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What's gone wrong with Veterans football?

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Some clubs miles behind on fixtures. Clubs unable to raise a team for games, including a cup semi final.

Are there too many teams, not enough players? Too much travelling? Players too old? Unavailability of pitches? Age limit too low? (5 35 and over)

Or has the spirit of Vets gone from some games when teams turn up and know they're going to get hammered by a team of ringers.

Personally I don't mind playing better sides as long as they don't take the mickey


Edited by ant.tux
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I agree Tucks it is p*** poor. I can remember in my first season getting stuffed repeatedly by Western but being able to play against Andy Street, Sage, Parry and see old mates like Paul Kendall and Solly made it worth while. Two seasons after that we beat them in a final and they had a great side but we stuck with it. That season we beat Downderry 9-1 and they turned up with 10 men and gave it their all. Two seasons later they beat us in a final at our place and always give us a real game and often winning. Perranporth are another good example of a team that turn up every week and have reaped the rewards for sticking together and working hard by winning a trophy last season and in the mix for more this year. I think it is time for teams to have a real look at what they want from Vets football and if you don't want to get beat do something else and stop messing other teams about. I would rather play home and away fixtures against teams that will turn up than constantly get frustrated by the same teams. By the way we were really struggling for players for tomorrow but we would have played with what we had as we always have. Cheers Bill.

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Agree with you Bill mate, a lot of still enjoy a game on a Sunday and travel up and down Cornwall to play our fixtures. Then we get let down by a few teams. The question I ask is, why bother entering? Or if there is no intention of playing, pull out and stop wasting everyone's time. 

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To be fair to Packhorse we don't usually cancel fixtures and have an excellent track record of fulfilling our games despite being one of the possible "whipping boys". We genuinely have lots of players away, normally it's just 1 or 2 but the first 6 players who were asked on the Facebook page were unable to play. Normally it's a case of bring it on. As we don't get to play many semifinals never mind finals if we had the players available we would be there. I would also add that up until yesterday no one from the home team had confirmed with us the game was on.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Appreciate the comment not directed at us as a team but commitment overall. We're looking forward to the rearranged tie being played this Thursday & hopefully we can give you a good game. As it stands our Facebook page shows 13 available, a possible, 6 unknowns, 4 injured and 2 definitely away! 


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The way the fixtures fall does seem to favour some teams. I thought with only playing each team once the games would be spread home and away. So far we (Callington Vets) have only played 2 home league games, and looking at our remaining fixtures we only have 2 more home games scheduled, meaning that when we complete our league fixtures we will have played just 4 home games and 7 away games. Compare that to St Dennis who will have played 8 home games and just 3 away games.

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Would like to say how pleasing it was to see a full schedule of fixtures completed last weekend! Also would like to mention Packhorse last night who we played in the cup. They turned up in numbers and had vocal support!. Also all played with a smile on their face and enjoy having a run out instead of being at home in front of the TV. They kept going to the end and were rewarded with a decent goal. Well done lads, showed a real spirit and example for what vets footie is all about.

Edited by TRUCKER
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Yes well said Trucker it was played in great spirit and their supporters were a great laugh. Packhorse also asked last night if they could switch their league game with us as it costs 65 quid a game down at Par and with Ref's costs that is a lot of dosh. If it's played at ours both sides just split the Refs fees, 65 quid saved but another home game for us. What do you do? On another note have you recovered MQ I heard you had a nasty one. Hope you are better mate and back to your whimsical best. Cheers Bill.

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Really enjoyable game last night (despite being a Packhorse player), St Dennis showed us an enormous amount of respect & we appreciate that. Despite a deliberate hand ball on the line, several dodgy challenges & handballs by us (Packhorse) St Dennis didn't claim or ask for a thing. We wish them all the best in the final. On a side note the Cornwall Sunday Football League asked St Dennis to host 2 of their finals, a double header despite not having a team in the CSFL. St Dennis not only agreed but asked for no monies & offered to put food on for the clubs involved. Can't thank them enough, looking at the bigger picture & just looking to help Cornish Football whatever the level.

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It was good fun last night Dave and Stu does everything he can for people that want to play football and enjoy the excellent facilities at St Dennis and his sausage and chip platters are world class I think its why teams wanna reverse fixtures with us. I have heard Mike Hinks has offered Stu a Chefs post.

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Yes well said Trucker it was played in great spirit and their supporters were a great laugh. Packhorse also asked last night if they could switch their league game with us as it costs 65 quid a game down at Par and with Ref's costs that is a lot of dosh. If it's played at ours both sides just split the Refs fees, 65 quid saved but another home game for us. What do you do? On another note have you recovered MQ I heard you had a nasty one. Hope you are better mate and back to your whimsical best. Cheers Bill.

Yes mate am getting there just had the wind knocked out of my sails a bit but am surrounded by a lot of great people 


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I watched the St Dennis v Packhorse game and have to agree it was played in superb spirit, St Dennis have quite a decent vets side!!! And that was even without Grosey!!!

I was busy helping my Saturday side keep a clean sheet to get to the ko cup final Steves,oddly enough being held at st DennisDennis

Fair enough Bill - that makes sense. Still not sure why we have only been scheduled 4 home games all season. Maybe next season the fixtures will be kinder to us....


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