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All paying spectators were refunded their entrance fees and those who purchased 50/50 tickets were also refunded. Think of the other effects - unsold pasties and other food that was heated and has to be chucked away, programmes , kit has to be washed, and of course not just the referees fees but also those of the linesmen if they claim their expenses. Maybe the officials should be paid one ninetieth of their fees ! Lol !

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I think the referee and officials are only entitled to half their match fee because of the time completed.
Personally I hope they didn't take it as realistically they made a bit of a mistake starting it!attachicon.gifimage.jpg

Unfortunately, the officials are entitled to their full fee as the game had started. The cynical part of me would say that the match was started in order for the officials to claim their fee. On another note, the assistants were both from Plymouth. One of them was Barry Jackson, who is the appointments officer. He will always give himself a midweek game, but surely there were a couple of Cornish assistants who could have done the game, thus reducing the expenses? If Mr Jackson is so keen to appoint himself to midweek matches, surely he could have appointed himself to the Ivybridge v Saltash game on Tuesday evening? Oh no, wait, he couldn't then claim as much in expenses could he?
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I think the referee and officials are only entitled to half their match fee because of the time completed.
Personally I hope they didn't take it as realistically they made a bit of a mistake starting it!attachicon.gifimage.jpg

Unfortunately, the officials are entitled to their full fee as the game had started. The cynical part of me would say that the match was started in order for the officials to claim their fee. On another note, the assistants were both from Plymouth. One of them was Barry Jackson, who is the appointments officer. He will always give himself a midweek game, but surely there were a couple of Cornish assistants who could have done the game, thus reducing the expenses? If Mr Jackson is so keen to appoint himself to midweek matches, surely he could have appointed himself to the Ivybridge v Saltash game on Tuesday evening? Oh no, wait, he couldn't then claim as much in expenses could he?

In defence of the officials - they would have shared transport surely and so any travelling expenses down to only a third!
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Interesting chat with the ref via Twitter yesterday afternoon before the game and then afterwards :-


NH : Just chilling with my 2 favourite girls before my big game to #Referee tonight...

DD : Should be a good game at Poltair!

NH : I have 2 very good assistants and let's hope we have a quiet #InTheBackGround game.. #commonsense #Referee

DD : Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want to notice you guys in black tonight :)

NH : So very true... I just hope the benches behave... I always find that my hardest challenge as a #Referee

DD : They never had a chance tonight!!!

NH : More than I can say for my misfortunes with the #Fog...  #VeryDisapointed

DD : Yes, it's occasions like these that the ref should be able to come out in open, hold up their hand and say "I made a mistake"

NH : I will learn from this! I made my decision on the fact that I have Refereed in worse and Fog could of cleared

DD : Did you take your match fee?

NH : We have to take half of fee and travel #ItsTheRules I am gutted as anyone else as big appointment for me!

DD : Even if a rule, surely as a gesture you could have given back to the club. At worst perhaps donate to the SWPL benev fund?

NH : I heard some players still took their fees!! And at least St Austell had chance to make money at the T hut and bar

NH : Ok, I wont b embroiled in further conversation here.... Take care guys..

DD : Shame you couldn't have finished by admitting mistake.Would have been great PR move to help you guys,who have a difficult job!

NH : Dave u had my reason I know a lot of Officials who have got into serious trouble on #Twitter Goodnight.. Thanks for chat

DD : Thanks too to you for trying to explain. Cheers

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Guest cescfab_4



I believe Neil has held his hands up with the decision. Sure everyone wanted to see the game played and sometimes it can cloud our judgement. Neil is one of the better referees around in my opinion. Like he said, he'll learn from this which is more than most would say. DD sounds like you were attempting to bait Mr Hunnisett into a response, yes he could've given his fee back. However, even if the game was called off on his arrival he would still receive half of his match fee.

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I believe Neil has held his hands up with the decision. Sure everyone wanted to see the game played and sometimes it can cloud our judgement. Neil is one of the better referees around in my opinion. Like he said, he'll learn from this which is more than most would say. DD sounds like you were attempting to bate Mr Hunnisett into a response, yes he could've given his fee back. However, even if the game was called off on his arrival he would still receive half of his match fee.

Not trying to bate, but in these days when referees get a lot of stick, I just thought it would have been a great opportunity for him to come straight out with it and say "Sorry, I made a mistake".

As far as the fee goes - he didn't have to take it! Yes travelling expenses fair enough, it's not his fault that it was foggy.

He was being assessed last night - could this have been why he was so keen for the game to go ahead?


Neil said "I have Refereed in worse" - most of us there last night were struggling to recall much worse and when I say "most of us" that includes people that have seen a lot of football over many, many years. I certainly can't recall myself turning up at a match and immediately thinking "there's no way this game should be started!" 

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Seems odd.  As an ex referee I would have assessed the situation before starting the match and ask the club to announce there would be a delay.  I would have given it 15 minutes or so or perhaps even longer before making my decision.  I certainly would not have started the game if it was that bad.  Indeed the referee has only made a fool of himself by calling the match off when he realised within a minute he had made a mistake.   Another thing.  Before the match is due to start the referee should have (maybe he did) gone to the halfway line and looked to see if he could see both ends of the pitch, if not he should have either delayed the start are postponed the match straight away if in his opinion the match could not have been completed.  He also has the responsibility of not only the players but the spectators.  A c*ock up all round methinks 

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You'll never learn Big Al.


The Cornwall FA has nothing to do with the Peninsula League, who have their own Referees Appointments Officer; their League Rules are set by the FA at Wembly - as they are common to all Step 6 Leagues. FA Rules stipulate how much Referees are paid in such circumstances. If you must continue to moan about local football, at least do some homework first and point your oft mistaken and unwarranted criticism in the right direction!


It seems to me that everyone followed the correct procedures: you can only blame the weather!

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