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Jealousy, envy or proud?

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What St Austell have achieved already this season is terrific for Cornish football, but is there an amount of jealousy and envy?  There is no doubt, their players budget this season is the highest in the Carlsberg South West Peninsula League. From what I have heard, they have a budget of around £1,400, more than double or treble what some clubs are paying.


Irrespective of what they are paying and it is their prerogative how much or how little they are, they have

truly excelled in winning sponsorship. 


Looking around the grounds of the majority of clubs in Devon and Cornwall, it would seem they have either not bothered or failed in getting some good sponsorship.


There are clubs in Devon and Cornwall who could emulate St Austell, but do they have what it takes to do so? If not, why not?

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I wouldn't think there is a much jealously or envy, judging by the number of clubs who have wished St. Austell good luck on twitter. Probably most clubs would just love to be in the same position as St. Austell are in.

St.Austell have shown what can be achieved by a hard working committee, a great manager and mainly local players.

I must also mention how good the ground looked on Saturday, and all the arrangements were first class.

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I wouldn't think there is a much jealously or envy, judging by the number of clubs who have wished St. Austell good luck on twitter. Probably most clubs would just love to be in the same position as St. Austell are in.
St.Austell have shown what can be achieved by a hard working committee, a great manager and mainly local players.
I must also mention how good the ground looked on Saturday, and all the arrangements were first class.

The club has made amazing progress since the bad days of eight years ago when the club nearly went out of business. This transformation has been due to a small group of people who stuck through the bad times, then put a hell of lot of work in to transform the club and the ground. They were able to attract a lot of sponsorship at a time when the club wasn't an attractive proposition. This in turn led to the ground improvements, refurbished club house and then being able to attract some quality managers and players which have put the club in its current position. The credit has to go to that small band of volunteers who stuck by the club in the past. They deserve all the success the club is getting now. I am so proud to be the Club's President.
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What St Austell have achieved already this season is terrific for Cornish football, but is there an amount of jealousy and envy?  There is no doubt, their players budget this season is the highest in the Carlsberg South West Peninsula League. From what I have heard, they have a budget of around £1,400, more than double or treble what some clubs are paying.


Irrespective of what they are paying and it is their prerogative how much or how little they are, they have

truly excelled in winning sponsorship. 


Looking around the grounds of the majority of clubs in Devon and Cornwall, it would seem they have either not bothered or failed in getting some good sponsorship.


There are clubs in Devon and Cornwall who could emulate St Austell, but do they have what it takes to do so? If not, why not?


Very Very Proud!!!

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Obviously jealous of the success of St Austell (although they have never won the SWPL West  :P ), envious that they may get promoted, and proud that Lafs (a Peppermint at heart) has guided the once troubled club a step closer to Wembley  :c:


Good luck to Lafs and his team.

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I over heard the Manager of AFC St Austell talking to 1 of the sponsors on Saturday before the game and he was asking for the £200 per player to be put in envelopes (so if my maths is correct I make the budget to be £2800 ) that's twice what you have heard ontheball2014.


I also heard him telling the Chairman to sort out the beers behind the bar for the players too (which is a nice touch)


I'm hearing on the grapevine if they win the next 2 games they going to be allowed to stay in the Managers own personal caravan at Par Sands (only prob it only sleeps 8) Visit to Dunelm mill to get some bunk beds is in order.


I'm sure your club would like to have these kind offers from Manager Chairman and Sponsors.


Hope this clears up a few facts regarding the Budget at Poltair ( I think you must be thinking what the headmaster gets paid a week not the team).


All the best



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Who cares about the money, if it's there to spend then let them! They wouldn't have got the success they have had this season without it and clearly people have worked hard for that budget to be there. 


Money = Success


This model is replicated from the premier league downwards. Stop moaning about it and lets enjoy the fact there's an ambitious, well supported and good team going places from our leagues!


Well Done Snozz

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So are you denying it is anywhere near £1,400?


As far as I am concerned, if St Austell have a budget of £1,400 let them spend it as they wish.


I deny it is anywhere near £1,400 that is ridiculous, we will probably play 50-55 games this season that equates to £70,000 - £77,000 for the season, how is that sustainable?  


We have not got someone bank rolling us, we have just got a great committee and a great manager which enables us to create a strong squad!!!


Many thanks



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I personally think if they have the money use it wisely to develop everything and anything at a football club. I am extremely proud of everyone at St Austell, have seen them a couple times this season and a fantastic set up at a great club. And anyone who is not proud of St Austell needs to wake up to the real world.

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Great for Cornish Football and also for the Peninsula Football League.

Having said that, with their budget they should be contesting at this stage of the vase, know at least 4 players on £100+ & 1 on £150+.

In all honesty though, its really the business of St Austell as to what they want to pay and if their intention is to go for promotion then best of luck to them but do hope they can substain it for the coming years because if they do seek promotion, playing in Bristol, Somerset and surrounding areas every other week will cost (give or take the odd fixture north of Exeter)!!!

Good luck to Laffs and the boys in the next round!!

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If people knew how careful (tight!) the likes of Treasurer Darryl and former Treasurer Mike are they'd know how laughable the suggestion of a budget that size is! These are the people who rescued the club years ago with less than £1 in the bank account but debts coming out of their ears. Mike had a fit of the vapours just at the suggestion - someone rush him a restorative ciggie quick!!

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Why the preoccupation with what players are on?Most of whom would grossly inflate the figure if asked.SWPL followers should be delighted that a club committee has ambition and a manager who is creating a formidable side by maximising what each of his talented squad can offer . Enjoy what they are doing for the profile of Cornish Soccer .If players are getting affordable expenses, so what?They are producing the goods and allowing their supporters to dream of a trip to Wembley. Good luck to all and thanks for the buzz you have given to the area.

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As to player Renumeration at St. Austell, both sides are, of course, right. I imagine that SuperCooper does not lie when he said that the Club pays out something less than £1,400. However, as has happened many times at many clubs in the past, nothing stops a sponsor or indeed any individual topping up the payments via the infamous "brown envelope". Thus the players get their cash, the Treasurer and committee can insist on their fiscal responsibility, and the taxman/taxpayer lose out. Nothing new there, happens in one form or another from the Premiership to the grassroots. ( there's even a rumour that some fans have been known to invest in a fishing rod by way of Renumeration! ).

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Nothing to bite about MM. I am just pointing out that where there are two contrary opinions it does not necessarily imply that one view is correct and the other must by definition be a lie.
I am personally very impressed with what the St. Austell team, management and committee have achieved, and I would be very surprised if any of the other quarter finalists are working with a much smaller budget, whatever that budget might be.
I cannot deny though that the Renumeration aspects of the local game sadden me. I am of an age that I remember when the game and loyalty to your club and team-mates were reward enough. I accept that those days are long gone but I don't have to like it!

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I think some of the bigger clubs in the Peninsula League should be inspired by what has been achieved at St Austell.


The likes of Falmouth, St Blazey, Saltash United, Newquay, Exmouth Town, Launceston, could emulate St Austell. But have they ever looked at themselves and asked why they struggle for funds or support?  All the clubs I have mentioned are very poorly supported, but why?


The likes of Falmouth Town, Saltash United and St Blazey have enjoyed fantastic success in the past, but what have they achieved in the past 10 years? Their support has dwindled and grounds have become neglected due to lack of investment, due to lack of funds.


So I hope the majority of clubs are jealous and envious, enough to be inspired to look at themselves and ask a few questions of themselves. Could they do better, do they have the right people administering their club. If they do, do they look to get others involved who could bring in fresh ideas? As these club suffer poor support, I am not sure they will find the right people amongst its followers, but may have to go to the media and welcome support/assistance.


Surely the more clubs we have emulating the success of St Austell, the stronger the league will be and far more competitive.



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Do you get a stronger league by more clubs having the same budget as St Austell appear too, St Blazey and Falmouth in the past or Newquay when they were promoted from the West. The fact is there is a pool of better players and the club with the largest budget tends to attract them ( of course there are exceptions ). The way to get a stronger league is by improving the ability across the board and in particular giving the youth players the best training possible.
No envy here, I would love St Austall to lift the Vase but I still hope they get beaten each week in the league !!!

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Clubs themselves rarely have the funds to pay silly money, it comes from private sponsors / donations. Truro City could not survive on gate /bar/ advertising income, they are being bailed out (again).


Let's not forget, folk have a misty eyed memory, football in Cornwall was for some clubs, Professional at the start of the South Western League. Players at St Austell and others were being paid as Professional players, crowds were into four figures on a regular basis, local folk had more time and possibly disposable income in the 50's, there was only the cinema and dances in competition.


Newquay had a very modest budget, topped up by outside interests no doubt, it got them what was needed, promotion. I very much doubt that St Austell will consider breaking the bank again, they have only just come out of one disaster and name change - if Joe Bloggs or even Lafs wants to buy a few rounds of drinks, pay for a away coach, chip in to the leccy bill, so what, don't we all wish we had friends like that ?


St Austell have gained a lot of goodwill in central Cornwall, they can easily overtake Truro as the top club if they continue to harness the support they are currently attracting.


Good luck to St Austell and Exmouth Town in the promotion push, the latter probably more so after last seasons WL / FA nonsense. All the best v Ascot Utd to Lafs and his team, Wembley is looming ever closer and so is taking over as Cornwalls top club.

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Thank you Keith B.


Can I ask Keith B, have you ever got into discussion with the Chairman or any members of the committee to voice your concerns?


Lots of clubs have hard working committees who give up their spare time, for no reward, other than the satisfaction of supporting their favourite team. It is so easy to criticise their efforts for allowing a club to under achieve, but would we swap places with them?


However, I do feel the Chairman has a duty of care to ensure the club has the right talent on the committee. The committee has a responsibility to ensure the clubs wellbeing. I have often read the term "for the time being" on club or organisation documents. Meaning the committee has a legal responsibility by law for negligence of the club. How many committee members realise this? Obviously they organise insurance cover to their obligations, but committees have a responsibility beyond the everyday chores at a club.


I have to ask, how welcoming are clubs to new blood on the committee? Or is it a closed shop?


There is little doubt, the committee at St Austell have worked hard behind the scenes. I think I am correct in saying they have around 80-90 advertising boards, that takes a lot of effort. Having visited every ground in the Peninsula League in the last few seasons, that puts the majority of clubs in the shade.


I say well done St Austell. Your efforts may well inspire some Chairmen to wake up and smell the coffee.

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No football club is a 'private club' and should never be treated as such.


Very sadly, there are clubs who do not welcome interference from 'outsiders'. But they do so at their own peril.  Disillusioned supporters could we become so frustrated that they find other hobbies.


I think clubs should welcome extra assistance, fresh ideas and possibly help with funding.

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