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Forum advertising - would you like to have one?

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As you will have seen over the past ten days or so, gradually we are adding adverts to the Forum. Many thanks for those we are now showing and to those I have got in the pipeline. Your help is ensuring the continuation of this Forum as it becomes financially self sufficient.

For twelve months the cost is so cheap you'll be amazed, especially with the number of people we know look at cornwallfootballforum - a real bargain!

If you would like to find out more info please get in touch with me asap - either mobile 07759 502408 or email davedeacon@cornishsoccer.info


Dave Deacon

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Hi Dave, I have a meeting next week and will bring this up. The problem is we would have to put it through compliance so we would be looking at next season. I also dj karaoke and might do something there but I would have to come up with some sort of banner

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why do coca cola spend £30 million + a year advertising? you don't go to the bar and ask for a pepsi - its not rocket science.

Get on it for a few pence a week, and it is pennies, if your not advertising, who knows who you are? and what you do.

Come to the tournament, have a good time, cheap beer, hot food, potentially win a lot of money!!! Potential weekly  prize money of £2,400

Limited by legislation only. Go on....you know you want to, just ask.

Edited by TheolderIgetthebetterIwas
correct puntuation after proof reading.
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