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Cornwall Football Forum

SWPL - Wednesday Feb 28 2018

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I personally think common sense should prevail this weekend, with the weather in some parts of the county today ( radio say's 5 inches of snow down West ) & the predicated forecasts for next 3/4 days I think Mr.Hiscox should step in & cancel fixtures himself. Home teams will always want to get games buf for some opponents to be pulled around the county & Devon surely is unnecessary for one weekend? It might not be pitches that are dangerous but the main hazard for the next few days has to be travel conditions on the roads? If both clubs agree to play then great, but with temperatures down to freezing until pretty much Sunday I would suggest the least people on the roads the better. Cornwall very rarely has amber warnings for weather & ice, so I do not see this as a drastic measure but one surely based on common sense?

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1 hour ago, karaoke said:

Sat at home near Callington, no snow, nice blue sky and sunshine but bloody cold !!! (Haven't had any snow all day)

Exactly my point Karaoke, yet Helston have had reportedly 5 inches of snow according to Radio Cornwall. Imagine with the freezing temperatures forecast having to play a fixture down that way in the next few days & having to travel through conditions to get there on the roads. Ice, snow, rain .... surely common sense should prevail? Very rare Amber alerts are in place, like I said if both clubs agree to play then great, but players safety traveling to fixtures must also be treated with 'do-ability' & their safety paramount

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7 hours ago, Keith B said:

The weather forecast for the next few days is awful. Heavy snow, high winds, followed by heavy rain - right through the weekend. Great if you like taking wintry photos !

The 'Beast from the East' brought a blizzard to the lizard.  :ninja:

Sorry, could n't resist the chance to say.  

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