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Millbrook - how do they afford WL football?

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I was looking at a Facebook Non League group and saw a report and pictures from Millbrook v Street. The stated attendance was 35!! How on earth can WL football be sustained with that level of support? Apart from Marjon no-one even in the SWPL has that paucity of support.

Long term is the WL the best place for them to be?

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11 minutes ago, Mike Odgers said:

         128 to see  Truro tonight fighting to get into The National League (South)

345 Blaise Park as St.Blazey get promoted to The western League  3-2 v Sticker

I'm guessing around half of the 128 are comps assuming they are included in the total figure. 

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Unfortunately Millbrook do not have enough local support. Mainly family or friends of players/ club. Also this season  paying out on coaches instead of sensible management of funds. I fear for the future of the club. It has been fortunate to have players loyal enough to play for nothing and not get travel expenses . It is just not sustainable and in todays climate it does cost alot to maintain a club and for supporters who would like to visit matches. 

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Strange really a club in that location with millbrook population about 2500 they only get 30 odd coming through the gate and that’s mainly players family   
have they done anything to engage the local community? Get the local children involved  . Seems to be same issue Tavistock have to some  extent getting local community involved 



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10 hours ago, panda said:

Have heard rumours they wanted to return to SWPL.

The failed Western League/Peninsula League merger would have been good for them.

Given how he keeps them competitive in this league with the resources he has, Macca Brown would be one of my candidates for Cornish Football Manager Of The Year. They do have a lot of youngsters intheir side (know that one of their coaches has links to the Plymouth Argyle youth set up), so that is the direction they have gone down player wise. Expect that they factor in losing a few of these players that they brought into step 5 football and developed each summer.

Finance wise, I have no idea how they sustain it. But looking at attendances in the Southern Prem for example, I don't know how the likes of Beaconsfield and North Leigh have kept going at that level on attendances that average below 200. They must have significant other revenue streams. Speaking to someone at Hayes last week, they spoke of how they struggle on their gates (average of just 207 this season) and that is for a team that is  consistently in and around the play off placings.

7 minutes ago, sportsman10 said:

Strange really a club in that location with millbrook population about 2500 they only get 30 odd coming through the gate and that’s mainly players family   
have they done anything to engage the local community? Get the local children involved  . Seems to be same issue Tavistock have to some  extent getting local community involved 



Just seems to be the way, some towns just have little or no interest in their club. Liskeard for example, successful side over the last few seasons, strong nucleus of local players ,pretty common consensus that they play attractive football, yet they get average gates of 130. 

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WOTP - all our local clubs have to work hard to build a sustainable level of support. Nearly all struggling to differing degrees. No easy answers. As you say, Liskeard play great football and deserve bigger crowds. Tavi average of 150 -  can’t be easy to make ends meet at SL level. Again, a smashing club, and one punching above their weight consistently!

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a fair few clubs have sponsorships that are more than likely the main income or a good clubhouse that is open a lot, Saltash for  example  average crowds of say 150  but have good sponsorship and a decent clubhouse, there are only so many football fans about , argyle doing really well  will not help local football,, teams like dobwalls, st dennis and callington  struggle for local support, small towns like callington are lucky to get a handfull of local supporters, and  clubs like this depend on sponsorship etc, the recent success of local clubs climbing the leagues is great , but for fan bases to grow , it is just not there, in my opinion...

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14 hours ago, Both Sides of the Tamar said:

I was looking at a Facebook Non League group and saw a report and pictures from Millbrook v Street. The stated attendance was 35!! How on earth can WL football be sustained with that level of support? Apart from Marjon no-one even in the SWPL has that paucity of support.

Long term is the WL the best place for them to be?

None of the Millbrooker players get payed 

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Millbrook have tried to engage the local community but it seems most of this village would rather not have a football ground at all. The clubhouse is lovely but not being used. Yes sponsorship is great but the costs in the Western league is just beyond Millbrook. Whether it continues at all is doubtful. Every club is competing for supporters but if you can visit a match without ferry costs or it is cheaper to get in at the turnstiles and the atmosphere is great these are all factors against Millbrook. Also a small parking area which means alot of problems for away supporters. Maybe they should of not took that gamble of going up 

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I was hoping to read this thread and find some answers! I don’t normally comment but was made aware of the topic, and also aware of rumours surrounding the club, and so I decided to jump in, I hope this response cannot be filed under the ‘airing dirty laundry in public’ folder.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the attendance was 36, my neighbour told me yesterday morning he counted 22! In all seriousness, it’s not a laughing matter and is of course extremely frustrating for us, but it’s always been the way, despite many attempts to boost interest, and despite the success on the pitch over recent seasons BUT I must state how appreciative we are of the support we do get. 

In terms of ‘getting paid’, for the past 2 seasons the club tried valiantly to offer some expenses, but in both seasons, Dave is correct, they made it to about November. I remember taking the call from the interim chairman the day before the original Saltash away game this season which was called off on the day in the end, so that’s an indication of exactly when it was. The club does offer petrol money to drivers for away games, thankfully since Xmas we’ve predominantly been at home. 

In terms of the rumour regarding voluntary relegation, I have no idea what the club plan to do and have been kept in the dark. I’ve been told more from Managers of other clubs about our situation than my own! I know there was a league Survey, but I suppose it’s very hard for clubs to make decisions when there are so many rumours flying about of clubs pulling out left, right and centre. 

Finally, the money etc is all irrelevant regarding about what we do on the pitch because it’s about the players, and the quality and loyalty of them all. We may not be able to get in the local galactico’s, which means we have to settle for mid-table, but just because they don’t get paid it doesn’t make them bad players. We have been what we have been for many years because the lads play for the right reasons and I’ll be forever grateful for their dedication and loyalty. I’m sure those that attended the Senior Cup Final saw how much they care, and we matched an outfit at the other end of the scale to us financially, so it’s not the be all and end all. 

Where it leaves the future for the club, who knows? Should the club have taken promotion in the first place? It was a risk, but wonderful things happen when you take risks and the last couple of years have been pretty special. I am grateful the club showed ambition against the odds, to reward the players and myself with the challenge, even if it’s not been easy. 

Regarding the dirty laundry, I’m sure that’ll all come out in the wash over the next few weeks 🤷‍♂️

One to go. All the best to Danny & Jake and their clubs going into the big weekend, and well done to Matt, Westy and Dean on excellent seasons in the TSWL 👏🏻


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I actually think what millbrook have  done on zero money and no support from the local community is outstanding to hold their own   and much bigger clubs around  would kill to have that sort of set up. 
Would imagine if they did take voluntary relegation and the players all leave that be it for millbrook.  Will be just a Sunday league ground. 

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3 hours ago, MaccaB said:


I was hoping to read this thread and find some answers! I don’t normally comment but was made aware of the topic, and also aware of rumours surrounding the club, and so I decided to jump in, I hope this response cannot be filed under the ‘airing dirty laundry in public’ folder.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the attendance was 36, my neighbour told me yesterday morning he counted 22! In all seriousness, it’s not a laughing matter and is of course extremely frustrating for us, but it’s always been the way, despite many attempts to boost interest, and despite the success on the pitch over recent seasons BUT I must state how appreciative we are of the support we do get. 

In terms of ‘getting paid’, for the past 2 seasons the club tried valiantly to offer some expenses, but in both seasons, Dave is correct, they made it to about November. I remember taking the call from the interim chairman the day before the original Saltash away game this season which was called off on the day in the end, so that’s an indication of exactly when it was. The club does offer petrol money to drivers for away games, thankfully since Xmas we’ve predominantly been at home. 

In terms of the rumour regarding voluntary relegation, I have no idea what the club plan to do and have been kept in the dark. I’ve been told more from Managers of other clubs about our situation than my own! I know there was a league Survey, but I suppose it’s very hard for clubs to make decisions when there are so many rumours flying about of clubs pulling out left, right and centre. 

Finally, the money etc is all irrelevant regarding about what we do on the pitch because it’s about the players, and the quality and loyalty of them all. We may not be able to get in the local galactico’s, which means we have to settle for mid-table, but just because they don’t get paid it doesn’t make them bad players. We have been what we have been for many years because the lads play for the right reasons and I’ll be forever grateful for their dedication and loyalty. I’m sure those that attended the Senior Cup Final saw how much they care, and we matched an outfit at the other end of the scale to us financially, so it’s not the be all and end all. 

Where it leaves the future for the club, who knows? Should the club have taken promotion in the first place? It was a risk, but wonderful things happen when you take risks and the last couple of years have been pretty special. I am grateful the club showed ambition against the odds, to reward the players and myself with the challenge, even if it’s not been easy. 

Regarding the dirty laundry, I’m sure that’ll all come out in the wash over the next few weeks 🤷‍♂️

One to go. All the best to Danny & Jake and their clubs going into the big weekend, and well done to Matt, Westy and Dean on excellent seasons in the TSWL 👏🏻


I'm sure Macca a whole load of people would agree with me that you and your players have done a terrific job over not just this season, but the past 5/6. It wasn't that long ago you and Mark Pratten were the instigators of saving the club. Great job 👏

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10 hours ago, MaccaB said:


I was hoping to read this thread and find some answers! I don’t normally comment but was made aware of the topic, and also aware of rumours surrounding the club, and so I decided to jump in, I hope this response cannot be filed under the ‘airing dirty laundry in public’ folder.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the attendance was 36, my neighbour told me yesterday morning he counted 22! In all seriousness, it’s not a laughing matter and is of course extremely frustrating for us, but it’s always been the way, despite many attempts to boost interest, and despite the success on the pitch over recent seasons BUT I must state how appreciative we are of the support we do get. 

In terms of ‘getting paid’, for the past 2 seasons the club tried valiantly to offer some expenses, but in both seasons, Dave is correct, they made it to about November. I remember taking the call from the interim chairman the day before the original Saltash away game this season which was called off on the day in the end, so that’s an indication of exactly when it was. The club does offer petrol money to drivers for away games, thankfully since Xmas we’ve predominantly been at home. 

In terms of the rumour regarding voluntary relegation, I have no idea what the club plan to do and have been kept in the dark. I’ve been told more from Managers of other clubs about our situation than my own! I know there was a league Survey, but I suppose it’s very hard for clubs to make decisions when there are so many rumours flying about of clubs pulling out left, right and centre. 

Finally, the money etc is all irrelevant regarding about what we do on the pitch because it’s about the players, and the quality and loyalty of them all. We may not be able to get in the local galactico’s, which means we have to settle for mid-table, but just because they don’t get paid it doesn’t make them bad players. We have been what we have been for many years because the lads play for the right reasons and I’ll be forever grateful for their dedication and loyalty. I’m sure those that attended the Senior Cup Final saw how much they care, and we matched an outfit at the other end of the scale to us financially, so it’s not the be all and end all. 

Where it leaves the future for the club, who knows? Should the club have taken promotion in the first place? It was a risk, but wonderful things happen when you take risks and the last couple of years have been pretty special. I am grateful the club showed ambition against the odds, to reward the players and myself with the challenge, even if it’s not been easy. 

Regarding the dirty laundry, I’m sure that’ll all come out in the wash over the next few weeks 🤷‍♂️

One to go. All the best to Danny & Jake and their clubs going into the big weekend, and well done to Matt, Westy and Dean on excellent seasons in the TSWL 👏🏻


Brilliantly put mate. You've done a great job there on a shoestring - Well done to you 

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12 hours ago, MaccaB said:


I was hoping to read this thread and find some answers! I don’t normally comment but was made aware of the topic, and also aware of rumours surrounding the club, and so I decided to jump in, I hope this response cannot be filed under the ‘airing dirty laundry in public’ folder.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the attendance was 36, my neighbour told me yesterday morning he counted 22! In all seriousness, it’s not a laughing matter and is of course extremely frustrating for us, but it’s always been the way, despite many attempts to boost interest, and despite the success on the pitch over recent seasons BUT I must state how appreciative we are of the support we do get. 

In terms of ‘getting paid’, for the past 2 seasons the club tried valiantly to offer some expenses, but in both seasons, Dave is correct, they made it to about November. I remember taking the call from the interim chairman the day before the original Saltash away game this season which was called off on the day in the end, so that’s an indication of exactly when it was. The club does offer petrol money to drivers for away games, thankfully since Xmas we’ve predominantly been at home. 

In terms of the rumour regarding voluntary relegation, I have no idea what the club plan to do and have been kept in the dark. I’ve been told more from Managers of other clubs about our situation than my own! I know there was a league Survey, but I suppose it’s very hard for clubs to make decisions when there are so many rumours flying about of clubs pulling out left, right and centre. 

Finally, the money etc is all irrelevant regarding about what we do on the pitch because it’s about the players, and the quality and loyalty of them all. We may not be able to get in the local galactico’s, which means we have to settle for mid-table, but just because they don’t get paid it doesn’t make them bad players. We have been what we have been for many years because the lads play for the right reasons and I’ll be forever grateful for their dedication and loyalty. I’m sure those that attended the Senior Cup Final saw how much they care, and we matched an outfit at the other end of the scale to us financially, so it’s not the be all and end all. 

Where it leaves the future for the club, who knows? Should the club have taken promotion in the first place? It was a risk, but wonderful things happen when you take risks and the last couple of years have been pretty special. I am grateful the club showed ambition against the odds, to reward the players and myself with the challenge, even if it’s not been easy. 

Regarding the dirty laundry, I’m sure that’ll all come out in the wash over the next few weeks 🤷‍♂️

One to go. All the best to Danny & Jake and their clubs going into the big weekend, and well done to Matt, Westy and Dean on excellent seasons in the TSWL 👏🏻


Top Class

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When we first took over at Millbrook it looked like an impossible task to resurrect, there were so many things wrong but that made it more of a challenge to try and save it which we all accepted.

The wider football family plus the community played their part and we will forever be grateful for that support as we achieved the impossible and survived, off the field we had a small but committed committee working day and night to improve things and on the field Macca and all of the loyal lads started to build something special, a bond that would take us to the SWPL Div 1 title and promotion to the then Prem div with new floodlights and ground improvements then on to the East Div, not once did we mention Western League as it was impossible for the club to consider it.

In those early days we had to regain the trust of locals in the village which we did over time as it was fractured from the previous regime, we refurbed  the clubhouse which looks great, holding many fantastic community events, you name it we did it and although we would never be a rich club we got by on a stable footing and began to look forward, gates did improve and for us to average 55- 75 in the SWPL was pleasing and on occasion for bigger games 100 plus.

when Covid hit and the FA decided on upward movement through PPG we as a club thought long and hard and we decided as a club to make the step, we knew it was going to be hard and to be fair we were averaging 107 in our first season in the Western league which was great for us but it was and always has been hard at Millbrook but we knew that, no one has ever cut us any slack but we done it, sorting what we could, paying travel expenses and doing our best to support Macca and the lads even at our own expense.

We created a successful player pathway for youth transitioning to the Adult game with the St Piran side through Rik and Danny and had a fantastic vets set up with Neil, Rob and Sean winning several titles, youth has always been important but the Parish wouldn't support a youth pitch on an area adjacent to the club that is now a dog walking field so it's never been easy.

The playing squad and management have proved you don't have to pay big money or on occasion any money to be competitive in the Western league and getting to the senior cup final and playing so well before  losing to the lottery of penalties, all this has been achieved through loyalty, belief, grit and determination and i as ex chairman couldn't be any prouder of them and what will always be the club I support.

Although my time at the club ended as Chairman and I will leave the reasons for that at the door, I am sad and worry for its future, it pains me to see it struggling as we have given everything to make it a community hub off the field and a success on the field but maybe it was a step to far but we did it together and as chairman at the time I share in that responsibility.

For me The club needs to re engage the community and build bridges but also realign with a level suitable for football to continue with stability, enjoyment and hopefully continued success as I'm guessing another season at step 5 or step 6 would mean doing it with no expenses and at further expense to the club but it is only possible with further commitment and loyalty from Macca and the lads and or build a side around youth and develop it further bring in an U/18 set up and see where it goes, yes I agree Macxa and the lads do deserve better than that as been fantastic but that's the sad reality of it all. 
I think more importantly the club needs to sit down with Macca, Britch, Gary and the lads plus St Piran managers Danny and Rik and discuss what happens next as they all deserve that for what they have achieved for the club and themselves.

I wish them well.

Former Chairman Millbrook AFC


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Usual classy comments from Macca and Pratts. 2 hardworking individuals who got the Club back on their feet after some very dark days and have proven that playing budgets isn't always the most important aspect of the game but belief in the group and each other. I understand that voluntary relegation is not an option for any side within the Western League, a Club would have to formally withdraw from the competition and apply elsewhere (SWPL East/West) and hope they were accepted. If Millbrook were to withdraw and not be accepted in the SWPL, unlikely in my view, their 1st team would have to replace their Reserves in the St Piran League East.

On the sideline for our St Piran League game, ironically against Millbrook Reserves, on Tuesday night. I did think that we may have had more for a Step 7 game over a Step 5 game with only 10 miles between the 2. I was told we had a crowd of 87 which whilst pleasing is maddening to me that some of those Millbrook supporters wouldn't have gone to Jenkins.

Whatever happens going forward I hope that Millbrook can find a way to be sustainable, hopefully at Step 5 as the players and Macca have proven that's where they need to be. You'd also hope for some transparency from the Club to such a long serving and committed manager.

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Threads like this are what makes this forum great. Comments from the people that are genuinely in the know and .... so far... no silly comments from anyone, only rightful praise for what Macca and Mark have achieved at the club.

It would be a shame for this forum to fold when there are good and informative reads like this to promote interest in Cornish Football.

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