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Insurance for injured players?

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On 31/03/2017 at 18:59, Titus Bramble said:

Anyone know how a player can claim on the insurance? 

What does it cover?


Been off work with a knee ligament injury from last weekend and might be off for longer!!

Titus - you will be covered by Blue Fin Insurance as they operate the National Game Insurance Scheme with the CCFA - you have to have it to be affiliated and be in the League. 

The policy does not cover Ligament damage per se HOWEVER it does cover, hospitalisation (an amount for every day in hospital), cover for loss of income, taxi fares and physio / recouperation treatment, etc  

I did forms a couple of seasons ago and they paid out - it's not bad cover as far as Insurance policies go and you have to have it so you might as well use it. Your secretary can download forms - and they should do most of it for you - as they have to sign it off. You will also need a medical release / report from A&E or your GP (don't forget if they charge for this you can claim that back as well - Trelisk never charged us, but some GP's do)

Good luck with the claim and recovery - I think the below link should take you to the BluFin page on cover etc (sorry if not but my IT skills could be better!)


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