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Falmouth/Helston league champions

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Big congratulations to ALL the players at Falmouth Athletic for securing the Division 1 title and still with the Lockhart cup final to play.

Its been a very succesful season for the club as whole both on and off the field.

Also a big congratulations to our reserve team winning the division 3 title and also their cup final last week against a very resillient Mullion team.

Thank you to all the people behind the scenes managers Phil Kellow/Paul mowbray and Nathan Percival.

Secretary Derek, treasurer Norman, and a huge thank you to our sponsors ROSES NEWSAGENTS killigrew street falmouth/Sue Kellow for all her hard work in the kitchen with our sponsors! For all the great food that has been prepared and served.

And Finally to our u/15 who also are in with a great chance of winning their own league.

Before you can all take a hard earned rest,we still have things to do with our promotion application,as many already know we have recieved our response from the Combination league and have a few areas that need looking at (none of which cant be done)so all hands on deck. You have earnt the right to be promoted by running away with the title.


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Hi Prisky thanks very much mate looking forward to seeing you down Ath tomorrow.

We have recieved a letter containing 5 items that need addressing none of which are very difficult to achieve, I am assuming that after this final inspection with the five items "fixed" our application will be successful.

Mind you after having portable dugouts made,one of the items say that they must be able to seat a minimum of 8 people (extension needed)but reading the combo attendances posted I thought we were only having other clubs officials in the dugout, and not the entire crowd lol

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Big congratulations to ALL the players at Falmouth Athletic for securing the Division 1 title and still with the Lockhart cup final to play.

Its been a very succesful season for the club as whole both on and off the field.

Also a big congratulations to our reserve team winning the division 3 title and also their cup final last week against a very resillient Mullion team.

Thank you to all the people behind the scenes managers Phil Kellow/Paul mowbray and Nathan Percival.

Secretary Derek, treasurer Norman, and a huge thank you to our sponsors ROSES NEWSAGENTS killigrew street falmouth/Sue Kellow for all her hard work in the kitchen with our sponsors! For all the great food that has been prepared and served.

And Finally to our u/15 who also are in with a great chance of winning their own league.

Before you can all take a hard earned rest,we still have things to do with our promotion application,as many already know we have recieved our response from the Combination league and have a few areas that need looking at (none of which cant be done)so all hands on deck. You have earnt the right to be promoted by running away with the title.


Glad i taught Paul+Nathan all they know,best of luck guys. :drink:

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If you get into the League, a couple of cemented down park benches for people who walk with crutches or have standing problems would be useful unless you have chairs floating about as they do at Holmans.

How are you going to collect the gate money, a donation box just before half time?

Last question, how big is a typical home crowd at Dracena?

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Cornishteddyboy, When was you last down dracena? I do not ridicule other teams within the combo league like you have just done to holmans.You seem pretty switched on about the combo league so before answering your question I will ask you a couple

1) How do Perranwell collect gate Money or for that matter Holmans,Perranporth,st agnes,pendeen culdrose.....

2) You collect attendances would you say 20 is a respectable crowd?

3) Who in local football has the "BEST" changing facilities (Quotated at the pitch inspection falmouth ath)

4) Do you think a pyramid system is good for football? or should we just have teams that meet the criteria who basically can,t play football.

5) And finally, Falmouth Ath have won the div 1 of the Fal/Hel. Do you feel on merit alone, that they have proved they deserve a chance within the combo league?

Now to answer your question outside our Cafe at the dracena centre we have a seating area where, one may enjoy a cup of freshly brewed tea/coffee.

We are going to collect gate monies the same as the teams I have mentioned above in question 1.

Average crowd at dracena is usually around 30 people, on an evening game a derby against Penryn may bring around 50-60.

To improve the combo league you must allow progression, as when I played for Penryn in the eary 90's a 3-4 nil win was a great result but in to-days standards a good result is a 12-14 maybe even a 19 nil is a good result(By the way I did play for Falmouth Town against Ludgvan Thurs Evening)Also setting criteria's is one thing, implementing them within the league itself is far more difficult.I am fed up with hearing "Well they don't need that as they are already league members" Eg Perranwell has no dugouts,Holmans have not roped off all four sides of their pitch.

So if you are a big fan of the combo league you must be able to see that there is plenty of room for improvement at the base of the league

NB I have named a few clubs above please do not take anything as offensive as this was not my intention I was merely pointing a few items out.

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You've taken my questions the wrong way.

Some answers.

Perranwell have a chap who comes around as do Troon, Pendeen, Mandy at St Agnes sometimes if the gateman isn't there, St Just as well.

Culdrose don't charge.

I asked about your attendances as I think things like that should also be taken into account when promoting teams. We all want to see the Combo become more popular and to relegate a club with decent support for a club with no support is detrimental to me. Compared with some 30 is OK.

Changing facilities are only part of the ground grading. I agree with you dugouts to seat 8 is silly but I suppose they work it out as 5 subs, manager, first-aider and dogsbody/assistant must have somewhere to sit. Half the games this time of the year teams have only a bare 11 playing. I know you can't stop dog fouling on your pitch just like a lot of grounds in the Combo.

If I can sit down and have a brew whilst watching a match, just like St Ives then that is perfect. I'm not knocking Holmans but you have to walk to get to their pitch and there is no seating so they drag me a seat down. Culdrose is a killer to get too as cripples like me have to walk one and half pitch lengths to get to their stand.

I'm all for local promotion from the Senior to Junior Leagues. I defended Budleigh the other day because they couldn't afford to take promotion from the SWPL Div 1 East to Premier. But I think that in the future before a team does state that, the league should be allowed to look at the accounts of the club to prove the case. If it is found the club could afford it then they should be fined any prize money they would have won. This is where I mean, for a club to be promoted, a league must look at the overall package. Not just facilities but crowd support, ground potential/development, past club history. Look what happened to Portreath. Won everything, joined the league, no money, no support, out again 2 seasons later.

Remember the fear for local teams around Falmouth Athletic:- Falmouth Town, Penryn, Perranwell and even Wendron, is if the league allow in Athletic then if Albion apply they can't be refused. Are there enough players and support in the Falmouth area for that many senior teams?

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Your making it sound like it's the premier league,sad! Athletic have earnt the right to go up, so let them. If they fail so what, they come back down a league. Oh no look what happened to portreath what a load of shite, look what happened to teams like Wimbledon, argyle, sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield united. It's football and life so get over it teddy boy.

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Athletic have every right off being promoted. Knowing the players and people behind the seens they are more than gd enough to go up to the combination league and there failities and set up is no different to many in the combination league, the only differance i would note is the lack off a clubhouse but then thinking about it they use the tea room after games. there chaanging facilities are first class and the pitch is ok. if the combo league doesnt promote them it will make a mockery off the peramid system and make junior players wonder what they are playing for??? if they cant get promoted. I personally would like to see athletic in the combo next year. well done this season and all the best for next

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Thank you for your reply cornishteddyboy, I can see where you are coming from but if we are not promoted we wont know if we would come straight back down, as for the amount of players locally we currently have a team that consists of mostly combo players from recent seasons,(lee brad,steve kellow ,richard kellow,ross bowden, brett southard,hugh gibbons)for example have all played combo or higher a couple of seasons ago. So I dont think that is a problem. The problem lies in the fact that these players have won their league and have not alot left to prove in junior football and now wish to stay together and compete at a higher level.It is also ok to mention the likes of Portreath but you are forgetting that Hayle,Holmans,St Day,Wendron,Pendeen,porthleven all had very fruitful seasons in the fal/hel league before holding their own in the combo,and as you say the fear among clubs close to us is a problem, can you imagine having a guaranteed six points taken away each season and a competitive trip to draceana for a derby.I am not boasting that we would be in the top 5or 6 of the combo but we will be competitive and complete our fixtures with a full team which is not exactly happening now.

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Yes Rusty if we get promoted the majority would be staying however if not promoted I would'nt blame the players if they moved on to play senior football. although they are a very close bunch of lads who like playing together and i would hope they would have a crack at the new trelawney league with ath

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I think everyone is aware on my position on gaining entry to Combo league as it destroyed my club 10 years ago and before anyone says anything Carharrack were in the combo league before but a farmer ploughed up our old pitch before we moved and didn't leave by choice.

In 99' we had the best ground in the league by far better than quite a lot in the current combo league, a first team that won the league that many times I lost count, won the treble, a reserve side that won every club going, a under 16 side that got to the county final. I think even if we won the FA Cup we would been rejected. We applied twice and didn't get in. The perception was then you could not get into senior football unless you went FHFL, so the club decided to start again, transferring across.

Why you may ask? Simply because it was not in the interest of those combination clubs to have Carharrack in the league. Why have a new side enter the league that and this is a bold statement could have gone onto win the league.

Instead it was decided to keep the league whipping boys Ludgvan in the league which meant six points and shed loads of goals. Surprise Surprise Ludgvan are still the whipping boys losing a embarrassing 19-0 the other night. Shambolicly only turning up with 9 players. Conceding a total of -226 goals this season. My gran could stand a go chance of scoring at that rate.

Fortunately and I say this with much envy, the league let St Day in so it's not impossible and they are holding their own.

Falmouth Athletic have won the FHFL on merit. If they meet the ground criteria they therefore should be allowed to progress into senior football and it would be a complete shambles if they don't. I really hope I'm proved wrong and a junior club like Falmouth Athletic can progress in Cornish football. :c:

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Difference between now and the Carharrack days is different where then it was a team was elected now one team from both the mining league and fal helston league can get promoted as long as it meets grading criteria. Like you said no one wanted to take on the Carharrack team all the players then left which is something Fal Ath dont want to happen.

I think its right that there is ground grading in the Combo. Combo is the bottom tier of when football gets classed as a spectator sport so certain things need to be in place for the health, safety and comfort of the players and supporters. I think that certain area's may be a bit harsh however dracaena has the potential to be done up quite easily. Look at Portreath's Clijah Pitch. Basically as long as health and safety is met with toilets and snack bar then this should meet the criteria.

Fal Athletic as posted previously have an Under 15's team that seem to be doing very well, next year they will be under 16's then onto mens football. Combo is the perfect stepping stone for them.

If the Combo gets reduced by two teams to 18 this should not affect promotion. The bottom two should drop leaving 18 teams. Fal Athletic replace the next team and if a Mining League Team is eligible for promotion they replace the next. This would potentially mean bottom four drop out and Fal Athletic + Goonhavern (or another mining team promoted). I dont think that would be fair to relegate four teams unless all clubs were aware that potentially four may go down - if this is the case then the league should stay at 20 teams and allow clubs up.

Finally is there not an age limit on Combo players preventing Kev Toy from playing now .......... he must be 90 !! :smiley20: :thumbsup:

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Hi Whitney just for the record i am only 29 and every time I seem to play combo It's always Helston then Ludgvan 2 ends of the scale lol

As for reducing the combo league by two teams I would have thought that this would have had to have been brought up at last years AGM then voted as to whether there would be no promotions and two relegated or four relegated and only two promotions.I dont think you could just make a decision at the end of the season. In the Falmouth/Helston league which must be said is one of the best run leagues in the county,you MUST put in writing what rule changes you would like to be considered by the league these will then be discussed at the AGM and implemented in the following season. It would not be right to relegate teams that have played their best and finished above the bottom neither would it be right to stop a promotion because they wish to reduce a league.

Every player/member of a club will do their best for their own clubs Kempy posted that he wanted the combo to reduce the league but would he say the same if Perranwell were at the foot of the table with no-one available to be promoted? That is not a gripe at Kempy it just a point that he would want the best for his own club like us all!

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After the shock defeat at the hands of Mousehole, Falmouth Ath took revenge on St Keverne tonight with a great display winning 5-2 a much more solid look about ath tonight and unlike Saturday they found the net. Well done to all the lads big derby with Albion on Saturday last game of the season and last game ever in the Falmouth Helston league

Tonights attendance 63 (thank you cornishteddyboy your publicity stunt is still working)

With very few games left it's very nearly the end of two great leagues, hope that everyone has enjoyed playing their part within these leagues and are looking forward to the new challenge that lies ahead THE TRELAWNEY LEAGUE!

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