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Spent my afternoon running around a penwith pitch & looking forward to a pint @ the magpies afterwards, heard there was no Beer there! a state of panic ensued until I was told that there was no Rodney Beer(Isaac) but plenty of Lager :clapper: Poor old Rodney, had to watch from the adjacent park, amonst the trees :drink:

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Spent my afternoon running around a penwith pitch & looking forward to a pint @ the magpies afterwards, heard there was no Beer there! a state of panic ensued until I was told that there was no Rodney Beer(Isaac) but plenty of Lager :clapper: Poor old Rodney, had to watch from the adjacent park, amonst the trees :drink:

Apparently Rod was shouting abuse about the Combo league committee and a certain Pz committee member,he intends to get his own back by banning everyone from Pz for the return even the Pz players.It's the only way St.Just will get a point that day. :P:lol: :ninja:

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If you know Penlee Park, Rodney tried the front gate and was refused entry, calling us pr**ks and other words, then tried sneaking in at the old top gate and hiding behind a tree, but was spotted and was chucked out, so he stood in the park watching over the wooden fence.

Penzance scored with two late goals but what was brilliant there were about 8-10 youngsters behind the goal at the park end and when we scored they turned around and were dancing and jumping up and down in front of him like you see on telly.

They wouldn't have a clue who he was was or what he has done to upset Pz so goodness what he must have been saying to wind those little ones up.

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Personally i think its a little bit pathetic to ban a person from watching their club, because of a forum disagreement. :SM_carton:

If i wasnt allowed to watch my team, i must say, i would certainly be tempted to let out a few expletives!!!

Nobody, ive noticed, has actually explained why he has been banned? Anybody, care to elaborate?


issac explains all on another thread.

what a carry on. cant beleive how babyish pz are being.

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I've written an explanation on another thread. Basically, because I exposed Trevor Mewton as a breaker of the rules of approach and correctly predicted that Penzance AFC's vaunted financial support would evaporate. Thiedly, because I stand up for a small village club and refuse to allow Penzance AFC to treat it like a colony. Penzance AFC does not have the wit to answer my points, so it seeks to gag me instead. It's called bullying in a playground, or fascism in a political context :c: :yahoo:

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