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It's something that the refs are used to as it's been used in the junior leagues. As I've said, use it or don't use it, it's up to the managers

Potentially it means that there's more people playing football and keeping more people happy.

I posted about it a couple of years ago and can't see any negatives in it at all

People think that players will be coming and going but that isn't the case. The usual substitute rules should still apply that the game should be in position where it is stopped, ie; ball out of play for it to take place.

Has it had a negative affect on the junior game?

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Changeovers are the same as they are now. Subs names given before the game. Ball has to be dead/out of play for a sub to be made, same as it is now. Sub tells ref his name, ref checks it, on you go. No different to what it is now apart from it's roll on/off! I wasn't an admirer of this when it came in last year, but have to say in 95% of our games last year it wasn't implemented. Some teams took advantage of it, most actually didn't. As people have said, the rule is in place, but if you don't want to use it you don't have too. Honestly, after a few games, unless you come across a team that takes the **** and makes subs every 5 minutes, you'll hardly know the rule is in effect.

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Changeovers are the same as they are now. Subs names given before the game. Ball has to be dead/out of play for a sub to be made, same as it is now. Sub tells ref his name, ref checks it, on you go. No different to what it is now apart from it's roll on/off! I wasn't an admirer of this when it came in last year, but have to say in 95% of our games last year it wasn't implemented. Some teams took advantage of it, most actually didn't. As people have said, the rule is in place, but if you don't want to use it you don't have too. Honestly, after a few games, unless you come across a team that takes the **** and makes subs every 5 minutes, you'll hardly know the rule is in effect.

Thanks for the explanation. Interesting to hear that in the large percentages of cases, no one used the opportunity anyway! Like everything it will take getting use to I guess.

I've not seen many games that the facility was available, however I have to admit that in the West Area Junior Cup Final last season, the mechanics seemed a little clunky. On that occasion however, was it made more complicated because of the electronic board being utilised!?

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Changeovers are the same as they are now. Subs names given before the game. Ball has to be dead/out of play for a sub to be made, same as it is now. Sub tells ref his name, ref checks it, on you go. No different to what it is now apart from it's roll on/off! I wasn't an admirer of this when it came in last year, but have to say in 95% of our games last year it wasn't implemented. Some teams took advantage of it, most actually didn't. As people have said, the rule is in place, but if you don't want to use it you don't have too. Honestly, after a few games, unless you come across a team that takes the **** and makes subs every 5 minutes, you'll hardly know the rule is in effect.

Thanks for the explanation. Interesting to hear that in the large percentages of cases, no one used the opportunity anyway! Like everything it will take getting use to I guess.

I've not seen many games that the facility was available, however I have to admit that in the West Area Junior Cup Final last season, the mechanics seemed a little clunky. On that occasion however, was it made more complicated because of the electronic board being utilised!?

Think that was more down to the clown using it lol

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Changeovers are the same as they are now. Subs names given before the game. Ball has to be dead/out of play for a sub to be made, same as it is now. Sub tells ref his name, ref checks it, on you go. No different to what it is now apart from it's roll on/off! I wasn't an admirer of this when it came in last year, but have to say in 95% of our games last year it wasn't implemented. Some teams took advantage of it, most actually didn't. As people have said, the rule is in place, but if you don't want to use it you don't have too. Honestly, after a few games, unless you come across a team that takes the **** and makes subs every 5 minutes, you'll hardly know the rule is in effect.

Thanks for the explanation. Interesting to hear that in the large percentages of cases, no one used the opportunity anyway! Like everything it will take getting use to I guess.

I've not seen many games that the facility was available, however I have to admit that in the West Area Junior Cup Final last season, the mechanics seemed a little clunky. On that occasion however, was it made more complicated because of the electronic board being utilised!?

Think that was more down to the clown using it lol

And the fact that he had been given it with only 5 minutes to practice.

If team sheets are used next season which I believe is going to happen then that will make it much easier for match officials to track who is and who isn't on the field of play. But in reality as long as there are only a maximum of 5 substitutes in the technical area then the match officials could do one on one off and ensure that the play is named as one of the 16 on the team sheet rather than taking down the name of player coming on and the name of the player going off.

Hopefully most match officials will be used to this system, and some training will also be provided to those who will be officiating on the league during the annual fitness tests which take place in July and August.

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Was unsure about it's use when introduced to the Trelawny League last year, but having seen it in action for Trelawny Premier for the last year it hasnt really affected the flow or workings of the game at all. I havent noticed any team taking players on and off regularly through the game, and definitely none of the feared ' bring the big men on for set pieces'. To be honest if you did that those players would soon leave the club if thats all you thought they were good for!!

Refs in the vast majority of games ensured a quick changeover to prevent disruption. It has increased participation to a certain extent - as a manager you can feel more able to give a 'weaker' player a runout knowing you can take him off again, but in any of the tighter, 'big' matches this hasnt happened anyway.

Overall, as St Darren says its not compulsory for teams to use it, and you'll probably find not many will, especially when the novelty wears off!

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