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Racism in Football

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At the weekend another racism attack on Chelseas Anton Rudiger by a spurs fan what i cant understand i why racisially abuse a black player when your own team is made of half of black players this is like insulting your own players .I have never seen or heard of any black player being abused here in Cornwall and i have been watching local football a long time i only can think of 3 black players playing in Cornwall Kelvin Fyneboy ,the Mousehole lad and Tornado Bello when hes not playing for Barnstable .I use to witness lots of abuse when i use to go and watch Plyn mouth Argyle play and they have always had black players playing for them the worst incident i have ever seen was the abuse Stockports Kevin Francis got the whole match and he got a hat trick and when he was coming off at the end of the match a supporter behind me  near the tunnel ran all the way down and spat in Kevin Francises face  just because he was black and had scored a hat trick vs the Pilgrims ,he was 1 hell of a player 6ft 6 if i remember rightly he was a lovely bloke .I use to take loads of photos of Plymouth matches and i got a photo of THE SPITTING INCIDENT i sent the picture to Home Park but never got a reply they use to brush a lot of rascial insidents under the carpet up at Plymouth but that was the 70s and 80S .Hope these rascial abuse incidents wont continue why do it when half of your own team is made up of black players .

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I listened to an interesting phone in on five live today . One person said ( I think I've said the same on this forum ) football is about the only sport where it is acceptable to sing offensive chants aimed at the opposition and the officials .Some people go a step further and think is acceptable to make racist remarks to players of other nationalities . WHY ?

 What sort of people are they ? The sad thing is that most of us think we are reasonable people and behave as such , but these people also think they are reasonable and think that they can justify their behaviour . As you said Cornish next season those players could be in your team .

Unfortunately humans tend to copy each other , as an example most people no longer use I said , I saw  , I did  they now say I was like , which is absolute nonsense grammatically because you don't know what they did . Obviously some half witted celebrity  started it so millions copied it . The danger with this racial abuse is that there are many people who will want to copy what went on in the Chelsea game . This may appear to be an extreme thing to say but there have been several instances of racial abuse in the past 3 weeks . One would be enough and with the coverage of it you would think it would stop.

Edited by fenman
idiot pressed the wrong button
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I’ve played in a game where I’ve heard racial words used against someone. About  20 years ago or so!!

I still say that the Protocol is wrong. Players shouldn’t have to suffer it once let alone allowing a crowd 3 chances!!  England had the opportunity to set a precedent in Bulgaria and they didn’t take it. 
Walking off the pitch gives the authorities something to act on. 

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One thing that's very rarely mentioned regarding any sort of abuse at football is alcohol and drugs . How many people at a live game are under the influence of either drugs or alcohol ? . As a result their inner evils , shall we say , rise to the top . I know several people who go to Norwich City games who've had a few pints in the nearby pub before kick off ( excluding the players ) and then rush down to the bar 10 minutes before half time , obscuring peoples view on the way , for another couple before the second half . . Also , statistically I would have thought , there must be a number under the influence of recreational ( whatever that means ) stimulants . I may be wrong but I think that this is one of the main reasons for this abuse and with the state of society as mentioned in previous posts on the subject , this will be very hard to eradicate . It's no good the experts saying that the FA  should pour money into solving the problem . It's only the FA's problem at football grounds because of the way society is today , you can't hold them responsible for that unless they drug and alcohol test every spectator . And then of course we run into human rights etc.

No excuse for bad weather  making me post on here today , the weather is bright and sunny  , but the forum is more entertaining than the Christmas TV  schedules !!!!!!!! 

 Happy New Year .   

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 23/12/2019 at 16:14, fenman said:

One person said ( I think I've said the same on this forum ) football is about the only sport where it is acceptable to sing offensive chants aimed at the opposition and the officials .Some people go a step further and think is acceptable to make racist remarks to players of other nationalities . 

How are you defining the word offensive here? Only racial abuse or just anything that someone finds offensive?


On 23/12/2019 at 18:35, baldy said:

John Conteh started it with “You know” and the vocabulary has gone downhill ever since. The racism is not a football problem. It is deep rooted in society. Until FIFA address the real problems in the sport, society will dictate the agenda.


Completely disagree with you here when you say Racism is deep rooted in society. These recent events took place in stadiums with 50,000+ people. Of course there will be a very small minority in that crowd who have extreme views but that isn't indicative of a racist society as a whole.

The UK is probably the most tolerant society in the world.

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Dino , by offensive I'm thinking in terms of " the referees a w ***** ", chants about the Munich air crash aimed at Manchester United fans and that type of thing . I think most people , with the exception of football supporters ,  would find that offensive . As regards " someone finds offensive " , this is difficult to define . I have known people who have been offended by the most ridiculous things , mainly because they lack any humour .

I think , generally   speaking , you're right about Britain being a very tolerant country and 10 people out of 50,000 is a small number . The question is why has it raised it's ugly head all of a sudden . Is it copycat from Eastern Europe ? or has always been there but is suddenly newsworthy ?

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15 minutes ago, fenman said:


Have I missed something or is this one of those accidental mis-posts that happen to me all the time (thank goodness that I am usually quick enough to delete or amend).

4 hours ago, a little bit of a dinho said:

How are you defining the word offensive here? Only racial abuse or just anything that someone finds offensive?



Completely disagree with you here when you say Racism is deep rooted in society. These recent events took place in stadiums with 50,000+ people. Of course there will be a very small minority in that crowd who have extreme views but that isn't indicative of a racist society as a whole.

The UK is probably the most tolerant society in the world.

Oh, I think offensive goes much deeper than racism. Homophobia, misogyny, the list is extensive, if not endless!

I think you’ll find that racism is deeply rooted, no doubt about it, but I have seen clear improvements over the last couple of generations.

Hmm, I’d like to think we’re in the top 20%, but that might just be optimism on my part!


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