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Paul Mariner

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17 minutes ago, fenman said:

I see that Paul Mariner the ex Ipswich and England player has died . Was he a west country man or am I confusing  Mariner with Plymouth's nickname ? Great player loved watching him at Ipswich .

Really sad news. He was originally from Bolton, and was signed by Argyle from non league Chorley.  Along with Billy Rafferty, was the focal point of the strong side that Tony Waiters put together. Then starred in the great Ipswich side of the early eighties.

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Rip Paul ,had the best times ever at Plymouth watching the Mariner Rafferty terrorising the opponents best double act at Home Park .Paul always use to stand right in front of the visiting teams goalie . He must of been a good player to of played for England ,i  think he was a Londoner 

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Thanks I was trying to get my old confused brain sorted out over whether he played for Plymouth and was local to the area or just played for Plymouth . Also confusing me was the ex. Spurs great Mabbut  , was he a Devon/ Cornwall lad ?.

Perhaps my brain is more concerned with where all the swallows and house martins are , hence my confusions . Still only seen  4 or 5 Older , very strange !!!!

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8 hours ago, fenman said:

Thanks I was trying to get my old confused brain sorted out over whether he played for Plymouth and was local to the area or just played for Plymouth . Also confusing me was the ex. Spurs great Mabbut  , was he a Devon/ Cornwall lad ?.

Perhaps my brain is more concerned with where all the swallows and house martins are , hence my confusions . Still only seen  4 or 5 Older , very strange !!!!

Only seen one as well,  but the weather here has been awful, wet, wet and wet!

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8 hours ago, 100%cornish said:

Gary Mabbut was a Bristol lad he played for Rovers his Brother Kevin played for City Gary was also a diabetic i rememer when he played at Plymouth in Geoff CRUDGINGTONS testimonial he had to have Lucozade when he played 

Back in 1990 that was I think. Just before the world Cup, Gazza played for about half an hour and was unbelievable 

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23 hours ago, David Bray said:

The legend that was Paul Mariner signed from Non League Chorley by Argyle ( if I'm correct in 1973,)* played in a pre season friendly for Argyle against St.Austell at Poltair, you could see then how quick and clinical he was in front of goal.

RIP Paul.

I think in this era of every football match being available on TV, and us knowing every player, we forget just how good professional footballers are. Seen lots of pre season friendlies in Cornwall involving league and premier league clubs, when you are leant against the railings and see them up close you see just how good their technique, movement and speed of thought is. Even players you think of mediocre as were way ahead of semi pros. Makes you realise what a small and elite group professionals are, way more so for those in the Premier League.

Just shows  the scale achievement of Paul Mariner (and others) who climbed from non league, through  the pro ranks, on to the top division, international football and a world cup tournament.

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I once played in a cup match in the Norwich Thursday league  against a team run by the owner of Yarmouth Fun Fair . He had put together a team of top players including Martin Peters ( who had recently retired from the professional game ) , Phil Boyer and  a player Robson ( Keith I think ) . I watched these players and wondered what made them better than me . Playing on the same pitch  with them you found you were chasing fresh air most of the time . Bizarrley everything thing they did , like trapping and controlling the ball seemed in slow motion , hard to explain really .They seemed to create yards of space out of nothing . I realised why these top players were so good , they had everything , speed of control and thought . We lost the game  but didn't disgrace ourselves , I think the score was 10 or 11 -1

Sorry to digress but speaking of the Norwich Thursday league ( sadly now gone ) I was in the holiday camp at St. Tudy a couple of years or so ago . I got chatting to the old boy on the reception desk , he recognised the Norfolk accent , it turns out that he played  in that league when he lived in Norfolk  and he would have played in the same division as that team . Small world at times . 

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On 10/07/2021 at 12:08, David Bray said:

The legend that was Paul Mariner signed from Non League Chorley by Argyle ( if I'm correct in 1973,)* played in a pre season friendly for Argyle against St.Austell at Poltair, you could see then how quick and clinical he was in front of goal.

RIP Paul.

I should add,  Paul played 155 times for Argyle scoring 61 goals in 4 season's at Home Park.

Some fitting tributes in today's I plus tributes in the Ipswich Town Fans Forum, twtd.co.uk you will need to scroll down a bit.

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