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Wadebridge FC v St Dennis FC. 12/02/2013. 7.30 KO

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Confirmed game OFF. Piss take!!!!

A friend of ours who plays for Wadebridge has told us that they were told on Saturday that this fixture wouldnt go ahead.

We politely asked for this fixture to be brought forward so it free's another day for us to get another game in, seems tho we have a stupid amount of games to get in before the end of the season...Wadebridge agreed but knowing full well we wouldnt play this fixture. What a complete waist of every1s time.

Then they have the audacity to ring our managment and say if the game was played it will ruin their pitch.....

Wadebridge havent got a home game for 2 weeks after tonights game so why not worry about working on their pitch within that time.

Sorry if ive blabbed on but i think its a joke and were not going to finish the season if this continues.

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As I'm told, there was no game there Saturday just gone, the last game on it was the reserves on the 2nd feb, there's also no fixture there this coming Saturday.

A friend who plays for wadebridge visited the pitch at lunch time and was clueless why the game was called off, and so early in the morning :-/

Fair enough pitches may get cut up but what do u expect this time of year, and with the weather we've had. Wadebridge arnt on it saturday so would guve it over a week to recover. Would be nice to no which ref visited the pitch at 9am and called it off? Surely leave it till around 4.30, get a ref out then and make a decision!!! With the weather being dry all day, at least give it a chance.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="baldy" data-cid="230371" data-time="1360708218"><p>

New date Tues 19th March.<br />

Just had a look at St Dennis fixtures for end of season. Horrendous.</p></blockquote>

This is why we need to play these fixtures, teams calling games off when the pitches are playable. :-(

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Thinking out loud here Lee, but is there any possibility of you switching the match to Mount Wise Saturday, especially if your pitch suffers in the rain tomorrow, our Ressies are away ?

It would need the agreement of CCFA and both clubs obviously, but it would make sense to get it played if you are that stacked up. As I say, just a thought, this is not something that has come from anyone at Mount Wise.

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Laffs has asked the same and I understand why, but I feel we would lose out on to much revenue. We will be trying our damnist to get the game played Saturday.

Will just have to wait and see what state the pitch is come Friday night/Saturday morning.

Litterly 90% of our pitch is not a problem it's just the back end of the semi circle that got cut up bad and hasn't recovered properly. Like I said we will trying our hardest to get that part ready.

The weather forecast for Thursday Friday and Saturday isn't to bad I believe so........ There's still hope for us to have it at our place.

If worst comes to worst then I guess reversing the fixture would be the only solution.

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there are games on the pitch within the next weekend and the pitch would get ruin as it is now from 2 weekends ago

So a game where the pitch is perfectly playable is called off just in case the pitch gets cut up the following weekend????

I was under the impression that the only reason to postpone a game for an "unfit" pitch is the safety of the players.

Seems to me Cornwall FA need to tighten up on this pitch-inspection mallarky.

I see there's been no reply to the "Would be nice to no which ref visited the pitch at 9am and called it off" question which suggests to me that there was no inspection.

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Argyle Fan, it has nothing at all to do with the CCFA, it`s between the League concerned, Club and the appointed match official, no one else is involved.

Apologies, I thought it was a cup game as it was called off so early. The League secretary normally asks for a later inspection to give the game every chance.

You didn't comment on my point that the only reason to postpone a game for an "unfit" pitch is the safety of the players.

There seems to be a tendency to postpone games if the pitch is a bit soft on top and might cut up. I assume the referee has the last word so are some officials being swayed by clubs wanting to "protect" their pitch?

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="dave the rave" data-cid="230369" data-time="1360706950"><p>

It seems to me that Wadebridge are far too precious about their pitch. They were calling games off back in October ( callington mid week). All the money that went in to the facilities and as soon as they have a heavy shower they are calling games off. Rumour has it they had players out for the cally fixture, coincidence ?</p></blockquote>

Or the pitch was waterlogged and unplayable?! Understand everyone's frustration here, we alll want to play especially midweek games ubder lights.

Wadebridge have a big competitive squad able to cope with players missing, flattering Callington there a bit I think!

Can't comment on current state of the pitch (I haven't seen it!) We also have a number of games to catch up on due to cancellations, not all home games i might add

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Just to remind you all - we have had a bit of rain this winter. Pitches that get shredded, or liquified to give it its proper name lose the ability to drain normally. That is until the grass re-roots itself, and it will not do that below ten-ish degrees, and thats the ground temperature not the air teperature So that one game thats pushed on in bad conditions can cause untold trouble for many months.

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Laffs has asked the same and I understand why, but I feel we would lose out on to much revenue. We will be trying our damnist to get the game played Saturday.

Will just have to wait and see what state the pitch is come Friday night/Saturday morning.

Litterly 90% of our pitch is not a problem it's just the back end of the semi circle that got cut up bad and hasn't recovered properly. Like I said we will trying our hardest to get that part ready.

The weather forecast for Thursday Friday and Saturday isn't to bad I believe so........ There's still hope for us to have it at our place.

If worst comes to worst then I guess reversing the fixture would be the only solution.

Over my dead cold body!

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As I understand it St.Dennis are struggling to get games on & I know they'll lose out through no gate money or tea hut but seeing as the club/ bar is a private entity (unless they sponsor the team)surely they should take Newquay up on the offer to get the game played if there own pitch is unplayable.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Force" data-cid="230472" data-time="1360846251"><p>

As I understand it St.Dennis are struggling to get games on & I know they'll lose out through no gate money or tea hut but seeing as the club/ bar is a private entity (unless they sponsor the team)surely they should take Newquay up on the offer to get the game played if there own pitch is unplayable.</p></blockquote>

I've just finished at the pitch for today, dad and I have taken 2 days off work to get it sorted, back here Tomoro, with the weather staying like it is throughout the weekend, we are highly confident the game will Defiantly go ahead.

Will be cutting it Tomoro with the ride on and it will all be marked fine ready for the game :-)

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Brianmooreshead" data-cid="230490" data-time="1360866095"><p>

" Taken two days off work to get the pitch ready "<br />

<br />

What an attitude. No wonder St Dennis are such a progressive club.<br />

<br />

Good on you son<br />

<br />

I hope you can pull off an upset as a reward for your hard work<br />

<br />

I assume you meant " definitely " go ahead - But defiantly is just as apt !</p></blockquote>

Ah thank you. We had to take the time else it wouldn't get done and we are desperate for the game to go ahead. But the pitch is now looking ok.

Ha spell checker ;)

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