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Penwith exiles fixture pile up towards the end of the season is a bit of a joke, how can this be so harsh on us when we have fulfilled every fixture this season yet we are left with an unfair pile up??

6th of may- vs  mabe (league)

7th of may - vs mabe (league cup final) 

10th of may - vs culdrose (league)

11th of may- Percy Stephens cup Semi final 

13th of may - vs culdrose league 

14th of may- Percy Stephens cup final (if we get that far)

bit stupid and unfair if you ask me

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The Mabe game on the 6th may has now been cancelled we have to arrange a date with them to play it ummmm maybe a Thursday night 18.15 kick off???? 

54 minutes ago, number 6 said:

Penwith exiles fixture pile up towards the end of the season is a bit of a joke, how can this be so harsh on us when we have fulfilled every fixture this season yet we are left with an unfair pile up??

6th of may- vs  mabe (league)

7th of may - vs mabe (league cup final) 

10th of may - vs culdrose (league)

11th of may- Percy Stephens cup Semi final 

13th of may - vs culdrose league 

14th of may- Percy Stephens cup final (if we get that far)

bit stupid and unfair if you ask me

Think mabe on the 6th and culdrose on the 10th won't go ahead as planned.. 

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Who's your secretary? Has he/she attempted to arrange fixture between the clubs?

Our current Fixtures Secretary, Gerald Sobey does a fantastic job with fixtures. He is an elderly man and works his nuts off (with no reward and little appreciation) to ensure that games are fixtured as best as he can. At the beginning of the season, all games are fixtured and are spread out well; you will see gaps [saturdays] when you have no game; these aren't there by chance. These will be dates he must leave clear due to league cups and county cups. That's one of the reasons that you get quite a few midweek games.

Now, with that in mind... He also has to deal with inclement weather, injuries, abandonments and other governing factors which affect fixtures; a few times this season there has only been a handful of teams playing on a Saturday due to pitch condition. These situations just can't be helped. Between October and February/March each season, the weather often takes a hold and ruins many of our Saturdays; pitches just don't hold up very well. Gerald then has to fixture all these games into the remainder of the season. He has many things that he has to check; pitch availability and referee availability just as an example... It's not an easy task.

What teams can do is try and organise games amongst themselves. Obviously, permission must be sought from Gerald who will then do his checks to see if it is viable... More often than not, he will allow it so long as he has the right amount of boxes with ticks in.


It's all well and good saying that it's a "joke" and a "bit stupid", but you must understand that Gerald has 5 divisions in which to fixture every season, often hitting brick walls throughout.


I am not sure of the timeline, but there will soon come a time when we will require a new volunteer to take over the Fixtures Secretary role... With no-one coming forward (except myself very late on and amongst other commitments) to take on the role of Registration Secretary role from next season, I can't see too many volunteers coming forward... So let's just accept the fact that it's a thankless task and that it's not an easy one at that. It requires a lot of time and effort and making these sort of comments (although some will say they are justified) isn't exactly going to go down with potential volunteers in the future.

I know it's not ideal and things could be done differently at times, but we've just got to get on with it.

Looking at your fixture list though, I do massively sympathise with you. You've become a victim of your own success (your cup-runs). Have you had a look at maybe re-fixturing one or two of your league games to after the 13th/14th May (again, through your secretary, the league and opponents)? The season draws to an end on the 31st so that gives you two weeks grace between your final fixture (as above) and the end of the season.

Whether that is possible or not, I'm not sure. I've been away for the last 2 months (don't get back until the end of next month) so I'm quite out of the loop (with the committee processes at this time of season).

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Gerald has a hell of a lot of poo to plough through and does an incredible job, without much thanks. I imagine he's done the best with what he's got. 

That being said, very harsh having a final after a league game and two games v Mabe in two days. Just have a sleepover. Has your secretary highlighted this? Could they request some leeway and rearrange some fixtures? 

At least you're not CSM who are currently playing 12 games a day! 

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No 6 you've mentioned 6 games in 8 days, which seems as lot - but two are cup games and one dependent on winning one of those. 

Play the two Culdrose games as a double header - saves one fixture. 

Penwith are rightly a team with ambitions, the higher and more successful you get the more situations like this you will face - accept it and plan for it - SWPL prem teams play 40-50 games with a season that finishes on 30 April - without exception. 

I'm sure you will do fine ?

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13 minutes ago, Bobjfh said:

No 6 you've mentioned 6 games in 8 days, which seems as lot - but two are cup games and one dependent on winning one of those. 

Play the two Culdrose games as a double header - saves one fixture. 

Penwith are rightly a team with ambitions, the higher and more successful you get the more situations like this you will face - accept it and plan for it - SWPL prem teams play 40-50 games with a season that finishes on 30 April - without exception. 

I'm sure you will do fine ?

As iv already said the Mabe game has been cancelled and we have to contact mabe to set another date and we will try to rearrange the culdrose gsme if we reach the percy stevens cup final. 

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38 minutes ago, Bobjfh said:

No 6 you've mentioned 6 games in 8 days, which seems as lot - but two are cup games and one dependent on winning one of those. 

Play the two Culdrose games as a double header - saves one fixture. 

Penwith are rightly a team with ambitions, the higher and more successful you get the more situations like this you will face - accept it and plan for it - SWPL prem teams play 40-50 games with a season that finishes on 30 April - without exception. 

I'm sure you will do fine ?

I'm sure we will.. 

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