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Newquay vs Bodmin

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Big game at Mt Wise tmmrw when Bodmin town play the peppermints just got a feeling Newquay may get a resut so im going for a 2-1 win to the Peppermints i know its wishful thinking propbarly be 6-0 to Bodmin shoud be a good contest O Hagan VS Carter and its usualy Carter who comes out on top against most defenders i think hes a brilliant player a good old centre forward .I will be up there early to get some photos of the Bodmin team warming up and some during the match before it gets too dark .So come on Peppermints the great Escape is still on

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Would love to see Newquay get a win to keep their slim chances alive - truth is though that Bodmin NEED to win the game and if they do go second in the league. With Bodmin and Tavistock playing each other on 19 April and them each having one other top 5 game (Parkway and Argyle) - it's looking more likely that League is now 3 horse race - bad loss for Saltash at the weekend - their only chance now is Tavvi and Bodmin dropping unexpected points. As a prediction:

Tavistock 93pts or 92pts if draw with Bodmin

Saltash 90pts

Bodmin 90pts or 92pts if draw with Tavistock


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Think Newquay got quite a few lads out tomorrow night unfortunately Steve. About half a dozen missing from last weeks semi final if you wanted to change your prediction!! ? Think Macca got bare bones to pick from. To be honest I think it's games like Witheridge at home etc that will be the big games where there is a good chance of 3 points, tomorrow is a "free hit" game where a point would be a miracle against such a strong team. St.Austell next Tuesday as well!! Cruel fixture list that! I'm sure we'll all be there in hope tomorrow though! DannyO did a great job on Carts last week I thought. Like you say though mate, I think him and Glynn Hobbs at Tavistock are unplayable units on their day. Looking forward to seeing the lights fixed at Mount Wise, remember some epic Newquay v Bodmin evening games over the years. ? Are the county youth lads playing midweek Bob? Heart in the mouth time!! God bless em mate! ?⚽?

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Mark - Reg won't play any of the County lads tomorrow as too much to risk before the weekend - makes perfect sense but doesn't help missing 5/6 starters in a game v Argyle!!!! It's a hard time of year for smaller squads, especially when all the Truro college lads (Camelford / Falmouth / Godolphin etc) are off to Dallas next week as well to play in Dallas Cup, so with the National County final, no one want to play 'unnecessary' games..

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All the makings for a decent fixture under the lights at Mt.Wise then gents. We to are light on numbers for tomorrow's clash, a few carrying knocks from last Wednesday's game then having to play a very strong Argyle outfit last weekend leaving a few carrying injures etc. I wouldn't worry to much on your fixtures Mark, you will stay up on 'default' regardless finishing in the relegation places as I hear Tiverton are pulling out the league

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I will stick to my 2-1 prediction to Newquay Mark  because i think Bodmin will rest some players because of the Easter Monday final im glad Newquay are not playing any of the County lads because the County came is more important and its the biggest game so far the likes of Jack and Cam will play in . Looking forward to the match anyway Ihave also heard that Tiverton are pulling out there manager Patmore has left or going end ofthe season he said he cant take the team on any further so Newquay may have a chance of staying up by default hope Blazey do as well

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There are probably a few other rules and regulations you don't agree with but Leagues in the NLS have to abide by those which are currently in place. IF Tiverton Res do decide to withdraw, it makes more sense to "save" a Club rather than have a 19 team division next season!

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2 hours ago, TURNIP TED said:

I do not agree with teams staying up by default .  The weakest team should be relegated.

Totally agree rather see a team/club that's tried over the seasongiven promotion,rather than one that gave up in September given a reprieve..

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36 minutes ago, beacon said:

Totally agree rather see a team/club that's tried over the seasongiven promotion,rather than one that gave up in September given a reprieve..

We as a team have not given up and will be trying till the end of the season......

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Beacon -  Newquay may not have been good enough this season (it's not all finished yet!), but it is not through a lack of trying by all involved - they just haven't had a competitive squad in too many games. 

If Tiverton Reserves do pull out of the League (nothing from them on that only rumour) it will be a real shame -BUT- on a Cornwall Football Forum I would rather travel to Mount Wise than Tiverton ?

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25 minutes ago, Bobjfh said:

Beacon -  Newquay may not have been good enough this season (it's not all finished yet!), but it is not through a lack of trying by all involved - they just haven't had a competitive squad in too many games. 

If Tiverton Reserves do pull out of the League (nothing from them on that only rumour) it will be a real shame -BUT- on a Cornwall Football Forum I would rather travel to Mount Wise than Tiverton ?

Well I hope we stay up and can keep the lads together and sign 4-5 in the summer to make us stronger.........Newquay is a great club with great back room staff and loyal fans!! But we have got 4 or 5 out tonight with knocks and with Cornwall players not playing because of there final on Saturday.......but we will always give 100% 

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Bodmin where brilliant tonight played lovely football and gave a masterclass on passing they where just a joy to watch and that man Carter helped himself to 5 goals tonight hes some player but i will give mom to JAKE ASH who was brilliant and the Newquay goalie did some brilliant saves even if he did let in 8 he is my mom for Newquay dont knowif it was Prentice or Crane in goal but whoever it was played very well . The weather was shocking to watch football in wind and driving rain and my poor Smokie dog was shaking with the cold so left before the end of the match .Well done Bodmin for a brilliant display of great football and no Dan Sullivan tonight . Thanks for Bodmin assistant manager think hes called Terry Huddy for telling me best way to get to the ground Saturday week when i will be going to Bodmin to see them take on Plymouth ARGYLE Res that should be some game and good luck to Bodmin in the easter monday final vs Saltash got to fancy Bodmin for that match . Hard luck Newquay but tonight it was boys against men but WItheridge should be  a easier match good luck to the peppermints on Satday i will be at St Blazey

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Newquay only had 13 players tonight and that included 2 lads from the Combo team and my lad on the bench who was never going to come on only in a desperate measure as Hoops understandably preferred his county youth boys fit and ready for Saturdays big final. The 12 boys that played gave it plenty of effort but came up against a rampant Bodmin team tonight as Steve has already said. Really difficult swirling wind and rain that seemed to keep changing direction!! Bodmin made light work of the conditions with some cracking football zipping it around the greasy surface and scored some outstanding goals, think the crowd got their fivers worth tonight! I would have paid another fiver on the way out to be honest for 3 of the goals! ??? Always great to catch up with Gilbey, superb bloke and player and he's matched that as a manager with some of the teams he's built over the last few seasons. If anyone finishes above Bodmin they will deserve to win it ?⚽?

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8 hours ago, 100%cornish said:

Bodmin where brilliant tonight played lovely football and gave a masterclass on passing they where just a joy to watch and that man Carter helped himself to 5 goals tonight hes some player but i will give mom to JAKE ASH who was brilliant and the Newquay goalie did some brilliant saves even if he did let in 8 he is my mom for Newquay dont knowif it was Prentice or Crane in goal but whoever it was played very well . The weather was shocking to watch football in wind and driving rain and my poor Smokie dog was shaking with the cold so left before the end of the match .Well done Bodmin for a brilliant display of great football and no Dan Sullivan tonight . Thanks for Bodmin assistant manager think hes called Terry Huddy for telling me best way to get to the ground Saturday week when i will be going to Bodmin to see them take on Plymouth ARGYLE Res that should be some game and good luck to Bodmin in the easter monday final vs Saltash got to fancy Bodmin for that match . Hard luck Newquay but tonight it was boys against men but WItheridge should be  a easier match good luck to the peppermints on Satday i will be at St Blazey

That Terry Huddy is a lovely man 100%Cornish, so kind & thoughtful, always helping others. Some say he looks like a young John Trevolta? 

Anyway back to the game, so we to also had players missing, due to knocks, Senior Cup Final around the corner etc etc....you just have to get on with it. Camelford had players missing last night, they lost at home, no qualms. We absolutely blitzed Newquay & as one of their supporters suggested it was men against boys, they just didn't compete which must of been a little frustrating for their manager (who seems to know what he is doing) just not the personnel to carry out his instructions, I noticed this last week in the Semi Final when Newquay were blaming everyone apart from themselves for their defeat. Anyway, last night they could blame the Linesman, Barman or tea lady, in reflection 8 could of been 12 if it was not for their keeper pulling of some great saves. If that is the gulf between top two & bottom two the league is complete mis-match. Always nice to visit Mt.Wise & the ground I thought looked good last night. With Tiverton pulling out Newquay again be in the Premier next season, but will need to improve dramatically to save themselves from the drop next season

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John Revolting? Yeah I can see that ?  Bit disrespectful saying someone like Danny OHagan who played for Bodmin for years, winning everything was a boy against men. When both teams were virtually full strength last week you won the game in the 85th minute. I agree the league table does not lie but if Macca who 'seems to know what he is doing" had Bodmins budget I'm sure Newquay would be a top 6 team as well. Newquays budget wouldn't even cover Jake, Carts and Dan Sullivan per game that's why it's "men against boys". Money talks in this league. Can't see Bodmin bringing too many youngsters through? Be interesting to see what would happen if Gilbey ever left the club? Can't imagine you would be on here so often casting your opinion on how bad Blazey and Newquay are or St.Austells "massive" budget! Three clubs with just as big a history as Bodmins and I'm sure their time will come again. A couple of Newquay people already came on and said Bodmin were class last night, shame you ain't got any.

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Think you will find it was originally a Newquay supporter '100%Cornish' that said it was men against boys, I just agreed & at 0-8 I am sure there will be a lot of others who would also agree. You take the bait kid, I will keep throwing the net. I am amazed you know Jake, Carts & Sulli so well they have told you what they are earning.... :thumbsup::yahoo:

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Top of the league, Tavi, Bodmin, St.Austell, Parkway = big budgets. Bottom of the league, St.Blazey, Newquay, Witheridge = Peanuts in comparison. Best players play for the best teams, it ain't rocket science, that's the way it is and fair play to the players, it's a car, a holiday or a slice of their mortgage. I'm sure Sticker will take a few heavy defeats against quality opposition next season, and staying up will be a success I'm sure. Hope the likes of Camelford and Newquay keep all their talented youngsters and they help their clubs climb the league rather than chase the big bucks, plenty of time for that later if they keep focused. Just think they need encouragement not get slated on here. 

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16 minutes ago, Sticker Forever said:

Top of the league, Tavi, Bodmin, St.Austell, Parkway = big budgets. Bottom of the league, St.Blazey, Newquay, Witheridge = Peanuts in comparison. Best players play for the best teams, it ain't rocket science, that's the way it is and fair play to the players, it's a car, a holiday or a slice of their mortgage. I'm sure Sticker will take a few heavy defeats against quality opposition next season, and staying up will be a success I'm sure. Hope the likes of Camelford and Newquay keep all their talented youngsters and they help their clubs climb the league rather than chase the big bucks, plenty of time for that later if they keep focused. Just think they need encouragement not get slated on here. 

Sticker Follower - Several of Camelfords younger players have been offered a lot more money from other clubs this season and have declined it because they love playing at Camelford, for Reg and their teammates.  

You often get people on here saying young players aren't interested or have no loyalty - these lot do. The club has a great group who are always last to leave the bar, whether home or away games, get on well together and are an example about being a 'club' - not a group who turn up, play, get their envelope and leave (home and away).  I've watched Sticker and they have the same look about them - a club. Personally think you will do well next season, you might need a bit of strengthening to have a full squad every game - just pick players who fit the club, not the envelope. 

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To be fair Ted, agree with 100%. Bodmin probably had 4 or 5 players who were on top form but Jake just oozes class and never put a foot wrong all last night. Top man on and off the pitch. Ive scored 5 in a game a  good few times and been nowhere near man of the match in my opinion! A striker is only as good as his team around him I always say. Carts probably scored 5 with about 8/9 chances which is a more than decent strike rate?⚽ but I'm sure he'll be the first to appreciate the service he was being given. Any keeper under that amount of pressure is bound to save a few but Nathan Prentice pulled off 4/5 great saves and got a hand on a couple more that went in as well. I do agree it was a rough old night for Smokie though!! ? Bit fresh and wet come 2nd half!! Been a tough old season for Newquay but it's not been all bad, saw quite a few games where their luck was out and they could have at least another 10/15 points but that's football. Hope Macca stays and their half a dozen youngsters who will only improve and fill out and with some experience around them they can avoid a repeat of this season.

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Turnip Ted its nearly always the goalscorer that gets mom and yes Carter got 5 goals and u would put money on him getting a hat trick before the match has even started but Jake ASH everything he did on the ball was good he reminded me of Alan Hansen he never panicks hes just a class player and Truro should of kept him hes that good and i gave the mom to the Newquay goalie think it was Prentice but he did some outstanding saves last night and if it wasnt for him it would of been 12 was you at the match Turnip Head ? Yes i am a Godolphin fan the reason is they always make u welcome at the club and they are all Local lads who play for the club and not big bucks

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