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Illogan v Perranwell

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This Sunday sees the second of the JCCL Semi Final between Illogan & Perranwell. The venue is Vogue Park, St Day with a 3pm Kick Off.

St Day extends a warm welcome to both visiting teams, officials, supporters, neutrals, family & friends alike and wishes anyone visiting on the day a very pleasant afternoon and a great day of football.

Parking on the day will be for Illogan & Perranwell Players & Managers at the ground and further parking will be located 200 yards up the road at Vogue Pub. Stewards will be present directing people to the correct places. I would advise people to car share if possible.


The bar will be open and the kitchen also selling hot drinks along with pasties. Homemade cakes will also be available for sale.

Entrance fees are as League state, programmes will be available and a raffle will also be sold on your entrance to the ground.

Ball Boys are being supplied by St Day Youth.

Apart from being St Patrick’s Day hopefully there is no excuses not to come and enjoy what I hope will be a great game of football between two outstanding Combination League Teams. The winners will play St Day at Porthleven on Easter Sunday the 31st March 2013.


KO 3pm

Referee: Adam Price

Assistants: Ben Lugg & Ciaran Barlow

Hope to see you all @ ST DAY AFC this weekend.

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Hi Mikey,

I'm away on an internaional project, this year in Newquay and only got chance to spike the pitch on wednesday. I will be home tomorrow and at the club from 7:30am and hopefully giving the pitch a cut if it stops raining.

Every team at St Day plays on the main pitch when avaiable (Even the youth teams) the main pitch wasnt allowed to be used as advised by the combo league due to your game tomorrow.

I have been informed this evening that the pitch had no standing water at 5:30pm.

See you all tomorrow, the weather is looking great

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Personally I can see perranwell winning today,Illogan are far from the team of 3/4 years ago,perranwell play good football,and with what I hear is a few problems within the Illogan changing room I can see perranwell talking full advantage of this,I may eat my words come later on,but that's what opinions are for! Hopefully a strong referee who follows the laws of the game and gets a few cards out too!! This doesn't ruin a game as many people say,it just merely enforces laws when needs be!

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I would love nothing more than a Perranwell victory due to the 'bad winners' at illogan but I can't see it I am afraid. Illogan comfortable win

and what does a bad winner look like?

Just not very nice are they? No sportsmanship, guys on the side line don't help people's view on the club. Not likeable

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Watched the game today and have to say perranwell were very unlucky to not get at least extra time. If it wasn't for Barry in the illogan goal perranwell woulda been comfortable winners. 4or5 awesome saves the best being a flying save to his right to deny Chris madley from a corner! If u seen it in the premiership it would be spoke of for years,really was that good!! Thought Luke braybyn had a superb game for perranwell and unlucky to be on the losing side.

Looking forward to the final

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I would love nothing more than a Perranwell victory due to the 'bad winners' at illogan but I can't see it I am afraid. Illogan comfortable win

and what does a bad winner look like? Just not very nice are they? No sportsmanship, guys on the side line don't help people's view on the club. Not likeable

Yeah football geek mike and myself are obviously horrible people on the sideline for illogan and we don't get on with anyone in the league because of this.....who are you again?!

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Not going to get drawn in robbo on the officials, think people watching knew what they saw! But will say fair play to perranwell, thought we controlled the first half then in the second half perranwell came on very strong, game of two halves literally! Second half partly our fault by letting the refs decisions get to us and losing our shape but also because of perranwell playing well, end of the day job done and onto the final! Good luck to perranwell tho for the rest of the season, nice bunch of lads, plus great job done by mark at st day today as well getting the pitch in great shape, credit to the club

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Not going to get drawn in robbo on the officials, think people watching knew what they saw! But will say fair play to perranwell, thought we controlled the first half then in the second half perranwell came on very strong, game of two halves literally! Second half partly our fault by letting the refs decisions get to us and losing our shape but also because of perranwell playing well, end of the day job done and onto the final! Good luck to perranwell tho for the rest of the season, nice bunch of lads, plus great job done by mark at st day today as well getting the pitch in great shape, credit to the club

Very upset at losing the game but thats football , credit to St Day for the way they welcomed us and i am sure Illogan too, well done .:Thought the MOM was Perranwells Chris Madeley. :c:

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We should get pointers in the changing room b4 a game so he can hav a song on karoke with lester and see for himself wat the dressing room is like and maybe chill out and stop worrying about us

What did pointers make of Barrie's performance in goal??

He told me he is a mouthy git but did well today !!! May need to be caged up at times but not my words ..His dad played for our under 18 team and i would say a chip off the old block !!! Even sounds the same ..John would be proud of his boy i am sure .

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Enjoyed the game today, think Jamo summed it up perfectly! It literally was a game of two halves, Illogan dominated the first and took their chances well, then we dominated the second and Barry was superb. Shame we started so poorly and slipped 2-0 down.

On the officiating note, I saw who the ref was earlier this week and had to bite my tongue at comments made on here regards to hoping for a 'strong referee'... Baring in mind he had sent me off earlier in the season after the striker admitted in front of him that there was no contact, and then hearing that he had been demoted from the SWP league last season for recieving poor ratings i think this ref is far from a 'strong referee' let alone a good one. Now that the games over with I have got to say Adam Price is by far the worst ref I have ever had, so bad in fact every time i see that he is in charge of a game i'm playing i almost feel like not wanting to play. Some mind boggling decisions today as per and he seemed to go with the 'whoever shouts loudest gets it' method. Threatened to ruin a cracking game off football. Rant over, well done to illugon and good luck to them in the final.

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I was at the game yesterday and yes I do agree the ref did not do well but it was not an easy game, Illogan is not an easy team to ref.

MINI-MITCH.... you do not have to have contact to be foul. I no the ref and he did not get demoted from SWPL! and also you are hardly Joe Hart!!

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