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Where did he go?

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I remember his dad Mike -the Plymouth milkman who was a prolific goalscorer for St.Austell.

He then signed professional with Plymouth Argyle and during his spell at Home Park 1965-71 scored 71 from 179 appearances before a short spell at Gillingham (P32 G7).

Mike retired through a shoulder injury in 1973 but I use to see him regularly weatching SWL football at Millbrook Torpoint and other Plymouth area based clubs.

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i no frank from a two year stint we spent together at college, he was part of the 1995/96 truro team that won the swpl (excuse me if dates are wrong) one of the nicest guys i've ever met, a real gentle giant, i believe he now lives in stoke climsland with his wife, from wat i gather you wouldnt like to be in a 50/50 with him, believe he may have finished because of a knee ligament problem, as i said lovely guy, couldnt speak highly enough of him

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North Devon Dweller, im guessing your comments are due to the fact 3 years in ,Withy are still ploughing the cash, getting away with murder press wise about under achievement, and after getting spun out of the frogmorton cup, feel gutted about your hard work and efforts in achieving jack all, so after 6 or 7 drowning the sorrow sherberts, lets rip whoever's in range.....but for your education..

after having the pleasure of playing against and with frank(definately better with),i would like to give you a summary of my humble opinions of frankie.

1. A Born Wnner who wanted to win football matches.

2. Dont bother going in for a 50/50 with him.

3. Would walk into any SWP league top 3 team as of today, with ease...

As stated, I believe he loves the golf, and is married with a couple boys.

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NDD, two rules to live by:

Never post on message boards when intoxicated.

Never go on Ebay when intoxicated.

First one often leads to offence, the second normally finds you several grand out of pocket but the proud new owner of a Segway or some other useless piece of junk.

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