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Godolphin Atlantic v St Austell

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Just read that the G have signed ex Truro city fa vase captain Tom Smith he was a class act at Truro but he must be getting on a bit now but still a good player to have alongside Ollie Pinnell and Jamie Lowry . Really dissapointed i will miss the Gs match with St Austell i will be in my hospital bed at Penzance after my bladder op , im hoping the match gets called off then i will be able to see the rearanged match . I think St Austell will rest Liam Eddy and a couple of others but they have such a strong squad but i do fancy the G to beat them with the tremendous team spirit they have and some real good players . Hope i get out of the hospital by saturday so i can go to St Austell to see them playarrow-10x10.png in the vase . Good Luck to the G on wednesday will be keeping a eye on the result on this forum going for a 2-1 winarrow-10x10.png to the G after et same as last weeks match with Bodmin

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Saw last weeks game against Bodmin where G were worthy winners. They have nothing to fear against St Austell who will have one eye on the Vase.
Hopefully the weather will stay the same as it will suit the G as there passing game is the best in the league where as the 4 or 5 games I have seen St A play, they are very physical at the back and get the ball quickly up to Eddy. If the referee has a good game and is not intimidated, 3.1 to the G.
(In these conditions Jamie Lowry will boss it)

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2-1 to the 'G' thought they played extremley well. Definatley a club on the up. With this competition having the cornish & devon clubs participating im sure Laffs will be dissapointed to go out. With Bodmin, Ivybridge, Parkway etc all still involved its agood competition to win. Good luck to St.Austell for saturday.

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What a brilliant result well done the G i was in Penzance Hospital watching the updates of the match on my sons tablet  and it was better than all the treatment i had there and the nurses wanderd why i shouted out when i saw the final score it was funny really they thought something had gone wrong after my op glad to say all went well and i cannot wait to be at Godolphin way sat week to watch the mighty G play Launceston i cannot wait to get there in my usual place clicking away with my old camera . So excited this is turning into a great season for the G . Well done to everyone players staff and everyone connected to a fantastic club

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What a brilliant result well done the G i was in Penzance Hospital watching the updates of the match on my sons tablet  and it was better than all the treatment i had there and the nurses wanderd why i shouted out when i saw the final score it was funny really they thought something had gone wrong after my op glad to say all went well and i cannot wait to be at Godolphin way sat week to watch the mighty G play Launceston i cannot wait to get there in my usual place clicking away with my old camera . So excited this is turning into a great season for the G . Well done to everyone players staff and everyone connected to a fantastic club

Glad that you are recovering well. Pleased that the result was a good tonic for you. Hopefully the Lillywhites this time can give you another boost on Saturday as you are 100% Cornish !
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Thanks Midlandwhite looking forward to the match on saturday i think St Austell will win 3-1 and Liam Eddy will score twice im on a bit of a roll at the moment got both of the Godolphins previous matches right so i think i will go in the bookies and put £5 on the score of 3-1 to St Austell should be a great game  and great atmosphere

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Last night was the first time I had watched godolphin Atlantic and I must say very impressed. They are straight to the ball in your face. If they could just hit the target, they would be in double figures every match. St Austell didn't really have a look in it. Best of luck to St Austell in the vase on Saturday

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I dont mind what Rocket Ronnie said in the least maybe i have mentioned my illness too much in the past i will not mention it again and watching the G is the best tonic i need to make a full recovery looking forward to the St Austell match very much time to dig out the thermals i think

No you haven't mentioned it too much mate. Hope you enjoy the match and we can get closer to Wembley.
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Ok just between us then theoldergetbetteriwas dont want to upset RONNIE on wed i went into to penzance to have 2 cancerous growths removed i had 12 cysts in my bladder 9 where non cancerous but 3 of the little buggers werent so they had to go so im hoping they stay away and watching St Austell win tmmrw and watching the G again is all i need as well as Plymouth getting rid of Sheridan i hope , I go into Penzance hospital and the nurse said Mr Pearce you have come for your bladder op i said no Transgender op she wasnt amused she said this is serious Mr Pearce think i must of said that because i was shitting bricks anyway better not mention it anymore dont want to upset young Rocket . Have a good weekend older sorry could write lot again and also to Midland white time to dig the thermals out for tmmrw


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