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Ground grading results now out

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What's the news on Plymouth Argyle reserves? 

Any news on the teams that failed as the majority did? I wonder how many failures were on what common sense would dictate as ridiculous and how many failed on serious issues?

There's already been a discussion on Mullion who I really feel for, dug outs not big enough... And no hand wash basin in the away changing facilities and no toilet for the ref - the last point  a referee brought up yesterday saying there were a number of premier teams who don't have a private toilet for a ref. I mean does this stuff really mean a club should not be allowed to progress, does it really affect the purpose of a club - to play football. 

Why did the following fail? If anyone can shed some light on the matter.

St Dennis




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I believe Argyle "Reserves" had already been accepted as they were applying to fill a vacancy rather than going for promotion.

I've heard a number of rumours as to where they will play but haven't seen anything official yet.

As far as the hand-basin / toilets / dugouts etc I agree this appears a bit daft to those of us who just watch the game but the ground grading regulations are set down by the FA and must be complied with.

I suppose the argument is how strictly do you enforce the gradings, but if you don't do it right then what's the point.



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I understand that, and they should be enforced, but give the teams promotion and let them sort it in there first season, have a fine in place to enforce the changes if they're not completed by the end of the first season.

It's interesting to note that if indeed Argyle reserves have been accepted the question begs why? Others teams have to have there ground in order by a deadline, why are they allowed to get away with it? All teams no matter who you are should be looked at on a level playing field. What's the odds they drop out within a couple of seasons anyway?

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Of course Argyle do not have a reserve team at the moment, just a different number of teams all age related. Like 'Argyle fan' rumours are of a ground share as they would not allow Home Park to be used. Nothing out yet on that though. Which local side is going to have its nose put out, although if a club agrees to ground share it will generate income for that club at the expense of possibly losing a team of their own. Agree with the thoughts that give them a couple of seasons, clubs will get fed up with them, as they will contribute very little to clubs on the away visits. Arrive in a mini bus play and quickly depart and will be mainly youth players.

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If they have been ground graded already then why haven't they been mentioned in the press release by the SWPL like all the other teams? They will probably end up ground sharing which has its pros and cons, but again, why are they allowed to leave it so late? The bald one probably has the best suggestion, but what league are they going into, east or west? Playing at Parkway would mean they have a choice. The cynical side of me would argue that some team has already taken the fall to allow space for Argyle 'reserves'... (Mullion possibly... Or Edgcumbe). But that's just my cyclical side, I'm sure that would never of crossed the mind of the SWPL board to do such a thing.

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If you wanted to be really cynical, shouldn't it be Marjons, Tiverton, Torridgeside and Wendron that should be wary?

​This is exactly right - there would still have been more successful applicants than there are places available even without Argyle Reserves.

Presumably with Truro, Foxhole and Elmore withdrawing there would have been three spaces, but Argyle's entry leaves just two.  If promotion is offered based on final league position, it looks good for Tiverton who are set to win the D&EL and Wendron who should finish second in the Combination.

Torridgeside look likely to finish third in the NDL, while Marjon are struggling for top three in the PWDC.  On this basis it would surely be Torridgeside who lose out due to the lack of a third available space.

I suppose another additional vacancy could occur if St Austell were to win a ground grading appeal and go up - as that could mean no relegation from the Premier Division and reprieve Bovey Tracey.

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I totally agree that there have to be guidelines in place, however, it appears to me that it is only the new teams applying for promotion who are being penalised. Go to Penryn, Porthleven or Illogan & wash your hands in the wash basin in the away dressing rooms, you could be there some time because you won't find 1, or a toilet in the referees room at Newquay, & I bet they are not the only ones. Rules for 1 but not for everybody. ! Seems to me that once your in the peninsula league, you can do whatever you want. !!!


Edited by kevin richards
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Reading on the JCCL/ECPL  section- Illogan had some time during the close season to put things right and Wendron also when they first joined the SWPL.

So it looks like this coming season the Rules have changed.

Also there appears to be some confusion regarding AFC St.Austell between the SWPL and the FA on what the grading is at Poltair Park.

Do St,Austell have the pass for FA Cup/Vase ?

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What i understand is that the guidelines for grading apply to teams joining the league not those that are already in it. The guidelines will have changed and improved over the years and I can only assume that the clubs already in there respective leagues met the requirements at that time. Limits have to be applied somewhere and unfortunately for some it applies to those applying for promotion. I also think some clubs need to have a good look at themselves rather than blaming the league for not making the grade. If you apply for promotion surely you liaise with the league at the same time to see what ground improvement's need to made early, not wait until grading day. It might also have been a good idea to have club representatives available to meet and greet the grading team on the day which I believe mullion failed to do.

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Bad form from Mullion if correct. But then how long do teams get to aline themselves with new grading rules if they were in the SWPL before they come in? Because some clubs haven't met the current requirements for a long time. And still, what is going on with Argyle? The whole thing stinks 

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from the CSWPL site:

Please see announcement made on March 9th which covers Argyle and explains why they were not included in this weeks statement about Promotion applicants inspections:

The board of the league, at its March meeting last week, discussed the application for Plymouth Argyle Reserves to enter the league. It was noted that they must start at Step 7 (East/West) although could be promoted as high as Step 6 in the NLS in future.

The proposal was put to the meeting to accept them into East or West and the vote was duly carried.

The normal 2 vacancies still exist for clubs applying from the feeder leagues, and it remains possible if a side gains promotion to the Western League Premier, for a 3rd vacancy to exist by the end of the season when such matters are finalised.

Phil H


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Why are club's not continually inspected? Seems really harse on club's with ambition to be held back when they have better facilities then club's already there. Having to go through an adjoining door to a toilet has got to be better than walking past teams changing rooms to use one or even having to go outside and up the wall in one case.

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Why are club's not continually inspected? Seems really harse on club's with ambition to be held back when they have better facilities then club's already there. Having to go through an adjoining door to a toilet has got to be better than walking past teams changing rooms to use one or even having to go outside and up the wall in one case.

​This policy is typical of the fa and the cswpl !

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Surprised it's taken Big Al this long to chip in!!

I'm reliably informed that Mullion's application failed because of the referree's changing room.

These are the MINIMUM requirements for CSWPL East & West as per the FA's ground-grading bumpf:

"3.2        Match Officials

Separate dressing rooms must be provided for match officials, the minimum size of which shall be

4 square metres excluding shower and toilet areas.

Each match official’s dressing room should have the following:

            At least 1 working showerhead.

Adequate toilet facilities, exclusively for the use of match officials, which must be separate from those provided for the players.  These do not necessarily need to be situated in the dressing room but must not be accessible to the general public.

Hot and cold running water"



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As far as the "some existing clubs haven't got certain facilities now demanded of new applicants" situation is concerned, it appears that once you've joined a step 7 league (CSWPL East or West), be that 5 years ago or 10 years ago or whatever, you are currently not required to "catch up" with current grading-requirements unless you want to enter the FA Vase or go for promotion.

For step 6 clubs (CSWPL Premier), the FA have given all clubs nationally until 31/3/16 to reach all standards except lights.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Argyle Fan
spelling error
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