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Callington Town vs Falmouth Town - events

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Evening all,


I will write a full detailed match report tomorrow morning.


but I had the opportunity to take this game in today, sat in the stand with my grandson and a lovely pasty, fantastic afternoon for football.

Falmouth, absolutely fantastic today! 

However, in my 60 odd years of playing, watching and refereeing I have never & I mean never. Watched such a horrendous performance from a referee.

He booked 7 and sent 2 off for Callington, (some definitely deserved, silly fouls)

Although hearing him, swear at players…told a defender who asked him why a foul was given to “shut the **** up” - heading over to the home bench and for a short man, very nearly nose to nose with multiple people on the bench telling them to sit, like a dog or they will be sent.

Even as I was walking past the referees changing room, he was hanging out the door calling people little boys and adding more fuel to the fire. Wasn’t helped by his linesmen at’ll.


Although Falmouth deserved to win today, and some fantastic football played with a cracker of a goal scored, I can’t help but feel sorry for the lads that was booked or sent off by a ref that was quiet clearly on the wind up today!

Full report to come…

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51 minutes ago, Greygen said:

Although hearing him, swear at players…told a defender who asked him why a foul was given to “shut the **** up” - heading over to the home bench and for a short man, very nearly nose to nose with multiple people on the bench telling them to sit, like a dog or they will be sent.


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Good evening callington! I was a spectator at this game and I totally disagree with what your saying!! I thought this referee had a very good game the red cards we’re well deserved, also I think you should be piping down a bit as when I arrived for 3pm ko it was delayed because there wasn’t any markings on the pitch previous to this!  What club doesn’t have markings or Goal posts up all ready for a game at 3pm?? 

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37 minutes ago, Dave Deacon said:


Dave, honestly. It was almost as if he was just trying to make the situation escalate by trying to stamp his authority, swearing at a player can maybe be tongue in cheek if you’ve got a good relationship with the players, but the way he was telling people to sit and his aggressive attitude was a tough watch, I’d like to offer support to the FA and write a report on what I saw, because that’s not a good example to set.

Is this possible? 

1 minute ago, badgerboy21 said:

Good evening callington! I was a spectator at this game and I totally disagree with what your saying!! I thought this referee had a very good game the red cards we’re well deserved, also I think you should be piping down a bit as when I arrived for 3pm ko it was delayed because there wasn’t any markings on the pitch previous to this!  What club doesn’t have markings or Goal posts up all ready for a game at 3pm?? 

Don’t fully understand your tone, telling me to pipe down. I agree, was very poor set up & organisation from Callington and whoever runs the club. 

Maybe, direct your frustrations at the club who hosted the game and not at another spectator who has nothing to do with the situation?

Furthermore, I was very close to the incident! So unless you was sat in front of me, and with braids in your hair I’m not sure you are fully aware of the situation from 70 yards away infront if the clubhouse, but either way. Enjoy your evening mate👍🏻

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I could see clearly the incidents and from where I was the ref made the right decisions, I felt so sorry for that ref today having to put up with a poor quality team who just likes to be on the refs back all game, maybe you want to think with out referees there would be no games!! So let’s give the ref a break/ whether his decions are right or wrong just be thankful for a game of football 

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The referee always seem to get slagged off on here and there never any context to it because it all 1 sided and he can’t come on and explain his decision. I doubt there any video evidence of a ref swearing at players and the bench so yet again we have to take the word of a disgruntled player or fan  

who would ever want to be ref !!


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The ref definitely had his hands full today but I thought he handled it fair!y well. Who would be a ref?

Callington should maybe learn to be a bit smarter and get on the right side of the officials.  Every 50/50 decision will go against them if they are getting on the refs nerves. It is human nature!

Falmouth were a bit less vocal and a bit more respectful which worked in their favour it seemed.

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2 hours ago, Greygen said:

Evening all,


I will write a full detailed match report tomorrow morning.


but I had the opportunity to take this game in today, sat in the stand with my grandson and a lovely pasty, fantastic afternoon for football.

Falmouth, absolutely fantastic today! 

However, in my 60 odd years of playing, watching and refereeing I have never & I mean never. Watched such a horrendous performance from a referee.

He booked 7 and sent 2 off for Callington, (some definitely deserved, silly fouls)

Although hearing him, swear at players…told a defender who asked him why a foul was given to “shut the **** up” - heading over to the home bench and for a short man, very nearly nose to nose with multiple people on the bench telling them to sit, like a dog or they will be sent.

Even as I was walking past the referees changing room, he was hanging out the door calling people little boys and adding more fuel to the fire. Wasn’t helped by his linesmen at’ll.


Although Falmouth deserved to win today, and some fantastic football played with a cracker of a goal scored, I can’t help but feel sorry for the lads that was booked or sent off by a ref that was quiet clearly on the wind up today!

Full report to come…

Maybe the refs are sick of taking abuse and have decided to give a bit back. Lol

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Greygen - you were at the match, so I totally respect your opinion. I would just add a couple of points - Stuart Kane is usually an outstanding Ref and I have seen him take loads of abuse (and more) at matches and not known him to over react. 

Second thing is this Callington team is virtually last years St Blazey team, lest we forget their antics on and off the pitch and discipline record for abuse and reckless tackles. I know they should be judged on actual events but sometimes players don’t help themselves. 

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7 minutes ago, Bobjfh said:

Greygen - you were at the match, so I totally respect your opinion. I would just add a couple of points - Stuart Kane is usually an outstanding Ref and I have seen him take loads of abuse (and more) at matches and not known him to over react. 

Second thing is this Callington team is virtually last years St Blazey team, lest we forget their antics on and off the pitch and discipline record for abuse and reckless tackles. I know they should be judged on actual events but sometimes players don’t help themselves. 

Very fair comments, I’ve traveled from bude for watch this game today. In fact I’ve traveled to this game to watch and support Falmouth after being impressed with watching them against Lanson last year!

So I was watching as a close to a neutral as possible, just think Mr Kane was incredibly rude and aggressive and could have handled it far better, considering he’s a national league official

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i attended yesterdays match  and a fair few of callingtons games over the years, i am  not a callington fan but attend nearby games in east cornwall, whatever takes my interest , anyhow as for the ref i thought he was very good, he got nothing but stick and abuse from  callington players which  was sometimes embarrasing to listen to,could of been more sendings off, one elderly gentlemen on the way out  said callington were a bunch of sunday league thugs, his words not mine, as for callington i was expecting more with all these new signings but  they look just as bad as last couple  years team,they were very unorganized and looked unfit,as for the pitch  not being ready, i arrived at just before 3pm   they were still fitting nets  still lining the pitch  and no corner flags , the grass look to long, which is a shame becuase its always been a great club to watch football at......from what i was told   , there is a lot of resentment in the town over the appointment of the manager and team, which has left only 3 or 4 people trying to run the club , and home fans staying away, you probally could not get to double figures on home fans yesterday,as for falmouth, they looked very good, and very good away support....for me this saturday  will be a trip to liskeard

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Has any team ever lost a football match yet that WASN'T the fault of the referee or linesmen ????
Some posts made by alledged players in this thread, freely admit cheating and moaning about decisions that were given against them, for them the name of the game is to cheat as much as possible as it's the only way to beat the opposition whose team is superior.
Sportsmen or the product of the win at all cost attitude that prevails in the game  ?

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2 minutes ago, The waltz said:

I don’t no of you ever played and doesn’t sound like it because u would no this .. 

Sorry to disappoint but along with a lot of other players of my age, we were never taught how to cheat to win because it was a mans game and you learnt to lose because it taught you that you needed to improve to win anything !!!
Watch some of the Matches Revisited programmes on T.V. when if you were hacked down by a Norman Hunter or Billy Bremner type tackle, you got up and got on with the game and didn't do a dying swan act like the many prima donnas of today.
Cheating is a common tatic today, commentators and pundits often promote cheating and state that " he was too honest, if he had gone down he would have got a penalty '' a sad reflection of how the game has been influenced by peoples attitudes.

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The problem is you bring in a manager that had issues at his previous club with discipline he practically binned off the entire previous squad  

the players he connected too are all going to join him and most are Sunday league standard and play in an aggressive Manner . They have no connection locally to callington so why would they get to a ground early to help prepare a pitch 

it happened last season at St Blazey every other week it was the refs fault. Never the players 

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17 minutes ago, Keith B said:

A few seasons back I watched Okehampton Argyle play Axminster I think it was. Stuart Kane laid down the ground rules right at the start and said he would stand no nonsense ( at Okehampton you can plainly hear what the ref says). Just after the second half began Mr Kane warned two Okehampton players for foul language. Seconds later he booked those players for continued bad language. Within five minutes he blew his whistle and red carded both Okehampton players. After that no body swore again. He reffed the game well and at the end I called to him and told him so and he thanked me. 

Again I say, in my opinion Stuart Kane is certainly a top Referee.

Known Stuart well since back in the day when he started his career with the whistle Keith and dare i say had a lot to do with his early experiences! He has progressed well thro the leagues and we have only had the benefit of his expertise over the past week or so as he's been to Jannerland on his hols.

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Was a toss up between watching Millbrook or Callington yesterday and as I watched Millbrook on Wednesday night, thought I’d take up an afternoon at Callington.

Should have gone to Millbrook.

Firstly having arrived 35 minutes early to eat my pasty before ko, I had to wait a further 25 minutes after 15:00 for the game to kick off as the groundsman hadn’t marked the pitch.

Falmouth on the day were shall we say efficient and to be honest, their 3rd team could have beat Callington on the day.

CM for Falmouth (Webber) was excellent all game.

Callington we’re reckless in tackles, poor with and without the ball and lacked any clear leadership or direction.

Falmouth already for me the team to beat and as for Callington, unless things change quickly, it’s going to be long hard season for them.

All the best to both teams for the rest of the season.

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Completely agree,Keith;I thought Stuart had an outstanding game:if anything he could have been even harsher against Callington. As for Greygen's

comments,I can only assume(unlike Mr.Kane) he had an off day.I,m afraid watching Callington's unruly mob is about as enjoyable as watching "It's a Knockout".

I give this lot another 2 months

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On 14/08/2021 at 19:16, Greygen said:


However, in my 60 odd years of playing, watching and refereeing I have never & I mean never. Watched such a horrendous performance from a referee.

He booked 7 and sent 2 off for Callington, (some definitely deserved, silly fouls)

Although hearing him, swear at players…told a defender who asked him why a foul was given to “shut the **** up” - heading over to the home bench and for a short man, very nearly nose to nose with multiple people on the bench telling them to sit, like a dog or they will be sent.


Oh dear, rose tinted spectacles me thinks. It is beggars belief that you select your disgust at the referee using somewhat colourful language, when the clientele of the Callington side, who many on this thread have highlighted as the former St Blazey side, are some of the most reprehensible and abhorrent individuals to set foot on a pitch.

There is a culture deeply embedded within that group of young men that promotes a nasty, violent and toxic-thuggish mentality. It needs rooting out quickly because it's becoming accepted and once a precedent is set, it's then normalised.

Aggressive, caveman like behaviour has no place in sport. Most will try to indoctrinate this as 'determination' & 'hunger/desire'. Massive, HUGE difference between being competitive and being an out and out thug. 


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44 minutes ago, Roche Raider said:

Oh dear, rose tinted spectacles me thinks. It is beggars belief that you select your disgust at the referee using somewhat colourful language, when the clientele of the Callington side, who many on this thread have highlighted as the former St Blazey side, are some of the most reprehensible and abhorrent individuals to set foot on a pitch.

There is a culture deeply embedded within that group of young men that promotes a nasty, violent and toxic-thuggish mentality. It needs rooting out quickly because it's becoming accepted and once a precedent is set, it's then normalised.

Aggressive, caveman like behaviour has no place in sport. Most will try to indoctrinate this as 'determination' & 'hunger/desire'. Massive, HUGE difference between being competitive and being an out and out thug. 


I won’t get in the middle of your and Greygen’s opinions but I will say that whilst the top levels of the game act in this way AND the TV cameras pick up either the language directly or via lip reading, IT AIN’T GONNA STOP at the lower levels.

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2 minutes ago, baldy said:

I won’t get in the middle of your and Greygen’s opinions but I will say that whilst the top levels of the game act in this way AND the TV cameras pick up either the language directly or via lip reading, IT AIN’T GONNA STOP at the lower levels.

Language is always subject to context. You miss a shot; you swear in frustration.

Snarling in someones face whilst telling them to "go **** themselves" or directly verbally abusing someone by calling them a "plucking runt" (disguised obs) is disgusting and should not be tolerated. We can criticise refs when we lose because things haven't gone our way but I'd happily applaud a referee every single time he books someone, if a player acts so disgracefully unpleasant towards him.


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It seems like Callington are starting where last seasons Blazey side finished off. I am personally surprised that a family Club like Callington have this manager and this group of players to wear the shirt especially with how the new manager introduced himself. The manager and most of the players are out of depth at this level and even with aggressive and bullish tactics will still be outplayed every week. I will not be wasting my time by going down to the Marsh to watch the dross again.

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On 16/08/2021 at 14:40, Footy follower said:

I watched st blazey a few times last year and in those games didnt see any issue with their on pitch conduct. 

Maybe some are still judging them, and I suppose they can't complain too much, on their covid issue

last season the discipline on the pitch was much improved on the seasons before that. Away from the club was a different matter

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6 hours ago, KernowGaffer said:

It seems like Callington are starting where last seasons Blazey side finished off. I am personally surprised that a family Club like Callington have this manager and this group of players to wear the shirt especially with how the new manager introduced himself. The manager and most of the players are out of depth at this level and even with aggressive and bullish tactics will still be outplayed every week. I will not be wasting my time by going down to the Marsh to watch the dross again.

When Bodmin played Callington the other day, Callington were all well behaved. No problems what so ever.

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