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Trelawny League Results Sat 30th March 2013

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Titans0-0 Frogpool

Simple this one we couldn't score against a resolute defence and quite honestly in the final third didn't deserve too. Well done to my old manager and friend nick and look forward to the return at yours. Ps ref was superb and he was 70. Good looking chap, strong fit healthy just incase we have him before the end of season :)

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camborne park 2 - ludgvan 6, we were AWFUL! however the game after was bought in to serious disrepute after one of our players new one there lads they played under diffferent name and very big thanks to marazion fc manager and players there who veryfied this and saying look like he wasnt only one, not saying would changed result but a disgrace! cheaters never prosper

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Titans0-0 Frogpool

Simple this one we couldn't score against a resolute defence and quite honestly in the final third didn't deserve too. Well done to my old manager and friend nick and look forward to the return at yours. Ps ref was superb and he was 70. Good looking chap, strong fit healthy just incase we have him before the end of season :)

Blimey Dave I was very close to coming over and watching you play this afternoon. Wanted to have a first hand look at your goalscorers! What went wrong?

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helston III 1v1 wendron III

Wendron win 4-3 on penalties

a game that i felt we should have settled by half time with four good chances missed by our strikers,two were open goals and six yrds out

a good game with both teams playing some nice football and plenty of passion from all concerned.

helston are a very good side well organised and play proper football we wish them well for their title push and promotion to a closer league their football deserves. :thumbsup::drink:

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Dave to be fair we couldn't hit a barn door from 2 yds today! Nick set his stool out and Frogpool defended very well, needless to say we could not create any clear finishes. 3rd draw still unbeaten and we live to fight another day Dave. Ps I won't mention nick drafted in players from around the world ( Australia Dubai) and a player 8 ft 2 with size 25 feet, u know me Dave not one to exaggerate:)

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Guest BenTheYeti

We were on the way home from Illogan in the car, and I read out the St Erme result, and 2 of us said "I bet Rappo got a hat trick"

How many to go now?

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Thanks daves dad..tense game thought we had done enough to win untill last kick if normal time. thought both sides has some good chances that they should if scored from. good bunch of lads and we wish you luck in the semi final

helston III 1v1 wendron III

Wendron win 4-3 on penalties

a game that i felt we should have settled by half time with four good chances missed by our strikers,two were open goals and six yrds out

a good game with both teams playing some nice football and plenty of passion from all concerned.

helston are a very good side well organised and play proper football we wish them well for their title push and promotion to a closer league their football deserves. :thumbsup::drink:

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Division 2

Storm 3 (1) Trispen 2 (1)

Not the greatest advert for trelawny football today on a clijah pitch that whilst still wet underneath had dried out on the surface causing it to play like a 2g astro with added bobbles. In an even first half, Trispen took the lead when they converted a scrappy corner. It was a half of hustle and bustle but very little in the way of quality and we equalised when David Mitchell latched on to a Rob Bevington clearance and slotted past an onrushing Graham Hill from 30 yardsish.

At the break, injury enforced a change of personnel and also saw a change I formation for us. The change worked well with us having more grit about our play and the majority of possession (quite the opposite to the first half). Trispen still threatened regularly to catch us on the break and they took the lead after a freekick that hit the bar was followed up.

We hit the bar through Kevin Riddle and James Chilman saw a turn and volley well saved onto the post. Hill also did well to stop several Ben Kellow chances. With 5 to go it looked like one of those days before captain Matt Clarkson struck a looping shot into the far corner. With the seconds ticking away, sub Kevin Riddle secured the three points when he blasted home from close range.

We've had some cracking games against Trispen and as I said to graham before the game, after the last few years its nice to see us at the right end of the table. Good luck to them for the rest of the season.

Would also like to mention how well refereed the game was by Mr Dengler. Always a pleasure to have a man like that in charge of a game.

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Division 3

St Day 0 vs 5 Gulval Reserves

Both teams started the game well and tried to play football, however Gulval looked the more threatening during the early exchanges. Despite the run of play Gulval gave a silly penalty away on about 15 mins. The ever reliable Shaun pulled off a superb save from the spot kick, which kept Gulval in the game at 0-0. The away team seemed to grow in confidence and duly took the lead through some great determination from Ellis after about 20 odd minutes (0-1). Gulval really started to apply pressure on the ball after the 1st goal which lead to them opening St Day up on several occasions. However, the 2nd goal came from a set piece which was worked into the 6 yard box and was put away with a cheeky back heel from Joz (0-2 ht).

St Day made tactical changes at half time which saw them start the half with a much more attacking formation. However, Gulval weathered the storm with some immense defending by the boys in the back 5 for about 20 minutes. Despite the pressure from St Day Shaun was never really troubled in't nets due to the quality of the Gulval defence and Gulval sank any hopes of a St Day comeback with a header by Tanz which made it 0-3. Gulval did not sit on their lead and started to play some great counter-attacking football which saw Jozzie score 2 cracking goals and complete his hat-trick after a tireless performance up top on his own and seal the victory 0-5.

Well reffed.

Hard to choose a MOM from today's performance as every Gulval player was at least an 8 out of 10, but the sponsor's vote was Ryan Leah, marshalled the defence and lead by example, well done sir.

POTW goes to Coops for still not smiling. :thumbsup:

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Mawnan 5-5 carharrack

Where do I start here we go, Mawnan started the better team and after 15 minutes they took the lead after good work down the left with a 1-2 resulting in a good finish in the corner the carharrack defence was in sixes and sevens and shortly after the goal they scored again after a mix up in the defence and a good finish, half way through carharrack woke up and started playing and Mawnan had a good chance make it 3 but a heavy touch saw it go past the post and in the 38 minute Mawnan were made to pay when a chip pass from Martin Murphy was slotted through to liam bray who lobbed the keeper. Carharrack shortly made it 3-2 when a through ball was received by James tregay who rounded the keeper to score! Then the moment when the ref lost the game when the centre half fouled James tregay no malice just a late one wasn't even booked and a booking it was 3-2 HT

Second half carharrack started brightly and equalised when bray layed back to Murphy with another through ball for tregay to smash home 3-3, it was end to end stuff with tackles flying in with the ref doing nothing, Mawnan had a couple of half chances in the 65th min carharrack took the lead when a long throw was headed in by James tregay for his hattrick, shortly after it was 4-4 after a free kick was partied by carharrack keeper straight in the path of the striker, it was a passionate game with tackles flying in with the ref not even dealing with the incidents, with both teams going for victory carharrack had a free kick which was scored by Gregg wills with a deflected shot, carharrack were trying to hold on but in the 88th minute a free kick was swung in and was headed over the keeper for a 5-5.

Entertaining game good action packed 5-5 probably fair result shame we couldn't hold on for the victory, but felt the ref spoiled it a bit free kicks that should have been, challenges going unpunished

All the best to Mawnan

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Guest smashing pumpkin

I think if storm can kerp there team together thry will do well next season . Got a good team spirt there withe sum quality players

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ST.ERME (2) 3 Rapsey 27, 42, 90+3(pen)

TREVENSON (1) 2 44, 67,

Sorry for the delay! Got the clan down from Scotland for Easter! Ready to burst after me four course chinky!!! End to end game which was decided with almost the last kick of the four minutes of injury time which was added on for the suspected broken nose of the brave and excellent Trevenson keeper. The game was played on our hard and bumpy rutted pitch which would make Lionel Messi look like he ain't got no first touch!! Fortunately the match was excellently reffed as usual by Mr Nigel Jewell who let the game flow as much as possible and to be fair two great sets of lads kept it clean as a whistle. Thought the man of the match was the Trevenson no.7 (Raz?) who scored a great equaliser and sent over some dangerous crosses all afternoon, just shaded the keeper i reckon? Trevenson hit the bar and post three times and we had two goals disallowed for offside!? : - ( and had two off the line including the wonder save by the keepers face from Elliott Jollys bullet volley. A draw would have probably been a fair reflection on the 90 minutes and I can't understand how Trevenson are 14th with that team?? Loads of pace and energy (I miss having those two things!!!) right through the side. It's 54 to go now Ben, getting a bit scary to be honest mate! When I did the 1000 in 1997 I never dreamt I would get near 2000 goals let alone still be playing (if you can call it that!) at 45 and nearly 19 stone!!! :-( Glad I never retired and had a crack at junior footie, not just for the goals but to have met some talented and cracking lads who put in as much effort as many a senior player I know. I think as you get older you appreciate playing more than ever because you know it's not gonna last much longer!!! :-(

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left the winner late today rappo!


ST.ERME (2) 3 Rapsey 27, 42, 90+3(pen)

TREVENSON (1) 2 44, 67,

Sorry for the delay! Got the clan down from Scotland for Easter! Ready to burst after me four course chinky!!! End to end game which was decided with almost the last kick of the four minutes of injury time which was added on for the suspected broken nose of the brave and excellent Trevenson keeper. The game was played on our hard and bumpy rutted pitch which would make Lionel Messi look like he ain't got no first touch!! Fortunately the match was excellently reffed as usual by Mr Nigel Jewell who let the game flow as much as possible and to be fair two great sets of lads kept it clean as a whistle. Thought the man of the match was the Trevenson no.7 (Raz?) who scored a great equaliser and sent over some dangerous crosses all afternoon, just shaded the keeper i reckon? Trevenson hit the bar and post three times and we had two goals disallowed for offside!? : - ( and had two off the line including the wonder save by the keepers face from Elliott Jollys bullet volley. A draw would have probably been a fair reflection on the 90 minutes and I can't understand how Trevenson are 14th with that team?? Loads of pace and energy (I miss having those two things!!!) right through the side. It's 54 to go now Ben, getting a bit scary to be honest mate! When I did the 1000 in 1997 I never dreamt I would get near 2000 goals let alone still be playing (if you can call it that!) at 45 and nearly 19 stone!!! :-( Glad I never retired and had a crack at junior footie, not just for the goals but to have met some talented and cracking lads who put in as much effort as many a senior player I know. I think as you get older you appreciate playing more than ever because you know it's not gonna last much longer!!! :-(

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Guest BenTheYeti

Division 2

Illogan RBL 3rd's 1 - 2 St Ives Town Reserves

A repeat of last weekend's fixture, and once again a very close game that could have gone either way.
Once again we were forced into several changes from last week, and luckily pinched a couple more players from the Under 12's before Steve Carpenter does a Jim White and brings the transfer window to a close tomorrow.
With Illogan and the Reserves both involved in cup action over the weekend, we were privileged enough to be playing on Oxland Park, and I am almost delighted to say the pitch resembled something befitting the middle of May.. dry, fast and not too much of that grassy stuff getting in the way. Overhead conditions were also rather perfect, and with a steady stream of people turning up to watch, both teams set out trying to put a display on.
Within the first 5 minutes a fair few proper tackles had been executed, and after I was steamrollered into the turf at the first corner of the game, it was clear that Illogan were determined to get at us early. However, our 76th different back four combination of the season were in determined mood, and our veteran teenage midfield of Andy Barry and Barney Poznansky were looking as sharp as ever, so the first 15 minutes came and went with a mere half chance for both teams coming and going.
Illogan weren't to be denied an opening goal though, and after their goalkeeper sent another A-Bomb from his hands well into our half, a couple of players went up for a header, with those in grey believing that one of our players was fouled. Whilst everyone was waving their arms at the Referee a la YMCA style, Matthew Callaway did what we should have done and played on, hitting a rasping shot which flicked off a defender's thigh, taking it slightly more out of my reach, and just for fun, a worm decide to pop it's head up 6 yards out and send the ball another 5ft in the air.. 1-0
The goal further galvanised Illogan, and 1 nil could have become 2 shortly afterwards, when a free kick from a similar position as the goal, was struck (by the same player I believe?) like something out of Shane Warne's hand in a Test Match. Luckily, I did what I do best.. closed my eyes and hoped it hit something useful.. this, for a change, being my gloves, and I somehow bounced off the floor to get a foot in the way of the rebound (which was deemed offside).
This gave us a welcome kick up the backside, and we started to grow more into the game, with both Ellis Deaves and Alex Brown linking up with Danny Paynter up front well on several occasions without troubling the keeper, and Noah Tanner, fresh from scoring on Wednesday night for his school team, marauding past the halfway for the first time this season (that I can remember). His efforts eventually led to a corner, and Dagger's pre-match masterplan at corners failed so well, that it gave us the equaliser. The ball in not finding it's intended target, but bouncing to an unmarked Max Sumray, who took aim with such a "fierce" shot, that it became a delightful 6 yard cushioned pass to Barney, whose turn and shot looked reasonably comfortable for the keeper, but luckily the worm had crawled it's way into the other goalmouth and kindly headed in it's second goal of the match as the ball looped over the already prone goalie.
HT 1-1
Someone had obviously put some Nytol in our half time orange squash, as for the first 5 minutes of the second half we might as well not have been on the pitch as Illogan were first, second, third... to everything. However, Alex Brown was the first to wake up, as he robbed the ball from the Illogan right back, and set off like Sonic to the byline, his perfect ball across the box split the defence and left Ginger Berbatov with a simple tap in... which he decided not to take and instead conjured up a finish that would quite possibly win £250 on You've Been Framed.. as he managed to kick his own foot, stumble towards goal, with the ball somewhere caught up in his gravity, and actually end up in the net before the ball.. I believe the technical term is "Poacher's Finish"..
Not to be disheartened, Illogan continued to press forward, and looked particularly dangerous from set pieces, with one particular corner leading to what would have been a free header for a player in white, had not one of his own team mates getting in an excellent bit of defensive pressure to ensure the ball went over. As the game wore on, and both teams made changes, things became a little more open, and with Charlie Eddy asking his Mum if it was alright if he could come on as a sub, we created a few chances down the right, with Danny forcing the keeper to tip over, and then firing in a cross that was headed over. At the other end, Illogan pumped some balls with snow on them into the box which I dealt with like a blind juggler, and forced me to add "saved a shot with my hand/hip" to my repertoire.
With 2 minutes left, the Illogan goalkeeper once again launched a missile (apparently he's the place kicker for Camborne RFU? More like New England Patriots....) which led to a free kick on the left. As we failed to deal with the first ball, and some more YMCA hands went up for offside, the Illogan striker found himself 12 yards out and one on one.. the shot easily flew past me, but thankfully also about 0.03 inches past the far post, much to the disbelief of everyone in the ground.. and to the relief of those in grey, as we hung on to claim the 3 points.

Once again, all 13 outfield players in front of me battled hard and gave 110%, and honestly a draw would have been a fair result, but we dug out the win and everyone was naturally delighted.

Thought the Ref had a very good game, plenty of hefty tackles flying in on both sides and bar one incident he could have dealt with better, helped make a good game.

Thank you to everyone at Illogan for the after match hospitality and must say the pitch is looking in great shape.

We kick off the midweek silly season with a game against some team called Halsetown on Tuesday night... could be an interesting match report...

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Tell Dad he's too kind Dan!!! Top man he is mate. Miss our Sunday mornings! Forest left it late today!!!!! Another clean sheet for you as well! Yeh it was very late and to be honest Dobbie I'm not sure we deserved it, your game sounded a good one! Who needs the cups when you're top of the league eh bud. :-). Quality report again Ben! :-). The rest of us can only aspire to you and Pitty mate!!!

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Guest BenTheYeti

Thank you kind sir.. My one hope is that I get called up to the first team for St Ives vs Holmans.. we'd have to write the report in chapters...

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yeah was close rappo...we did not play great to be honest. ..wendron could and perhaps should of scored a couple just before half time. .we missed a couple of good chances then scored with 25 to go...then wendron equalised with last kick off normal time. we again had one great chance in extra time but alas the dreaded penalty shoot out went in their favour. Top of league is nice at the mo...but some massive games coming up in next few weeks marazion twice in 4 days and gwinear away. ..so will see where we are after them. .going to be a very close and exciting finish I feel

Tell Dad he's too kind Dan!!! Top man he is mate. Miss our Sunday mornings! Forest left it late today!!!!! Another clean sheet for you as well! Yeh it was very late and to be honest Dobbie I'm not sure we deserved it, your game sounded a good one! Who needs the cups when you're top of the league eh bud. :-). Quality report again Ben! :-). The rest of us can only aspire to you and Pitty mate!!!

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Gwinear Res 9 Penwith Exiles 0

Nice bunch of lads, who battled well. We had a few lucky goals tbh. Good luck for rest of season.

Gwinear were very good, always going to be a long afternoon when Dwayne Britton scored after the 4th touch of the game! I came out of retirement hoping for a few quiet games and so far in my two games back I've had to face Rappo, Dwayne, and Trooner! :D Good luck to Gwinear for the rest of the season, and as for us we can forget about Saturday and look forward to table topping Helston on Tuesday!

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Div 1

West Cornwall 10-0 St Just Res

I'd like to say a welcome return to form, but as the scoreline suggests probably the most comfortable game of football we'll have for a long time, and could of been a few more. In their defence, St Just turned up with a bare 11 and no linesman, but I don't think any of the goals would of been flagged had they had one, and didn't hear a single moan from St Just all game, just got on with it. Top effort. Well reffed by Colin Bennetts, who probably won't have an easier game all year, as both sides were a credit to themselves, I hardly remember a free kick being given. Played in the correct manner, and no backchat towards the ref which was great to see.

Scorers- Owain Barrett 4, Sam Kevern 3, Ryan Cooper, Si Jefferies, Toby Ellis

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Div 5

St.Erme 3 Trevenson 2 h/t 2-1

Nice game of football,not a bad challenge in the match.Trevenson unlucky not to take something from the game as they struck the post and crossbar three times.

Another three goals for the ace poacher including a last minute penalty.

Forgot to say,superb facilities and hospitality at Trispen.Thanks guys.

Pitch needs a roll badly though.

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Div 3

St Buryan 2 - 3 Rangers (1-0 ht)

A cracking game of football with St Buryan edging the first half with a breeze at their backs. Rangers going one down early doors when a long bouncing ball wasn't dealt with. Two defenders and a keeper all looking at each other as the striker got on the end of it to slot home. Rangers tried to keep the ball on the deck but all to often had to build from deep first half. St Buryan missed a few opennings and rangers hit the post but both keepers were using their gloves just to keep their hands warm I think.

Second half saw Rangers with a higher starting position with St Buryan being forced to play from deeper into the breeze. Rangers first came from a cross driven into the box which nestled into the top corner. It was for a large period of the game Rangers on the front foot and no surprise when the second went in. More great play after passing are way down the flank a beauty of a cross and an unmarked forward who volleyed home. St buryan came straight back into the game though after another long straight freekick wasn't dealt with and bang 2-2. Rangers finally put the game to bed with a long range effort seemed to go right through the hands of the stand in St Buryan keeper. Who was forced to take the gloves after their keeper turned an ankle late on.

I'll say it again Rangers are a real tough nut at present. To come away with the spoils today with four of are starting 11 missing was a great effort by the lads. A real pleasure for me to hear the opposition management say best side on the day had won. We wish St Buryan all the best for the rest of season (until we meet again) and thanks for a good game.

Last words must go to the Ref Paul Windle, absolutely class. Both sides agreeing he is the best we have had this season and both wish him the best in the combo final later today.

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Cury 5 - 5 Madron

Cury started very well and simply outclassed madron going 4-0 up in the first 30 mins the next 15 mins became scrappy and even with both teams scoring. Cury went in at half time 5-1 up. Then as good as cury were in the first 30 mins madron were better the whole second half they drop their defence back 10 yards we dropped off 10 yards making the pitch much bigger and killing off our midfield. Madron were simply first class in the second half both football wise and attitude. Quick note on the ref phill cuthbert controlled the game well gave what he saw always a pleasure to play when the ref is in control. Well done to madron and good luck for the rest of the season from all at Cury FC

Goal scores

Ben trise 4

Marge 1

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Titans0-0 Frogpool

Simple this one we couldn't score against a resolute defence and quite honestly in the final third didn't deserve too. Well done to my old manager and friend nick and look forward to the return at yours. Ps ref was superb and he was 70. Good looking chap, strong fit healthy just incase we have him before the end of season :)

wow this is a great result for frogs rumor fling round work was titans would win by 10+ goals mainly said by titans super star Tom Warren who was unavl due to work commitments so if he was avl he wud av bagged all 10 from left wing bk lol.

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Division 2

Illogan RBL 3rd's 1 - 2 St Ives Town Reserves

A repeat of last weekend's fixture, and once again a very close game that could have gone either way.

Once again we were forced into several changes from last week, and luckily pinched a couple more players from the Under 12's before Steve Carpenter does a Jim White and brings the transfer window to a close tomorrow.

With Illogan and the Reserves both involved in cup action over the weekend, we were privileged enough to be playing on Oxland Park, and I am almost delighted to say the pitch resembled something befitting the middle of May.. dry, fast and not too much of that grassy stuff getting in the way. Overhead conditions were also rather perfect, and with a steady stream of people turning up to watch, both teams set out trying to put a display on.

Within the first 5 minutes a fair few proper tackles had been executed, and after I was steamrollered into the turf at the first corner of the game, it was clear that Illogan were determined to get at us early. However, our 76th different back four combination of the season were in determined mood, and our veteran teenage midfield of Andy Barry and Barney Poznansky were looking as sharp as ever, so the first 15 minutes came and went with a mere half chance for both teams coming and going.

Illogan weren't to be denied an opening goal though, and after their goalkeeper sent another A-Bomb from his hands well into our half, a couple of players went up for a header, with those in grey believing that one of our players was fouled. Whilst everyone was waving their arms at the Referee a la YMCA style, Matthew Callaway did what we should have done and played on, hitting a rasping shot which flicked off a defender's thigh, taking it slightly more out of my reach, and just for fun, a worm decide to pop it's head up 6 yards out and send the ball another 5ft in the air.. 1-0

The goal further galvanised Illogan, and 1 nil could have become 2 shortly afterwards, when a free kick from a similar position as the goal, was struck (by the same player I believe?) like something out of Shane Warne's hand in a Test Match. Luckily, I did what I do best.. closed my eyes and hoped it hit something useful.. this, for a change, being my gloves, and I somehow bounced off the floor to get a foot in the way of the rebound (which was deemed offside).

This gave us a welcome kick up the backside, and we started to grow more into the game, with both Ellis Deaves and Alex Brown linking up with Danny Paynter up front well on several occasions without troubling the keeper, and Noah Tanner, fresh from scoring on Wednesday night for his school team, marauding past the halfway for the first time this season (that I can remember). His efforts eventually led to a corner, and Dagger's pre-match masterplan at corners failed so well, that it gave us the equaliser. The ball in not finding it's intended target, but bouncing to an unmarked Max Sumray, who took aim with such a "fierce" shot, that it became a delightful 6 yard cushioned pass to Barney, whose turn and shot looked reasonably comfortable for the keeper, but luckily the worm had crawled it's way into the other goalmouth and kindly headed in it's second goal of the match as the ball looped over the already prone goalie.

HT 1-1

Someone had obviously put some Nytol in our half time orange squash, as for the first 5 minutes of the second half we might as well not have been on the pitch as Illogan were first, second, third... to everything. However, Alex Brown was the first to wake up, as he robbed the ball from the Illogan right back, and set off like Sonic to the byline, his perfect ball across the box split the defence and left Ginger Berbatov with a simple tap in... which he decided not to take and instead conjured up a finish that would quite possibly win £250 on You've Been Framed.. as he managed to kick his own foot, stumble towards goal, with the ball somewhere caught up in his gravity, and actually end up in the net before the ball.. I believe the technical term is "Poacher's Finish"..

Not to be disheartened, Illogan continued to press forward, and looked particularly dangerous from set pieces, with one particular corner leading to what would have been a free header for a player in white, had not one of his own team mates getting in an excellent bit of defensive pressure to ensure the ball went over. As the game wore on, and both teams made changes, things became a little more open, and with Charlie Eddy asking his Mum if it was alright if he could come on as a sub, we created a few chances down the right, with Danny forcing the keeper to tip over, and then firing in a cross that was headed over. At the other end, Illogan pumped some balls with snow on them into the box which I dealt with like a blind juggler, and forced me to add "saved a shot with my hand/hip" to my repertoire.

With 2 minutes left, the Illogan goalkeeper once again launched a missile (apparently he's the place kicker for Camborne RFU? More like New England Patriots....) which led to a free kick on the left. As we failed to deal with the first ball, and some more YMCA hands went up for offside, the Illogan striker found himself 12 yards out and one on one.. the shot easily flew past me, but thankfully also about 0.03 inches past the far post, much to the disbelief of everyone in the ground.. and to the relief of those in grey, as we hung on to claim the 3 points.

Once again, all 13 outfield players in front of me battled hard and gave 110%, and honestly a draw would have been a fair result, but we dug out the win and everyone was naturally delighted.

Thought the Ref had a very good game, plenty of hefty tackles flying in on both sides and bar one incident he could have dealt with better, helped make a good game.

Thank you to everyone at Illogan for the after match hospitality and must say the pitch is looking in great shape.

We kick off the midweek silly season with a game against some team called Halsetown on Tuesday night... could be an interesting match report...

Division 2

Illogan RBL 3rd's 1 - 2 St Ives Town Reserves

A repeat of last weekend's fixture, and once again a very close game that could have gone either way.

Once again we were forced into several changes from last week, and luckily pinched a couple more players from the Under 12's before Steve Carpenter does a Jim White and brings the transfer window to a close tomorrow.

With Illogan and the Reserves both involved in cup action over the weekend, we were privileged enough to be playing on Oxland Park, and I am almost delighted to say the pitch resembled something befitting the middle of May.. dry, fast and not too much of that grassy stuff getting in the way. Overhead conditions were also rather perfect, and with a steady stream of people turning up to watch, both teams set out trying to put a display on.

Within the first 5 minutes a fair few proper tackles had been executed, and after I was steamrollered into the turf at the first corner of the game, it was clear that Illogan were determined to get at us early. However, our 76th different back four combination of the season were in determined mood, and our veteran teenage midfield of Andy Barry and Barney Poznansky were looking as sharp as ever, so the first 15 minutes came and went with a mere half chance for both teams coming and going.

Illogan weren't to be denied an opening goal though, and after their goalkeeper sent another A-Bomb from his hands well into our half, a couple of players went up for a header, with those in grey believing that one of our players was fouled. Whilst everyone was waving their arms at the Referee a la YMCA style, Matthew Callaway did what we should have done and played on, hitting a rasping shot which flicked off a defender's thigh, taking it slightly more out of my reach, and just for fun, a worm decide to pop it's head up 6 yards out and send the ball another 5ft in the air.. 1-0

The goal further galvanised Illogan, and 1 nil could have become 2 shortly afterwards, when a free kick from a similar position as the goal, was struck (by the same player I believe?) like something out of Shane Warne's hand in a Test Match. Luckily, I did what I do best.. closed my eyes and hoped it hit something useful.. this, for a change, being my gloves, and I somehow bounced off the floor to get a foot in the way of the rebound (which was deemed offside).

This gave us a welcome kick up the backside, and we started to grow more into the game, with both Ellis Deaves and Alex Brown linking up with Danny Paynter up front well on several occasions without troubling the keeper, and Noah Tanner, fresh from scoring on Wednesday night for his school team, marauding past the halfway for the first time this season (that I can remember). His efforts eventually led to a corner, and Dagger's pre-match masterplan at corners failed so well, that it gave us the equaliser. The ball in not finding it's intended target, but bouncing to an unmarked Max Sumray, who took aim with such a "fierce" shot, that it became a delightful 6 yard cushioned pass to Barney, whose turn and shot looked reasonably comfortable for the keeper, but luckily the worm had crawled it's way into the other goalmouth and kindly headed in it's second goal of the match as the ball looped over the already prone goalie.

HT 1-1

Someone had obviously put some Nytol in our half time orange squash, as for the first 5 minutes of the second half we might as well not have been on the pitch as Illogan were first, second, third... to everything. However, Alex Brown was the first to wake up, as he robbed the ball from the Illogan right back, and set off like Sonic to the byline, his perfect ball across the box split the defence and left Ginger Berbatov with a simple tap in... which he decided not to take and instead conjured up a finish that would quite possibly win £250 on You've Been Framed.. as he managed to kick his own foot, stumble towards goal, with the ball somewhere caught up in his gravity, and actually end up in the net before the ball.. I believe the technical term is "Poacher's Finish"..

Not to be disheartened, Illogan continued to press forward, and looked particularly dangerous from set pieces, with one particular corner leading to what would have been a free header for a player in white, had not one of his own team mates getting in an excellent bit of defensive pressure to ensure the ball went over. As the game wore on, and both teams made changes, things became a little more open, and with Charlie Eddy asking his Mum if it was alright if he could come on as a sub, we created a few chances down the right, with Danny forcing the keeper to tip over, and then firing in a cross that was headed over. At the other end, Illogan pumped some balls with snow on them into the box which I dealt with like a blind juggler, and forced me to add "saved a shot with my hand/hip" to my repertoire.

With 2 minutes left, the Illogan goalkeeper once again launched a missile (apparently he's the place kicker for Camborne RFU? More like New England Patriots....) which led to a free kick on the left. As we failed to deal with the first ball, and some more YMCA hands went up for offside, the Illogan striker found himself 12 yards out and one on one.. the shot easily flew past me, but thankfully also about 0.03 inches past the far post, much to the disbelief of everyone in the ground.. and to the relief of those in grey, as we hung on to claim the 3 points.

Once again, all 13 outfield players in front of me battled hard and gave 110%, and honestly a draw would have been a fair result, but we dug out the win and everyone was naturally delighted.

Thought the Ref had a very good game, plenty of hefty tackles flying in on both sides and bar one incident he could have dealt with better, helped make a good game.

Thank you to everyone at Illogan for the after match hospitality and must say the pitch is looking in great shape.

We kick off the midweek silly season with a game against some team called Halsetown on Tuesday night... could be an interesting match report...

ben i love ur write ups mate lol so much detail its like being pitch side.

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Storm Res 1.2 Clipper Bar

storm took the lead within the 1st min, clipper started very slow which let storm run through and with a clipper player nearly tripping storm forward tom taylor and storm calling for the pen but ref didnt blow the whistle clipper stopped. toms sliced shot went in far top corner very luck and sloppy goal to concede.

both teams battled hard storm was the better side for about 20 mins until clipper stepped the game up and attacked hard and attacked winning several corners before lee uren battled well beating 4 storm players but finally being foulled and gave away a free kick 10 yards outside 18 yard box. the corner was perfectly taken by jordan swiggs and headed in the bk of the net by clipper forward matty knurek. this unsettled storm and about 10 mins later wayne blakemoores charging run down the left side beating storms winger and left bk cut inside beat both storms centre bks and miss hit it but the storm keeper fumbled in 2 the bk of the net.

2nd half clipper started very hard and put storm under pressure with wave after wave attacks but storms bk line held strong before clipper won a corner which was whipped in by dave rowe and found the head of bryan hatton whos header was perfect but for some strange reason which no1 else saw the ref disallowed the goal storm pulled off some good attacks in the second half but was no trouble for clippers jason brooker who u could say single handedly kept clipper in the driving seat. the ref was a bit well different and made some unusual calls, played on a pitch wch looked like a scene from saving private ryan. a game that could easily have got out of hand if it wasnt for the maturity of other storm and clipper players calming down their team mates.

a win which at the moment has taken clipper off the bottom of div 5 however we need trelander to lose their games in hand all 6 of them.

would also like to thank storm for the warm welcome they gave after the game bk in st rumins and i wish em all the best for the rest of the season.

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Titans0-0 Frogpool

Simple this one we couldn't score against a resolute defence and quite honestly in the final third didn't deserve too. Well done to my old manager and friend nick and look forward to the return at yours. Ps ref was superb and he was 70. Good looking chap, strong fit healthy just incase we have him before the end of season :)

Oops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest BenTheYeti

ben i love ur write ups mate lol so much detail its like being pitch side.

Ta very much! I suspect if I spent as much time attempting to be a goalkeeper, as I do with the writing of these essays.. I'd be keeping Joe Hart on the bench :P

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Gwinear Res 9 Penwith Exiles 0

Nice bunch of lads, who battled well. We had a few lucky goals tbh. Good luck for rest of season.

Gwinear were very good, always going to be a long afternoon when Dwayne Britton scored after the 4th touch of the game! I came out of retirement hoping for a few quiet games and so far in my two games back I've had to face Rappo, Dwayne, and Trooner! :D Good luck to Gwinear for the rest of the season, and as for us we can forget about Saturday and look forward to table topping Helston on Tuesday!

Gwinear Res 9 Penwith Exiles 0

Nice bunch of lads, who battled well. We had a few lucky goals tbh. Good luck for rest of season.

Gwinear were very good, always going to be a long afternoon when Dwayne Britton scored after the 4th touch of the game! I came out of retirement hoping for a few quiet games and so far in my two games back I've had to face Rappo, Dwayne, and Trooner! :D Good luck to Gwinear for the rest of the season, and as for us we can forget about Saturday and look forward to table topping Helston on Tuesday!

First scorer was Josh Richards mate.

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