasn’t aimed at you to be fair. Life in the old dog seemed like a biter 

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On 21/07/2021 at 08:03, Dave Deacon said:

Would you like to share them?

The combo did nt have enough teams so although promotion is the fair way to move up, if there’s not enough teams with ambition or facilities to meet criteria then either the league stays very small or you accept teams that have everything in place. Godolphin are a lovey bunch and we wish them all the best but we are established club and I really think we could have added to the combo league. Wasn’t to be, the appeal was never going to change anything that was made quite apparent when the meeting started but we had our say. Also good luck to mousehole u21s with whatever their future holds 👍

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