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Proposed New County Cup

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Taken from CCFA website:

After initial feedback from our clubs and leagues the Cornwall FA is exploring adding an extra Saturday Cup Competition to the existing Senior and Junior Cups, the new cup would be called the Intermediate Cup and would sit between the current competitions.


Please take a quick moment to look at the proposal and answer the survey

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Having had a quick read over the proposal as a Junior Football Club chairman my initial thoughts are:


The Junior Cup is currently £60 entry fee and you have to pay this regardless each season. Bit unfair on a Div 5 side getting drawn against a Trelawny Premier side first round. Good value if you stay in the competition longer. Bit like the FA Cup anyone could win it.

If you have two teams in Trelawny League will this mean you have to pay another £60 entry fee to play in the Intermediate Cup and Junior Cup or cut it to £30 Entry each for those clubs with two teams. A lot of grassroots Junior Clubs are in financial straights as it is and any increase will mean an increase to players subscriptions with added referee fees when there is already not enough officials to go around.

Why are there only two proposals? Maybe the CCFA could consider another third option which was the motion proposed by the Trelawny League and voted on by clubs to combine the areas in the Junior Cup after Round 3.

However, a Intermediate Cup would give more of a test to those clubs in the middle. Could be a positive.

I love the history of both the Senior and Junior Cups, everyone loves a shock result.

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For some reason I can't open the link but I don't see the point of introducing another cup to be played on a Saturday. For junior clubs, there are far more cups in the Trelawny League than in the Duchy and for Senior clubs the Charity Cup is perfect for Peninsula West clubs and the top ECPL/Combo clubs to make up the 16.

if another cup is needed, perhaps a re-introduction of the old Pratten Cup. To be played on Sundays, spare Saturdays or midweek. An invitational competition for Peninsula and Western League clubs.

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I think things should stay as they are but that's my personal view.

If they do bring in this new competition, will Easter Monday be a triple final day? Or will the Junior Cup be farmed out to another day with a small crowd.

On another topic do the CCFA have records of old Senior, Junior and Charity Cup results (the tournaments not just the final results). Would anyone know?

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Thanks Soccer Follower! What I was wondering is if one wanted to look up a random Junior Cup 1st round west result from say 1986, unless people on here played in it and remembered it then the only official way to find out is to trawl through old newspapers.

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All sounds an interesting proposal. Does it mean there will be a change in the way players are registered.

For example - if there is an 'Intermediate cup' between a Trelawny Premier side and a Combination side, then at present one player could be signed on for both.

Presume there will be have to be some change to the registration system.

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The Junior Cup (West) is now a copy of the Percy Stephens Cup, so this new proposal is the CCFA trying to keep their income up, whilst most of the work (Players registration) are carried out by the league. If they really wished to help junior clubs they could make the entry into the junior cup optional, and I am sure most clubs would look to save the £60 and not register.

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Apparently this move from the CCFA is being sounded out because of feedback from the league's and clubs - it would be interesting to hear from these parties.

As someone text me this morning :"I think yesterday indicated that there isn't a need for a new cup what with some of the results.

To be honest, I'm sat on the fence and would like to hear both sides of the debate before coming down one way or the other."

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My opinion, leave it as it is. With perhaps the only change being put all the junior teams in the hat together-no east and west.

My only worry on that is if a team from the lower end of the leagues draw a team higher league team 50 miles away, would they bother travelling, concede the game and devalue the great history of the competition.

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My opinion, leave it as it is. With perhaps the only change being put all the junior teams in the hat together-no east and west.

My only worry on that is if a team from the lower end of the leagues draw a team higher league team 50 miles away, would they bother travelling, concede the game and devalue the great history of the competition.

Sad thought, but I know what you mean by teams not bothering to travel. Possibly we may already be seeing this, even in the regionalised present version! However, if you applied that thought, why should most teams bother entering cup competitions!

Should the survey actually be asking clubs: Are you bothered with having a Cornwall Senior/Junior Cup? :)

Is that a bit extreme and me being too cynical about the values of today's players?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far over 70 people have voted for their preferred choice, the CCFA really need your votes so that the decision that is made best reflects the views of the clubs and individuals involved in football in Cornwall.

It's also being encouraged that people leave further opinions and comments when voting as the ones received already have been extremely constructive and enlightening, it is great for feedback so the CCFA says thanks to all those that have taken the time to do this.

However - it is crucial that when voting you specify your club or league and your role, this is to ensure the votes collected are from those people affected by the proposed changes, failure to register which club or league you are attached to will mean your vote is NOT counted

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couldnt ccfa have written to every club to vote in a proper manner?

When you say written - all club secretaries were emailed directly before the proposal was published on the CCFA website and offered to vote on behalf of their club, however it was also thought fair to try and engage with everyone who is affected - hence the follow-up requests.

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