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ludicrous spending

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Ok so I am quite new to cornwall and following cornish teams and perhaps i am missing something here, but can someone please tell me that what i heard at the st austell game on tuesday is a sort of april fool, is there really clubs at this standard paying £1000 per game can anyone tell me who this might be please there is clubs in the southern league not paying that. I find it laughable if this is true. Please be honest and let me know the true facts 

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There are big figures banded about all the time, clubs rarely pay out what is claimed, 50% or more will come from player sponsorship, donations to the playing fund and other incentives from outside sources. It is well know that certain clubs have Farmers, Publicans, Local Business owners etc who contribute as much as half of the players 'expenses' each game, the clubs themselves rarely have the income from the gate and bar to cover playing costs, most struggle to cover the match officials expenses.

The only people who benefit, are the players with big egos and even bigger wallets. But, it is nothing new, it's been going on for 100 years or so down here, payments were huge in the 50's when some clubs in Cornwall went full blown Professional, can't see things changing anytime soon.


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hang so your saying that the clubs with the richest fans have more money to spend on players i think i met the farmer at st austell on tuesday seems pasionate about the club but wasnt aware he was putting money in mind you who was i to  know that it went on . one more question for the forum doe the current league table reflect the money thats available to team,  putting it bluntly does the current top 10 in the league = the top ten players expenses available 

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hang so your saying that the clubs with the richest fans have more money to spend on players i think i met the farmer at st austell on tuesday seems pasionate about the club but wasnt aware he was putting money in mind you who was i to  know that it went on . one more question for the forum doe the current league table reflect the money thats available to team,  putting it bluntly does the current top 10 in the league = the top ten players expenses available 

​No - I'm sure Godolphin Atlantic won't have one of the top ten budgets

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Godolphin players get £20 a win, £10 a draw & nothing for losing. In a perfect world no one would get or deserves to get paid at this level and below but the G have it as good as it can be. It's a subject mentioned on the forum so much it's beyond just being insipid. I'd argue 99% of mentions about it are just to wind people up. Unless a club comes out, like the G and says what it is spending then it is just a fruitless exposé. Goldophin obviously have other qualities than spending money and this is what has made it such a good successful grassroots club in such a short amount of time. I would love to seem them one day with more facilites and a good youth set up. 

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To be fair, Macca went on the record in the press, in the very recent past, saying it was £25 for a win, £15 for a draw and nowt for a loss. A bit more than Tania has said, but it makes no difference which clubs you talk to, there will always be a difference in the amounts quoted, as they will rightly say, WTF has it got to do with anyone else ?

As long as those who hold the purse strings can say to the club, we are not in debt come the AGM, then no one can complain, even better if you turn in a profit !!!

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Does it really matter if the tax man finds out, because whatever is written on here is normally bollocks anyway. You could go and ask the same person watching a game today, that has posted on this feed, and they would tell you something completely different. It's all hear say, and who cares anyway. If a club or "a sponsor" want to pay someone the money and they have the means to do so, why not? Who else's buisness is it. You seem to be posting a lot of stuff on here recently Ben. You are probably the person making up these expenses amounts at the game and stirring your own rumours. 

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Does it really matter if the tax man finds out, because whatever is written on here is normally bollocks anyway. You could go and ask the same person watching a game today, that has posted on this feed, and they would tell you something completely different. It's all hear say, and who cares anyway. If a club or "a sponsor" want to pay someone the money and they have the means to do so, why not? Who else's buisness is it. You seem to be posting a lot of stuff on here recently Ben. You are probably the person making up these expenses amounts at the game and stirring your own rumours. 

There is a certain amount of rubbish talked on this site ( not uncommon on Internet forums) but there are also many well-considered and knowledgeable points made too. If you don't like the site or its content, you know what to do.

Clearly what the Chairman of a club herself says is not "hearsay" - you're posiibly getting confused with the name of your favourite band ?

Football exists in the wider world and revenues generated, salaries, payments and expenses etc. fall within the rules that apply to all businesses. Most of us pay income tax and national insurance on our earnings. I am convinced however that either the authorities locally view payments to players with a blind eye or simply haven't the resources to bother with them

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It is all relative. Clubs in London area and midlands of the non-league step 6/7 pay little if anything at all because there is so many teams playing at similar and much higher levels. To say SWPL teams pay as high money as some step 3/4  teams in those areas is fine because the SWPL Prem west/east is the best level available to players down here. 

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Does it really matter if the tax man finds out, because whatever is written on here is normally bollocks anyway. You could go and ask the same person watching a game today, that has posted on this feed, and they would tell you something completely different. It's all hear say, and who cares anyway. If a club or "a sponsor" want to pay someone the money and they have the means to do so, why not? Who else's buisness is it. You seem to be posting a lot of stuff on here recently Ben. You are probably the person making up these expenses amounts at the game and stirring your own rumours. 

There is a certain amount of rubbish talked on this site ( not uncommon on Internet forums) but there are also many well-considered and knowledgeable points made too. If you don't like the site or its content, you know what to do.

Clearly what the Chairman of a club herself says is not "hearsay" - you're posiibly getting confused with the name of your favourite band ?

Football exists in the wider world and revenues generated, salaries, payments and expenses etc. fall within the rules that apply to all businesses. Most of us pay income tax and national insurance on our earnings. I am convinced however that either the authorities locally view payments to players with a blind eye or simply haven't the resources to bother with them

I know of several clubs in the SWPL and it's predecessors who were chased aggressively by the taxman, almost to the point of bankruptcy. The last Government made it's position on tax avoidance crystal clear. The next one, of which ever persuasion, will undoubtedly do the same, and when they look, they look hard and a long way back. Treasurers beware, your largess may well come back to bite you!

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Does it really matter if the tax man finds out, because whatever is written on here is normally bollocks anyway. You could go and ask the same person watching a game today, that has posted on this feed, and they would tell you something completely different. It's all hear say, and who cares anyway. If a club or "a sponsor" want to pay someone the money and they have the means to do so, why not? Who else's buisness is it. You seem to be posting a lot of stuff on here recently Ben. You are probably the person making up these expenses amounts at the game and stirring your own rumours. 

There is a certain amount of rubbish talked on this site ( not uncommon on Internet forums) but there are also many well-considered and knowledgeable points made too. If you don't like the site or its content, you know what to do.

Clearly what the Chairman of a club herself says is not "hearsay" - you're posiibly getting confused with the name of your favourite band ?

Football exists in the wider world and revenues generated, salaries, payments and expenses etc. fall within the rules that apply to all businesses. Most of us pay income tax and national insurance on our earnings. I am convinced however that either the authorities locally view payments to players with a blind eye or simply haven't the resources to bother with them

I know of several clubs in the SWPL and it's predecessors who were chased aggressively by the taxman, almost to the point of bankruptcy. The last Government made it's position on tax avoidance crystal clear. The next one, of which ever persuasion, will undoubtedly do the same, and when they look, they look hard and a long way back. Treasurers beware, your largess may well come back to bite you!

​ I totally agree. Any money received by a person thru earning or expenses is subjected to income tax and is treated as earnings by hmrc. Footballers are no exception to this rule and should understand this.

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Does it really matter if the tax man finds out, because whatever is written on here is normally bollocks anyway. You could go and ask the same person watching a game today, that has posted on this feed, and they would tell you something completely different. It's all hear say, and who cares anyway. If a club or "a sponsor" want to pay someone the money and they have the means to do so, why not? Who else's buisness is it. You seem to be posting a lot of stuff on here recently Ben. You are probably the person making up these expenses amounts at the game and stirring your own rumours. 

There is a certain amount of rubbish talked on this site ( not uncommon on Internet forums) but there are also many well-considered and knowledgeable points made too. If you don't like the site or its content, you know what to do.

Clearly what the Chairman of a club herself says is not "hearsay" - you're posiibly getting confused with the name of your favourite band ?

Football exists in the wider world and revenues generated, salaries, payments and expenses etc. fall within the rules that apply to all businesses. Most of us pay income tax and national insurance on our earnings. I am convinced however that either the authorities locally view payments to players with a blind eye or simply haven't the resources to bother with them

I know of several clubs in the SWPL and it's predecessors who were chased aggressively by the taxman, almost to the point of bankruptcy. The last Government made it's position on tax avoidance crystal clear. The next one, of which ever persuasion, will undoubtedly do the same, and when they look, they look hard and a long way back. Treasurers beware, your largess may well come back to bite you!

​ I totally agree. Any money received by a person thru earning or expenses is subjected to income tax and is treated as earnings by hmrc. Footballers are no exception to this rule and should understand this.

Big Al, if you're going to agree with me you could at least give me a "like" I'm trying to catch up with Older and I've got an awful long way to go!

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VJ i was speaking to some gentleman at the st austell v stoke game i think they were stoke fans or committee members they said that clubs like st austell plymouth parkway bodmin and exmouth are paying in excess of 1000 per game it the first i had hear of this so just wanted to shed some light on it. I am pretty sure that this is an over exageration and i for one feel a lot happier than i did after doing some invetigating

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