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With floodlights and both clubs having floodlights, I fail to understand why ko is at 2pm. I am certainly not blaming you as I am sure that it is another Victorian idea of the Cornwall FA. As I work until 1pm on Saturdays, it is impossible to get to a match with this ko time, but then I would not imagine that any members of the cornwall fa work in any case1

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Just back from a wasted trip to Bodmin couldnt get on this site to check if match was on but thought it would be seeing the weather was nice but got to the ground and bloke at the gate said no game on so i had my dog with me so i took him for a walk around the Beacon . I think the G would of given Bodmin a real game today . I hope the game is not playedarrow-10x10.png in the week now because i wouldnt be able to make midweek games due to hospital apointments hoping the match will take place on a saturday now . At least my dog had a different change of scenary he even had his blue bandana on supporting the G

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Big Al you clearly have issues with the Cornwall FA, but it's now getting really boring. The only thing Victorian are your views! All Bodmin or Godolphin needed to do was contact the CCFA and mutually agree a different kick off time, just like my club and many others have done, it's quite simple really!

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Big Al - here's a suggestion and invite for you - firstly, before I write my suggestion, from reading your posts one gets the impression you're not too chuffed about modern day football and officialdom.

Football is a game of opinions, some good, some bad and some absolutely not workable, but whatever, we've all got them and that's what makes its a game we all love and the likes of this forum helps too.

Here's my invite to you and I offer this as I'm interested in how you see the game so differently from others - therefore I would like to invite you to a SWPL game of your choice, all paid for by CORNISH SOCCER, also to be invited would be a couple more of the regular contributors to this site - for example Keith B, and hopefully in addition a representative of the CCFA and the SWPL so that we can share and debate our thoughts on today's modern game. We could chat and find out how different it is nowadays, but also how individually we see the game today.

What do you reckon Big Al - all courtesy of CORNISH SOCCER.

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Apologies but I assumed the clubs had no say in it.

I'm not so sure the clubs do have a say in it any more! The CCFA handbook states : "All matches prior to the Semi Finals and Final shall start no later than the fixed time of 2.00pm Kick off times and venues for the Semi Finals and Final shall be determined by the Association. The Referee and Clubs shall report all cases of late starts. Clubs failing to supply a satisfactory explanation shall be fined £10. Where the late start is attributable to the referee then the referee shall be referred to the Referees Committee."

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Apologies but I assumed the clubs had no say in it.

I'm not so sure the clubs do have a say in it any more! The CCFA handbook states : "All matches prior to the Semi Finals and Final shall start no later than the fixed time of 2.00pm Kick off times and venues for the Semi Finals and Final shall be determined by the Association. The Referee and Clubs shall report all cases of late starts. Clubs failing to supply a satisfactory explanation shall be fined £10. Where the late start is attributable to the referee then the referee shall be referred to the Referees Committee."

How come some games in the last round kicked off at 3pm? Also according to referee appointments games where floodlights are used are 2.30pm kick offs.

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Apologies but I assumed the clubs had no say in it.

I'm not so sure the clubs do have a say in it any more! The CCFA handbook states : "All matches prior to the Semi Finals and Final shall start no later than the fixed time of 2.00pm Kick off times and venues for the Semi Finals and Final shall be determined by the Association. The Referee and Clubs shall report all cases of late starts. Clubs failing to supply a satisfactory explanation shall be fined £10. Where the late start is attributable to the referee then the referee shall be referred to the Referees Committee."

How come some games in the last round kicked off at 3pm? Also according to referee appointments games where floodlights are used are 2.30pm kick offs. Oh well, perhaps not cast in stone then although on the appointments list it also adds "Home club to advise Officials on confirmatory call."

Personally, it would be so much easier if the county did say that all games will kick off at the one set time - which because not all have lights would therefore be 2pm

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Its all probably to do with the cost of turning the things on, not cheap. Why should a club with lights have a later KO and incur a cost of xxxx amount to stage a game, when some have not bothered to upgrade for many years.

The same goes for league matches. I was watching a combo match at Falmouth a few years ago when the ref asked for the lights on with 10 minutes to go....cost £40..... Falmouth were fuming....and I don't blame them.

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Billybear, Tribute - Why not leave Bodmin alone and enjoy your success whilst it's happening

Remember what they say - " Be nice to people on the way up, because you might need them on the way down "

And you will come down old son - Mark my words, maybe not next year, or in five years, but it won't last forever

Although I suspect that Johnny come latelys like you will have moved on to where the cups are by then !

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