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CSC Semi-final. St Austell 2 St Blazey 0

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Gifted them the goals. Went there tonight not expecting much but come away disappointed. Played very well tonight and knocked the ball round really well. Best football we've played for a while. Have to give them some credit tonight. How we Haven't scored tonight I don't no. When your on a good run things go for you and when your not things just don't fall for you. Very poor crowd tonight. 300 max. Newquays ground looking very smart. Pitch in good condition.

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Can only echo Paul's response. The better team lost. Both goals coming from Blazey errors, firstly Coombes fowling his own keeper which gifted Austell a tap in and then Dan Evans playing a great back pass through ball to Eddy to score the second. No wonder he was happy to score being on a £50 goal bonus!!! Good luck to St Austell in the final and in the remainder of the FA Vase. But a very good performance from St Blazey I feel.

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Where were all the loyal St Blazey fans?? Many faces missing. Even part time fans who love a cup run were missing. Disappointing to see so few at Newquay on what was a perfect evening for football really. Stop worrying how your beloved Man Yooo or Chel$$ea are doing and give the players a bit of support. St Austell not much better giving the run their on and crowds their getting.

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No,but we went there having lost 7v2 on boxing day and could have had a right thumping again if we'd not given everything. But just like boxing day we played the best football and played some good football to make chances. On another day we could have scored a few. St Austell rarely threatened and they will thank our 2 early xmas presents to win them the match. No disgrace loosing the way we did last night.

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A lot of sour grapes on here from st blazey again , passing the ball side ways 20 times and getting no where isn't good football , it's all about ur team isn't intrested in the occasion but about picking there packets up , no local players , paying silly money for big time players who never turn up on the night , Coombes , broomfield, Evans , the best thing st blazey should do is pick up there ground, put it in plymouth and they might care , SEASON over again first week in March , 2 month now for u boys to just go through the motions # chin-up bobby#lillywhites#localplayers#

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St.Austell never got out of 3rd gear but it was good enough. Huge Vase hangover for everyone I think. Plenty of St.Austell supporters there (the large majority of the crowd) but quite subdued. Will have to play much better over the coming weeks to keep the league title challenge going...especially with (I think) a minimum of 20 more games still to play.

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That has got to be the worst crowd for a semi final in many years.

Last night's program was another load of rubbish. 1 piece of paper folded in half. This is the same format for cup semi finals since the first one I went to 17 years ago. Basically a team sheet. Not to a standard for a cup semi final.

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Last night's program was another load of rubbish. 1 piece of paper folded in half. This is the same format for cup semi finals since the first one I went to 17 years ago. Basically a team sheet. Not to a standard for a cup semi final. 

It was free though!


As for the attendance - beaten by 8 SWPL Premier gates this season. Perhaps people aren't firstly prepared to travel any distance to watch a game. Maybe should have been held at Par Running Track on a Sunday afternoon! :ninja:  

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I'd rather pay for a decent program though.

You might Paul, but unfortunately a lot of people won't and therefore you have to consider whether it's viable and timely to do one! I struggle to sell my CORNISH SOCCER mag at only £2 and can't really get enough people interested in it and that's the whole of the county! In fact at only £2.30 one can have it delivered for a 3 month period and still the take-up is poor!

March edition is out today actually - fancy buying one?

[attachment=1645:CS March Front Page.png]

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Not with that front cover No!!

Ha ha - thought You'd like it! :) 

But seriously and unfortunately, that's why we won't get big gates any more - people are only really interested in their own team (even then, only really if they're winning!)


You'll be staggered at how many people look at me in amazement at a game when they find out I'm a neutral!

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Billybear no sour grapes here. It seems that you are the one that has an issue with everything Blazey judging by that comment and others on this forum!!!
If you tell me that the best team won on the night then I'll tell you you don't understand football. But its all about opinions that's why we love it.
Oh and I can confirm that it was merely a rumour that the CCFA were forced to use Mount Wise so that Air Traffic Control could keen an eye on St Austell!

Good luck in the Vase semi

Onwards and upwards

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