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heavy weather coming in next couple days,

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I see on forecast heavy rain coming throughout friday evening and overnight and saturday morning, surely though its time for clubs unless literally flooded to just bite the bullet and play else will be still playing in the summer, anyone else have opinion or think there game may be off this weekend? if forecast correct??

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Think u will find its due to last right up till saturday next week all this weather.... I think ne fair the biggest affected pitches will be the ones that are council run grounds as most pitches have been so hard as of late they could do with a good drop of rain

Like hell they do, they will rip up big time. Bit of warm weather is whats needed - no grass on any pitches I've seen.

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you are obviously not a great football follower. this is copied and pasted from the bbc website......


this is the artical

Heat lamps confiscated in raids on cannabis farms in Nottinghamshire are being used to help the grass grow at a football league club.

Notts County FC is using equipment seized by police to make lighting rigs for use on the Meadow Lane pitch.

University students are also involved in a project to design and build the rigs, with wheels for them being donated by a local golf club.

Supt Mark Holland said it was a "win, win" situation for all involved.

This property would normally be crushed, so it is important it gets reused and a lot of people are getting the benefit from it," he said.

Stadium manager Greg Smith said it was "a massive saving for the club".

He said: "Normally to buy one rig you are looking at between £10,000 and £15,000.

"We have both sports at the club, football and rugby, and we've got a main stand that doesn't allow the light in during the winter.

"So, we can have them from the start of October through to the end of February, hopefully growing grass for us."

The grow lights will be used to heat up the soil and replicate warmer conditions.

The club has made a donation to a local charity supported by Nottinghamshire Police as a thank you for the lamps


What has notts county's ground got to do with this topic? Haha

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Although I have not seen the pitch, calstock probably stand very little chance. I know for a fact that this seasons weather (as well as stuggling in the league) has really got the lads down, so much so it affects people's motivation to play. No home games all season is very upsetting for any club. Hope most of you guys get a game but ours vs st cleer is not looking good, although we will get a qualified referee to confirm it is unplayable!

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Guest smashing pumpkin

Whats halstowns pitch like for holding water? With the dry weather the last 3 weeks surly 1days heavy rain wnt affect it much

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Guest BenTheYeti

Halsetown pitch should be okay Dan, been raining here all day but plenty of wind blowing always. I'll check with those in the know tomorrow morning.

Anyone know the situation at Constantine? Went there last year in similar conditions to these and got called off at half time.

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