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Jersey Bulls v Falmouth Town (FA Vase)

Quiet Man

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Arrangements are in progress organising a charter flight departing from Newquay at 9.30am on Saturday 10th February, returning from Jersey at 6.30pm the same day. At present the price is £375/ person but we are trying to get some sponsorship to reduce this. Fingers crossed. We know that this is quite a sum of money,  but it's probably a once in a lifetime chance,  so to this end if you are interested,  please DM me. We have to confirm with the charter company if we wish to proceed,  so to this end, payment will need to be made at Falmouth Town Social Club this coming Sunday afternoon. 

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29 minutes ago, mattelot said:

Plane now full I believe Charlie with a reserve list in operation?:thumbsup:

Reserve list is now in operation. As Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream ". I never thought that this could be achieved,  but it just goes to show what can be done if you want it badly enough. Even some Jersey Bulls supporters have chipped in, so a big  Thank you  to them...and everyone else who has made this possible. Win or lose, we have done something that just a few days ago was just  "pie in the sky". Now there be over 120 Town supporters in Jersey to give the team  support. UTT.

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Fair play 👏 

How many other Cornish clubs have flown to away matches in the past?

St Blazey players and supporters flew to Newcastle when they played Crook Town.

Any other Cornish clubs took to the sky? 

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Yea that is different level stuff ! Big well done to all involved in getting the charter flight sorted and to Falmouths fans for filling it ! Different gravy that ! 👏👏👏

10 hours ago, Quiet Man said:

I didn't know that Glossop was overseas!  Wait, it is over the Tamar. 😁😁

Where is the question did it mention overseas ? In defence though I’m sure Newquay to Manchester does flick over the Atlantic from takeoff , I hope that counts 👍

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Will be a massive boost to have a MINIMUM of 70 fans (from what I understand there are others making other arrangements to get there) in the ground.

A mammoth effort to charter a plane and organise, the passion shown from these supporters is unmatched in the county ATM.

Big respect @Jeff Chambers & team 👏


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11 minutes ago, Jeremy Wade said:

Will be a massive boost to have a MINIMUM of 70 fans (from what I understand there are others making other arrangements to get there) in the ground.

A mammoth effort to charter a plane and organise, the passion shown from these supporters is unmatched in the county ATM.

Big respect @Jeff Chambers & team 👏


And a big-up to all those non Town fans who have funded their jolly thru the crowd funder. Could become a fashionable thing. 

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On 20/01/2024 at 08:56, Jeremy Wade said:

Will be a massive boost to have a MINIMUM of 70 fans (from what I understand there are others making other arrangements to get there) in the ground.

A mammoth effort to charter a plane and organise, the passion shown from these supporters is unmatched in the county ATM.

Big respect @Jeff Chambers & team 👏


Thanks JW. Never sorted a chartered plane out before and to be honest at the start i thought it may be a step too far however the plane is full and there is a reserve list.  Doubling and tripling the prices from Exeter when everyone enquired about flights to Jersey on the 9th & 10th of Feb was the reason so we looked into a chartered plane. 


It promises to be an incredible trip and if we can top it off with a win then even better. UTMT 

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On 19/01/2024 at 21:34, Paul said:

Fair play 👏 

How many other Cornish clubs have flown to away matches in the past?

St Blazey players and supporters flew to Newcastle when they played Crook Town.

Any other Cornish clubs took to the sky? 

Looks like Falmouth have played in Jersey before. Back in 1977/78 against First Tower United in a Rothmans Cup tie. Don't know how they got there, hopefully this will spark some recollections amongst forum members.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Feel like a proud dad!! What an amazing result for Town!! Must admit to feeling a bit nervous around 2pm today so just got in my car and drove to Mevagissey and watched them beat Bodmin Town Res 3-2 in one of the only games on locally today! Just wanted to be on my own sat in the car listening to BBC Radio Jerseys coverage of the game which was very good I thought, the commentary and summarising was excellent and not at all biased! Fair play 👍 Just felt it all went Towns way and the longer it went on the better it got! Their manager sent off, Simsy scoring the penalty 1-0, they hit the post, they had a player sin binned, then Ollys shot deflected in for 2-0, them chasing the game and Cam making it 3-0!! Was Towns day!! 😄🧡🖤.  So chuffed for all the F Troopers that made the trip, what an unbelievable effort made, how many step 5 football teams in the UK would charter their own plane to go and support their team!! Special people those guys. As for Westy and the lads, hope they’re having the time of their lives over there tonight!! Football can give you a few lows as a manager and player but it can give you the best highs as well and those boys will be buzzing tonight!! Done Cornwall proud!! Always love results like this when Cornish teams go away and smash teams up the line (and over the water in this case). We got some cracking players down here and it’s brilliant when they go and prove it. The bookies had Jersey 5/1 to win the Vase and Falmouth at 25/1 before this game which says it all!!! Worth a cheeky tenner I thought!! 😄👍 Town 2 rounds from Wembley, time to start dreaming 😴😀 Well done to everyone who flew over today, one you’ll all never forget I’m sure!! 🧡🖤👏🏼👍

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Some reaction after todays match

Click on the above link.

includes post-match with both managers (it was the Bulls assistant manager who got the red), Wardy, Cam and of course the F-Troop with the last word going to Charlie who was on Friday’s podcast with RAPPO and me.

As RAPPO said its so good when these afternoons happen and so well done to everyone connected with Falmouth Town and a big thank you as well to Jersey Bulls who have been so accommodating over the last couple of days. 

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Well done Falmouth on winning a match that was thought pre match by the majority to be a home win.
The radio commentary was overshadowed by the incessant background noise of a drumbeat that somewhat dimmed comment of the occasion.
Nevertheless it was the result on the pitch that mattered and Falmouth can hold their heads high as a result of removing a fancied competitor from the competition.
Judging from the forgoing comments, Jersey Royals club should also be congratulated in the way the visiting team and their supporters were treated, a breath of fresh air in a competitive arena.

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34 minutes ago, Bantona said:

Fantastic for Falmouth and Cornish football! When is the draw for the next round? When is the 1/4s? Sorry, if I’ve missed this in the thread! 

Draw is 1500 on Monday, next round is sat 9th March.

35 minutes ago, Footy follower said:

Great win for Falmouth.....well done all who made the big effort to support.......but yeh....let's get rid of drums at football please 🤞

Great battles were always led by army's to the sound of a beating drum.

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