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Guest leemccheese

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Guest leemccheese

would just like to say sorry 4 all those at the st austell , newquay game. my mind was nt with it and instead of reaction to the banter should have walked away and went to the changeing rooms,would like to say sorry to all the newquay fans ,players and the st austell commitee ,fans,team mates.nothing more i can really say to what people keeps putting on here will take what ever punishment i get and take it on the chin,never done anything like this before but cant turn back time with i could, oh and a big sorry to the judge banter is banter end of the day,and i should of just laughed it off , just hope they dont punish the club as not there fault at all,

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Good lad. I'm a firm believer in second chances and I hope you will play again. Because of the nature of your actions, I expect the penalty will be severe, but by adopting an apologetic attitude, not a defensive one, people will begin to get back on your side.

Well done for being man enough to say sorry.

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Good lad Whets. I can also vouch for what rusty said. Completely agree, and know for a fact that Whets was out of character. He's normally the first to give banter, and I've always known him as a person who can take it! Obviously not making excuses for what happened. Great lad, great mate, and great footballer! Keep your head up mate.

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Feel I need to add my tuppance worth on this one!!

Very sensible move to come out and apologise publicly Wets. Lets hope that all partie's involved in Saturday's incident see it to forgive your actions and allow the Cornwall FA to bring close to the matter with the appropriate punishment.

Whilst I would like to make it very clear that in no way do I condone what has happened, as a friend of Wets and knowing him for some considerable time I must add this was extremely out of character for him.

Obviously this incident remains very raw in the minds of those who were involved or who witnessed Saturday's events and whilst the image of Cornish football and the safety element of it remains a priority I cant help but think that in the long term, Cornish football would be a worse place without huge characters and ability such as Wets.

Let's hope it serves a lesson to us all and that after accepting and serving whatever level of punishment, a remorseful Wets is given a second chance sooner, rather than later to prove his real worth to Cornish football.

Phil Lafferty.

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Guest plainmoor

This is not a public apology, (it will only be seen by a fraction of the people) what you should be doing is writing a personal letter of apology to the following...

The Judge and his missus

Newquay Football Club

St Austell Football club

The West Britton

Newquay Voice

St Austell Voice

Western Morning News

The Indy

any other news paper thats around

Westcountry TV


and possible the police and the presiding Judge at your trial.....

only then can you say that you have made a personal apology.

A 5 year sin die ban should be in order for your actions.

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This is not a public apology, (it will only be seen by a fraction of the people) what you should be doing is writing a personal letter of apology to the following...

The Judge and his missus

Newquay Football Club

St Austell Football club

The West Britton

Newquay Voice

St Austell Voice

Western Morning News

The Indy

any other news paper thats around

Westcountry TV


and possible the police and the presiding Judge at your trial.....

only then can you say that you have made a personal apology.

A 5 year sin die ban should be in order for your actions.

whats your issue today plainmoor torquay lose or something so youve come to the forums to annoy everyone you can . jeez get a life

well done for the apolgy leemccheese

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Guest leemccheese

plainmoor if thats how u feel then sorry again, dont worry a lot of letters are being sent to a lot of people saying sorry for what i done 1 2 minute spell off madness does make me a bad person but everyone has there own views

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Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that all the posts telling Whetters how wonderful he is are from people either connected to St Austell or St Blazey.

I'm afraid it will take more than a few words on here for the people that were actually there on Saturday to forget about it.

Maybe something to do with caring about the reputation of football in the local area.

What happened on Saturday was no good for any of us, but the boy said sorry and will now be dealt with by the powers that be.

You carry on and make Lee feel even more s**t if you want, but I question any value to that at this stage.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that all the posts telling Whetters how wonderful he is are from people either connected to St Austell or St Blazey.

I'm afraid it will take more than a few words on here for the people that were actually there on Saturday to forget about it.

I am not from either St Austell or St Blazey Football clubs and I have known Lee for many years, he is a really nice bloke and this is completly out of character and I have spoke to him about it and he is really embarrassed of his actions and is trying to put what he can right!

I think you are right and it will take more than a few words perhaps, but it is surely a start, your comment soccer fan is absolutely needless, he has admitted that he acted in an unacceptable way and is going to try his upmost to make amends for his actions, he can't turn back time and undo the incident but has accepted responsibility for it and is in the process of apologising to any agrieved party, what would you like him to do? If it makes you feel better about yourself and you can have your 15 minutes or so on the moral high ground then go on indulge yourself.

Lafs hit the nail on the head, let the CCFA deal with this and let everyone else learn from it and hopefully see a much wiser Wetts on the field again soon.

Enough said!

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Guest plainmoor

This is not a public apology, (it will only be seen by a fraction of the people) what you should be doing is writing a personal letter of apology to the following...

The Judge and his missus

Newquay Football Club

St Austell Football club

The West Britton

Newquay Voice

St Austell Voice

Western Morning News

The Indy

any other news paper thats around

Westcountry TV


and possible the police and the presiding Judge at your trial.....

only then can you say that you have made a personal apology.

A 5 year sin die ban should be in order for your actions.

whats your issue today plainmoor torquay lose or something so youve come to the forums to annoy everyone you can . jeez get a life

well done for the apolgy leemccheese


Before you spout to the wrong conclusion my name is MOOR no E just PLAIN MOOR that is why I have the user name, born and bred and still living in cornwall, now for the umpteenth time I do not support torquay, nor truro or anyone else for that matter, what I do support is good cornish football played with the correct attitude and by the right people, of which i do not think that mr. whetters is.

I think there should be no difference between a player assaulting a referee or an assistant or a club lino, penalty automatic 5 years sine die and a player deliberately making a bee line for a supporter to assault him or her, assault is an assault and the punishment should be the same.

Mr whetters it does take some guts to to apologise but a forum is not the only medium you should be using.

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just seen the newquay voice and cornish guardian seen the judges picture plastered all over it doesnt look like they got your good side though mark the pictures of lee whetter throwing that punch make it look worst than what it was i was standing down the front of the grandstand when whetter came storming past me you could see he meant business and the judge got the full flack , whetter was being constantly being abused throughout the match but it was all good banter well most of it was but it was only because he was a ex newquay player bradley ralph had some stick as well but he just got on with it i think lee will be out for a very long time but the club should not be punishd anyway was a fantastic match except for that incident .Well as expected plymouth lost again to bristol city sturrock must go southgate has gone and middlesboro are 2nd in the league strange that one . :c:

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This chap made a mistake . leave it go . he didnt kill anyone did he. Maybe he was just acting against the Colonel smoking in the ground

and its Cornish Football . Dont ban him from it. Footie down here is just a laugh . for everyone who isnt good enough to play league football and who just enjoy a kick about with mates . I think everyone needs to remember where we are .. who everyone plays for and shut up.

give him a 5 match ban or something .. and the same for the supporter The colonel or whatever the hell he calles himself.

At the end of the day , if he apologises to the people involved it can be left and put too bed

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This chap made a mistake . leave it go . he didnt kill anyone did he. Maybe he was just acting against the Colonel smoking in the ground

and its Cornish Football . Dont ban him from it. Footie down here is just a laugh . for everyone who isnt good enough to play league football and who just enjoy a kick about with mates . I think everyone needs to remember where we are .. who everyone plays for and shut up.

give him a 5 match ban or something .. and the same for the supporter The colonel or whatever the hell he calles himself.

At the end of the day , if he apologises to the people involved it can be left and put too bed

footie may be a laugh but getting a fan i a headlock and hitting him isnt. ban the ***** for life

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Guest avidfollower

The punishment dealt out by the Cornish FA will obviously will be awaited with interest from all connected with local football. They cannot be seen to be handing out a "weak" punishment. If the Cornish FA's punishments for red and yellow cards is followed, I am sure that Lee Whetters and St Austell Town are waiting with trepedation.

I would not be at all suprised to hear that that Lee Whetters receives a Life Time ban and that St Austell are made to play their remaining home fixtures away. Their opponents for the remainder of the season would therefore hold the home and away fixtures.

There is far too much violence in society already, we do not want it in local football.

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Having just seen this on the the local news i am shocked how much coverage this is getting. In the years that i have played football against Lee and with him for a short period at Foxhole i always got on with him fine and is a decent bloke.

This Judge bloke has been shouting abuse at people for a long time now, i think it was only a matter of time before some one took offence and he got what was coming to him.

Everyone loves a bit of banter as he calls it but hasnt he been over stepping the mark recently? wasnt it only a few weeks ago he was pictured causing trouble at another ground?

Im not condoning what Lee done but isnt it also unaccepable to be shouting abuse in front of women and children at a football match?

Good luck to you Lee i hope the Cornwall FA dont get excited by all the publicity and ban you for a stupid amount of time after all you have already apologised publically. We have all done stupid things when playing football at the heat of the moment and everyone who has played the game knows that.

The only one to come out of this well is the cameraman!

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I'm not making any comment on the subject as I believe the incident is being dealt with by the CCFA. However, the incident and the forum showing posts and photos was one of the main stories on Westcountry News on TV tonight, as a result the moderators of the site will be monitoring posts made due to the high amount of users viewing the site as a result. Thanks

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Having just seen this on the the local news i am shocked how much coverage this is getting. In the years that i have played football against Lee and with him for a short period at Foxhole i always got on with him fine and is a decent bloke.

This Judge bloke has been shouting abuse at people for a long time now, i think it was only a matter of time before some one took offence and he got what was coming to him.

Everyone loves a bit of banter as he calls it but hasnt he been over stepping the mark recently? wasnt it only a few weeks ago he was pictured causing trouble at another ground?

Im not condoning what Lee done but isnt it also unaccepable to be shouting abuse in front of women and children at a football match?

Good luck to you Lee i hope the Cornwall FA dont get excited by all the publicity and ban you for a stupid amount of time after all you have already apologised publically. We have all done stupid things when playing football at the heat of the moment and everyone who has played the game knows that.

The only one to come out of this well is the cameraman!

Trucks regardless of what "the judge" may have said, a player can't go and assault him. I think Mr Whetter is fully aware of that. the judge is a football supporter, blimey, is he not allowed to say anything at football. I'm sure what happened was totally out of character, but the player had plenty of time to think of his actions.

Personally I don't want to see a lifetime ban or anything like that. But to say, "he got what was coming to him" physical abuse in a trade for verbal abuse? hardly fair is it???

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1) The CCFA punishments get more lenient the higher up the ladder you go or the more exposure you get - e.g Ben Andros. Too easy to give a Duchy or FHFL player a £35 quid fine and 35 day ban for virtually nothing, yet a SWPL player walks for a headbutt this year and gets 3 games. Hardly consistent.

2) You cant condone violence towrds a fan but

3) My god has the Judge been asking for it

4) Nice punch from Andy Dingle - bet the CCFA ignore that one

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Lets hope sense prevails in this case lee whetter has apologised for what he did but he was abused constantly and will be severly punished but shouldnt certain people who group get there pleasure out of abusing ex players most of it was good banter but some of the things where below the belt ,i no i will get slammed for this but what was paul hampshires missus doing there with a young baby it wasnt really the place for him he could start jumping into the crowd at play group when he starts and it will be all down to there trip to st austell ,it says in the paper bradley ralph wont be playing for st austell anymore it would be nice to see him back at mt wise because the defence has looked shakey at times this season :c:

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4) Nice punch from Andy Dingle - bet the CCFA ignore that one

i think before you accuse andy of throwing a punch make sure the facts you have are correct. although the picture that was taken may well look like it is him throwing the punch it may well not be.the photo for that particular incident is misleading i believe <_<

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Dont know Lee Whetter but nobody should condone what he did. Yes the judge maybe be rather vocal and rub people up the wrong way at times (myself included) but their is absolutely no excuse for violence towards him. The Judge has done the best thing possible in regards to the situation and stayed clear of it which is admirable.

What people need to realise that this could of become a criminal matter had the Judge or anyone else that was assaulted gone to the police as the photographic evidence is very damning.

As for someone asking why a players wife was their with her 9 months old baby? well why shouldnt she be their???? are their rules that say Woman with baby's are not permitted at football matches??? What a stupid thing to say.

No one knows what punishment the Cornwall FA are going to impose but they will choose the punishment they see fit and whether people agree or disagree with their decision will be down to personal opinion.

As for Lee Whetter as i said at the beginning i dont know him but i'm sure as many people have written on here that he is a nice guy and this was totally out of character and i'm sure he will be wanting to put this behind him and get on with his life whether that be in football or not. Its is not for forum users to say Ban him for life or only give him 5 games because he said sorry. People have to live with their actions and deal with the consequences like men which i'm sure Lee will do.

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yes mariner it was lee who was sent off last season and the game abandoned against callington. he refused to leave the dugout all kicked off and the ref cancelled the game. the punishment a win for the home side.

and to say that lee is to be given a second chance, that was his second chance after the red card last season and he has let his club down again.

thats the negatives, but the positive is that lee is a decent fella and club captain so he needs time to recap on what he has just done for the club and his name and get on with football the way he can show it when hes on form.

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The punishment dealt out by the Cornish FA will obviously will be awaited with interest from all connected with local football. They cannot be seen to be handing out a "weak" punishment. If the Cornish FA's punishments for red and yellow cards is followed, I am sure that Lee Whetters and St Austell Town are waiting with trepedation.

I would not be at all suprised to hear that that Lee Whetters receives a Life Time ban and that St Austell are made to play their remaining home fixtures away. Their opponents for the remainder of the season would therefore hold the home and away fixtures.

There is far too much violence in society already, we do not want it in local football.

Well a life time ban does seem a bit harsh! and your other comments are too!!

I just think that local football is getting too much internet attention (pot calling ) but as an ex player before the net! peoples views were aired in there own patch! not for all to see!

I maybe wrong !

I watch most saturdays and the abuse the players give to the refs and linos is awful! This is not relevant to this post so i will not make any further comment!!

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Can someone please explain why a lady shouldnt go along to watch her fella play football? How the hell she could possibly come in for stick makes no sense. I very much doubt she expected some tit that couldnt handle a bit of banter to charge past her to attack fellow fans!!

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This was in the Mirror on thursday!They were saying Snozzle could be booted out of the league.I think the media coverage of this could make the punishment worse,but in my opinion St.Austell should escape punishment.I suppose a charge of "failing to control their players" could be levelled,but this ain't the premier league with a couple of hundred stewards to stop it happening.A club at this level should not be held responsible for a single person's actions.

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