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St Austell not getting promoted

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Yes I saw that tweet from Kevin Marriott, I'm not sure how he knows, I thought these things were supposed to remain confidential until final league positions were decided.

since it is out does anyone know which criteria it failed on, is there any chance of an opportunity to improve the ground or of an appeal. It does seem an awful shame after all their hard work, and can they keep such a talented, and expensive squad together for another years grind in the SWPL?

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Wouldn't be surprised if it is something like the dug outs needed extending and not done by the 31st March to comply with the ground grading date.

Probably a case of the Vase ground improvements taking priority and so they ran out of time!

​Unbelievable if that's so. Surely the work will be done before next season anyway. 

Had to be done by end of March I assume! 

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You can play in the FA Cup and FA Vase with the grading for Step 6, so it's not that strange that some of those grounds won't tick all the boxes for Step 5.

Richard - what I don't understand about the St Austell situation in the Vase - how come the ground was good enough for three games at Poltair, and then it had to be improved for the semi or else!!!! ?

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Some of the criteria for stopping a club going up is just Ridiculous. Having been to several grounds in the Western league, to say St Austells ground isn't good enough is very poor. 

Saying that......Would they have even took promotion?

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Yes I saw that tweet from Kevin Marriott, I'm not sure how he knows, I thought these things were supposed to remain confidential until final league positions were decided.

since it is out does anyone know which criteria it failed on, is there any chance of an opportunity to improve the ground or of an appeal. It does seem an awful shame after all their hard work, and can they keep such a talented, and expensive squad together for another years grind in the SWPL?

Brugel - Kevin Marriott did his job as a top local journalist and rang the FA to try to find out the situation.  The FA replied to him this afternoon. That's how he knows! 

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You can play in the FA Cup and FA Vase with the grading for Step 6, so it's not that strange that some of those grounds won't tick all the boxes for Step 5.

Richard - what I don't understand about the St Austell situation in the Vase - how come the ground was good enough for three games at Poltair, and then it had to be improved for the semi or else!!!! ?

​Don't know Dave to be honest. What did they have to do for the semi? Was it to do with ground capacity, which doesn't come into effect in the FA Ground Gradings until you reach "Grade E" but may have been needed to satisfy police/Council for safety reasons?

The rules for the dugouts basically says (a) they must be on the same side of the pitch (Yes), (b)  ideally equidistant from the halfway line and 3 metres apart (Yes I believe so) and (c) accommodate 8 people, so I'm assuming it's the capacity they failed on? However, this is the same for the lower gradings, so have they had their lower grading also removed, the same as Exmouth did last season which would prevent them playing in the FA Cup/Vase next season?

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Yes and apparently it is because of the dug outs and some loose cobbling by the tea hut. Absolutely ridiculous, St Austell could sort these minor things out in pretty much no time at all (if they are the problems). Archaic FA big wigs need to get a grip, I wonder if any teams from the the ECPL, Combo & SWPL have been refused promotion for minor reasons? I mean come on, this is amateur football, I understand there's rules and regulations but teams should be given the benefit of the doubt, some grace time and help! The FA are quite happy to tell you what you need but won't bother much in helping you achieve it, too busy running cup games at Wembley to pay it off!

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Clever chap, who ever would have thought of asking the FA?

On sober reflection, it occurs to me that the Committee must surely have known the ground criteria for promotion and they're clearly not short of cash to fund the work. Would it be cynical of me to wonder if this is a way of avoiding promotion without appearing to "bottle it"? This way the Committee can avoid responsibility and assure all their disappointed supporters, and indeed players, that it's all the fault of the FA and/or Western League.

I emphasise that I am not making any accusations, it could have all been an oversight or a misunderstanding, I certainly don't know, just wondering, that's all!

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Clever chap, who ever would have thought of asking the FA?

On sober reflection, it occurs to me that the Committee must surely have known the ground criteria for promotion and they're clearly not short of cash to fund the work. Would it be cynical of me to wonder if this is a way of avoiding promotion without appearing to "bottle it"? This way the Committee can avoid responsibility and assure all their disappointed supporters, and indeed players, that it's all the fault of the FA and/or Western League.

I emphasise that I am not making any accusations, it could have all been an oversight or a misunderstanding, I certainly don't know, just wondering, that's all!

According to Kevin Marriott they were notified of what work needed doing (cobble work near tea hut and dugouts) in January but did not complete the works required by 31st March deadline.

So knew what was needed, it was just not done in time for whatever reason 

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Clever chap, who ever would have thought of asking the FA?

On sober reflection, it occurs to me that the Committee must surely have known the ground criteria for promotion and they're clearly not short of cash to fund the work. Would it be cynical of me to wonder if this is a way of avoiding promotion without appearing to "bottle it"? This way the Committee can avoid responsibility and assure all their disappointed supporters, and indeed players, that it's all the fault of the FA and/or Western League.

I emphasise that I am not making any accusations, it could have all been an oversight or a misunderstanding, I certainly don't know, just wondering, that's all!

According to Kevin Marriott they were notified of what work needed doing (cobble work near tea hut and dugouts) in January but did not complete the works required by 31st March deadline.

So knew what was needed, it was just not done in time for whatever reason 

​Yes Quicksilver, quite correct.

I have it on very good authority that the Football Association changed the procedure this season and clubs looking to get promoted were visited in January and were told of all the jobs that they had to do to achieve the Grade required, St.Austell being one of them.

I don’t think this finger pointing by some other posters is fair on the FA, Western League or SWPL as it was the club's choice not to get the work done, they had two months to do it ! – if they wanted.

From what I understand this is different from the Exmouth Town situation last year and perhaps the club should be honest with everyone.

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Find this a joke!! Poltair is looking in great shape these days and is far better than some of the s**thole Western league grounds I've not had the pleasure to play on over the years!!! Anyone ever been to Wells!?! Some nice grounds as well mind but if this is the only thing stopping the Saints from progressing it's a sad day.    :-(

Edited by RAPPO
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Anyone thought that maybe not getting the neccesary requirements done to the ground is a way of  using it as a reason  instead of refusing promotion!? Why else would the work not be done? Specially after all the talk from the supporters/club stating they will be taking promotion if offered it. Just a thought! Im sure have already thought this reasoning aswell

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With regards to the ground grading, I was under the impression that if you are lucky enough to be promoted any short falls at your ground had to be rectified/completed by the end of your first season in your new league. Exmouth apparently just didnt bother sorting their ground out, and with the lack of new teams being promoted in to the western league they got away with it. 

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Something is not right there. Main reason why St Austell have the likes of Eddy, Brokenshire, Slateford, Chapman, Reiski, Simms etc etc is because they dont want to travel (and the money they get as well is very good) so no suprise to me that St Austell are not going up if quality players wont commit if they take promotion. It cant be a money issue with thier budget this year and the ground has looked decent all season so can only be a club decision and the possible gound grading been used as an excuse.

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A lack of ambition shown here by St Austell, if they really wanted to go up these little hick ups would of been sorted early doors! The Vase is a poor excuse. Big fish in a small pond for another season, on wards and .. oh wait.. :SM_carton:

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Season isn't over yet guys! We may not even finish in the top 2 

​12 points necessary from the following :

18 Apr15:00AwayPlymouth Parkway  
20 Apr19:45AwayExmouth Town  
22 Apr19:30HomeCallington Town  
25 Apr15:00AwayCullompton Rangers  
27 Apr19:30HomeBodmin Town  
29 Apr19:30HomeCamelford  
02 May15:00AwayBovey Tracey  
04 May15:00AwayWitheridge
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Whatever the reasons for refusal, this is a sad day for the players and all at St Austell FC. If ever a club deserved to get promoted this season it's St Austell.

They've had a great season (not quite over yet we know), but the title is surely theirs. A great football team. Sad indeed. 

Sorry, but the club knew what the requirements were and they FAILED to carry out whatever works were required, they could have made everyone aware of what the situation was, but, for there own reasons they didn't!   

Its a sad day because the club let everyone believe they were going to take promotion, where in fact it looks like they never had any intentions of taking it! 


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Is it really viable for any club to go into the Western league unless you really believe or want to push on for the southern league. There's enough clubs in the swpl who barely have any away support. That won't be any better in the western league. No local derbies to pull in gates of 250 to 500. And if you end up in the Western league will you find players not available?

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Indeed you're right Footycrazy, if the teams you mention had indeed bitten the bullet and endured the lonely task of the geographical outsider for a couple of seasons, they could indeed have dragged the Western League further west into Cornwall.

Instead we'll have to wait 'till the powers that be recognise the parity of quality of the two leagues, Western and Peninsular, and do a merge and split as they did in the formation of the CSWPL from it's component parts. I don't see it happening any time soon though.

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Someone on another forum has suggested that for certain areas of the country (Devon/Cornwall being one of them), there should be a jump straight up to step 4 (bypassing step 5, the Western League Premier)

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Think your missing the point here that St.Austell were never going to take promotion regardless! But failing a ground inspection looks abit better than re-tracting the statement indicating they were striving for Western league football. Which is what their board members, supporters & local press had all implied. Wont be the first, certainly not the last to do it

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the fa are a joke - dont you think they had enough to do with regards the fa vase I very much doubt they would of taken promotion but would of been nice to have the opportunity they are head and shoulder the best team ive seen at this level i think a period of dominance a little bit like blazey backalong is going to happen. 

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Perhaps instead we should be looking at the possibility of the SWPL being granted Step 5 status.

It could make a lot of sense, how is it right that if Penzance got promoted to the Western League they would be expected to play Slimbridge, if you went the same amount of miles the other way then Slimbridge would have to travel up to Middlesborough to play League games at Step 5.  That can’t be fair!

It would be one less step for our clubs to get to Step 4 and when they were there they would play teams like Taunton Town, Bridgwater Town, Tiverton Town and other sides with big followings in and around Bristol. Travelling would be more at Step 4 than Step 5 granted but you are heading in the same direction and clubs would be able to pay higher admission prices.

I reckon we would be looking at the SWPL needing at least 32 clubs to get to Step 5 but the likes of St.Dennis, Sticker, Teignmouth have shown intent.

So what about this as a solution - what do people think?

Do we need to be suggesting it to the SWPL?

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Perhaps instead we should be looking at the possibility of the SWPL being granted Step 5 status.

It could make a lot of sense, how is it right that if Penzance got promoted to the Western League they would be expected to play Slimbridge, if you went the same amount of miles the other way then Slimbridge would have to travel up to Middlesborough to play League games at Step 5.  That can’t be fair!

It would be one less step for our clubs to get to Step 4 and when they were there they would play teams like Taunton Town, Bridgwater Town, Tiverton Town and other sides with big followings in and around Bristol. Travelling would be more at Step 4 than Step 5 granted but you are heading in the same direction and clubs would be able to pay higher admission prices.

I reckon we would be looking at the SWPL needing at least 32 clubs to get to Step 5 but the likes of St.Dennis, Sticker, Teignmouth have shown intent.

So what about this as a solution - what do people think?

Do we need to be suggesting it to the SWPL?

Excellent proposal Dave. SWPL currently with a couple teams from the SWPL East & West would make a very strong division worthy of step 5 status. But then that also means a lot of clubs would have to do a lot of work to make the ground grading for step 5.

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