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Trelawny League Results - Saturday Sept 20th 2014

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Premier Division

Gulval 2v4 St Day Reserves

Division 1

Camborne School of Mines 3v2 St Agnes Reserves

Hayle Reserves 1v2 Wendron United Reserves

St Ives Town Reserves 1v2 Lizard Argyle

Division 2

Mullion Reserves 1v1 Trispen

Storm 1v2 Sennen

Division 3

Holman SC Reserves 7v2 St Agnes 3rds

Wendron United 3rds 2v4 Marazion Blues Reserves

Division 4

Carharrack Reserves 14v0 Gulval Reserves

Lizard Argyle Reserves 2v3 Troon Reserves

Mousehole 3rds 11v1 Frogpool & Cusgarne Reserves

Penwith Exiles 4v0 Praze-an-Beeble Reserves

Division 5

Mabe Reserves v Madron Reserves

Newbridge Athletic 6v3 Wendron United 4ths

Storm Reserves 4v0 Stithians Reserves

Percy Stephens Cup

1st Round

Camborne Town 0v15 Mabe

Chacewater 0v6 Praze-an-Beeble

Constantine 4v1 Madron

Cury 3v2 St Keverne

Falmouth DC 3v2 St Ives Mariners

Falmouth Town 5v2 Camborne Park

Frogpool & Cusgarne 0v7 Carharrack

Gwinear Churchtown 3v6 Rosudgeon

Helston Athletic 3rds 6v0 Camborne Athletic

Illogan RBL 3rds 1v2 Mawnan

Newlyn Non-Athletico PvP Redruth United Reserves

Pendeen Rovers 3v0 Newquay 3rds

RNAS Culdrose Reserves 5v1 Four Lanes

St Buryan 3v2 Penryn Athletic 3rds

St Erme 1v5 Lanner

Stithians 3v1 Perranporth Reserves

Threemilestone 2v1 Perranwell Reserves

West Cornwall 2v1 Newlyn Lions

Russell Hall Cup

1st Round

Mawnan Reserves 2v0 West Cornwall Reserves

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Took in the Carharrack Reserves v Gulval Reserves game after the 1st 20 mins of carharrack's cup game at Frogpool.

Carharrack Reserves 14, Gulval Reserves 0

Not a classic. Fair play to the Gulval boys who played for a goal to the very end. Their 'keeper saved 5 or 6. Even for a Reserve game with about 20 spectators, the tea hut was open serving chips, bacon rolls, the lot! Excellent hospitality.

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Correct Timbotastic! A struggle for us today against a very dogged, determined and we'll organised Newlyn side. We created a lot of chances but we're wasteful, whilst having no real fluidity in our play. Newlyn keeper made a few saves and a lot of body on the line defending kept us at bay. 0-0 ht. Second half and Newlyn scored from a cross and header at the near post with their first proper attempt of the game. Wish I could say it kicked us into gear, but it didn't, and chasing the game were lucky not to go 2 behind after they fired wide inside the box. Then with about 5 minutes left the first bit of decent football around their area led to Danny Mac equalising, before another good move down the left allowed Ian Chatfield to find the bottom corner with what was all but the last kick of the game.

Very well played to Newlyn today, will surely be playing a league higher next year on that performance. We were lucky today, no question, but we need to put that behind us as we host St Buryan again next week. Well reffed by Porky as always too! All the best to Newlyn for the rest of the year.

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Mabe reserves 6 - 0 madron reserves division 5

Good game today we started very well and within 15 minutes we were 3 nil up madron then came into the game making it more difficult to play football on the floor. Madron had a chance to pull one back but came back off the crossbar we then made it 4 before ht from a superb strike from kyle d!

second half not as free scoring and a bit more open for both teams we had a few chances and managed to convert 2. Should have been more but happy with the result madron battled well till the end.

final score 6-0

rudy 2

piran 1

niall 1

josh 1

kyle 1

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Falmouth town 5-2 Camborne park

2 reds for Camborne after shocking tackles!

referee was very very good.

also a shout out to the town lad in midfield getting some really bad tackles on him and just getting on with it, he must only be 16/17 and ran the show!

Surely you know the name of your player.

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Mullion 1-1 Trispen.

We (Trispen) feel a little bit hard done by leaving with just 1pt when 3pts were probably deserved.

We scored early missed a penalty and led 1 nil at half time looking fairly comfortable.

The changing point was a disallowed goal after Mullion Gk landing heavily under MINIMAL pressure and we knocked on the loose ball. Waited 2mins for the goalie to receive attention for the ref to be berated by the opposition to rule the goal out after 2-3min wait. After this Mullion immediately scored and took advantage of our sluggishness following the disallowed goal.

We then got back on top but couldn't create anything clear cut.

1pt gained or 2pts dropped. Only time will tell. Great effort from the lads all game.

Best of luck to Mullion

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Newbridge 6-3 Wendron United 4ths

After two weeks with no game we (Newbridge) couldn't wait to get this game underway. Another slow start perhaps from the lack of game time. However newbridge took the lead a through ball played in from Gareth Charles and with a superb strike from Joe Ashton it went into the top left corner. Newbridge now the better side made it 2 with a throw from Ben Montgomery played James Tregay in and he set up Joe who put this one into the bottom right corner. Newbridge continued to control the game, another effort came in and was tipped over by the Wendron keeper for a corner. Elliot Baker put in an excellent corner and centre back Kyle Jones made it 3-0 with a bullet header. Newbridge scored again when Kyle Jones's freekick was headed in by James Tregay but thr lino flagged and the ref disallowed the goal despite not being offside. Wendron got a goal back when a shot came bouncing along the ground was misjudged by Newbridge keeper and was tucked in to make the score 3-1. Half time 3-1 Newbridge.

Newbridge started the game as they did the 1st and allowed Wendron back into the game. A super strike from about 25 yards swerved in the air and went into the roof of the net. Wendron then scored again. A shot tipped on to the corner of the bar came back for another tap in.

Newbridge then spurred into life again and made it 4-3 with Gareth crossing the ball in for James Tregay to head Newbridge back in front. Newbridge continued the pressure and another corner from Gareth Charles and his 3rd assist of the game was turned in by Kyle for his 2nd. Wendron tried to get back into the game but Aaron Jones's superb double save kept the score at 5-3. James then put the game to bed with his second. Another quick throw from Ben and James went through took it round the keeper and slotted the ball into the bottom corner. Final score 6-3 Newbridge.

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Div 4

Penwith Exiles 4 - 0 Praze-an-beeble

Not quite our usual 8 goals or more but praze were ready for us and literally "parked the bus" exiles played some nice football but just couldn't find the net, we kept attacking as we knew the goals were coming.

With half time approaching we finally broke down the defence and got a goal we were looking for, this shook praze and we quickly doubled our lead.

Second half was similar to the first with exiles creating the chances and coming close, some more good football payed off and we found 2 more goals.

all the best to praze for the season.

Goal Scorers

Tom Mcgary

Tyler Lea

Nathan Burt

Dan Burt

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Percy Stephens Cup - St Erme - 1 Lanner - 5

St Erme welcomed Lanner of Division 3 to Castle Fields on Saturday for this Percy Stephens Cup Match.

St Erme came flying out of the blocks and immediately put the higher division opponents under a lot of pressure, the ball was being knocked around nicely by the home side and creating chance after chance but with no end product, Lanner will probably feel lucky not to be at least a couple of goals behind.

The 1st half continued pretty much the same with St Erme causing Lanner plenty of problems and the visitors only mustering one decent chance on target, finally the deadlock was broken when some tough tackling in the middle of the park resulted in the ball finding Paul Hopkinson who strode on and buried the ball into the bottom corner from about 20 yds giving the Lanner keeper no chance, the half came to an end with St Erme 1 up.

The 2nd half started and St Erme came out very sluggish but to be fair to Lanner they changed it around and upped their tempo causing the home side problems and they quickly equalised, before they knew it the home side were 2-1 down after a silly shove in the box resulting in a penalty to Lanner that was buried.

From here onwards it was all Lanner as the St Erme lads heads dropped, the communication stopped and our good play from the 1 st half deserted us, St Erme went onto concede a further 3 goals eventually losing the game 5-1 which was a little harsh on St Erme in the end, but fair play to Lanner they rode the storm and took their chances when it mattered.

Good luck to Lanner in the next round

St Erme Man of the Match - Mark Mitchell

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West Cornwall 2-1 Newlyn Lions

Against one of the best footballing sides in the Trelawney league, we went to Camborne College with a plan. And it worked, for 82 minutes. The gap in divisions was glaringly obvious but we made West Cornwall work hard for their win and after scoring their second you would have thought they had won the final lol. Our work rate was superb and we kept them to very few clear cut chances with some excellent defending.

We created several chances to win the game after we took a surprise lead from a back post header but the home sides fitness and desire took it's toll and finally saw them through to the second round.

Best of luck in the next round from all of us at Newlyn Lions.


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