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Senior cup semi final

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What a match that was! Callington gave the G some serious problems at times and 3 - 3 FT was fair all round. The G should have won it but missed 2 pens, finally redeeming themselves in the resulting shoot-out / sudden death showdown. Both teams managed to play some attractive football though the woeful state of the pitch didn't help very much. Well done to The G - should be a cracking final v St Austell.

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It was a great game but a lot of bitching from players and supporters but the biggest potty mouth was the G keeper. The number of times he used the f word or the c word in the direction of the match officials was astonishing and perhaps even more so the fact that nothing was done about it.

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Couldn't agree more about the racket from the stands tonight - we don't need nonsense like that when there is exciting football to be watched. I'm all for cheering supporters but this was petty and immature nonsense all to no avail - they can put their drums away now for another season ....

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In the end the lottery of penalties was the deciding factor between the two well matched teams at the end of extra time, when a draw was a fair result, the lead having changed hands 3 times I think (0-1, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 3-3). 

Godolphin certainly gave Callington some serious problems at times, and it was difficult to see who would win in normal and extra time.


It was unfortunate that for such a prestigious game that the referee clearly made the wrong call on a number of important and potentially result changing decisions.


Thanks to Bodmin Town for their organisation on the night.


Good Luck to both teams in the Final

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Well done the G was watching the updates come up and when it was 3-3 i did think the G had blown it and missing the 2 pens . Must of been a great night would loved of been there , just seen the final result now because i had fallen asleep in my hospital bed .Doing the town proud G c u all on Saturday vs Torpoint. Well done Tania and the lads

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The scoring and times were:

13m Callington 0-1 Godolphin

15m Callington 1-1 Godolphin

30m Callington 2-1 Godolphin

68m Callington 2-2 Godolphin

70m Callington 2-3 Godolphin

75m Callington 3-3 Godolphin

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