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Terrible officiating


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Got the France v Ireland game on here and just seen Thierry Henry keep the ball in with his hand which led to France taking a lead, none of the officials picked it up so perhaps there is a case for that UEFA Cup experiment with the officials on the byelines?

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they wouldn't have done jack all about that!!

the commentary say the ref has been great, but what about the complete bottling of either giving France a penalty when Anelka went down, if it wasn't a foul, then how come he didn't get booked? the ref looked as though he didn't have a clue, but this was probably due to the assistant not helping him! cos lets face it, they couldn't make a decision on their own merits out there!

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Ok, let's take it this way and see what happens......

Henry makes a deliberate handball resulting in the goal. The positions of the referee and his assistant mean they are unsighted. I think we all agree (?) that if the referee does not see an offence, he should not give a decision (i.e. someone diving for a penalty, and from the ref's position, it looks like one, but clearly isn't. We don't think the ref should award the penalty "cos it looked like a foul"). Anyway, how about, as the goal is scored and the celebrations of the French begin, and the reaction of the Irish is understandable, the referee (somehow) takes Henry to one side, sends all other players away, and says "Mr. Henry, at this moment, the goal stands as neither I or my assistant witnessed an offence. We were unsighted. However, the opposing team claim you handled the ball before making the cross from which the goal was scored. If this is true, the goal should not stand. I would like you to tell me if you handled the ball so that I can make a final decision on whether the goal should stand or not".

I'm not asking everyone what they think Henry would say, but whether this could have been done?

Should he admit to the offence, the goal is disallowed, and France still progress, he would be a "hero of honesty". Even if France go out, he would have his head held high.

Should he lie and France progress (as they did) he is a known liar.

Surely, the spotlight being put upon a player is a good thing? We have all agreed before that the officials make mistakes and need help. Many of the problems they face is down to players cheating. Already in this thread things have been said about the referee, but was it his "fault"? No, it was Henry who cheated not only Ireland, but the officials, and us the fans.

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My whole view on the penalty situation is referees lack of common sense.

Anelka has touched the ball around the keeper, out of play, and a goal kick is given.

So if the ref is acknowledging that Given did not touch the ball, or the player, then why is Anelka not booked for diving?

The handball - You can see Henry's legs are below his waist, the ball has struck something and gone towards to floor. Have a look where his legs were and realise that is was never going to have hit his chest and gone in that direction, therefore it must have hit his hand.

This is the only thing I will ever criticise officials for. I just think alot of common sense is needed when making decisions like this.

Also how many times did the ref favour France in 50/50's? It got silly in the end!!

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Would you be saying the same if England went through due to a referee's mistake?

If Im being 100% honest then no I probably wouldnt however I would still be piste off at the cheating which is rife in the game as a whole lately. Unfortunately Im old enough to remember Maradona like it was yesterday and that still rankles with me.

In fact re-reading your question I could live with a mistake if it didnt involve blatant cheating, perhaps Im wrong to be angry with the officials and should really just be disgusted with Henry who I would have thought was above that.

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Judging by the position of the referee it would have been difficult for him to see it. The Linseman on the other hand - had it would appear a clear view of the incident. It goes back to a previous thread I posted that officials need help. When you see it on TV tHenry directs his arm to the ball he then flicks it on with his hand, Clearly handball but twice.

We have had the nonsense of officials behind the goal line coming up with the wrong decision when it is no more than five yards from him so would an extra official have taken any action.

It was blatant cheating and I would hope FIFA will take action against the player because he knows what he has done.

Video technology in high profule matches has to be a must.

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Would you be saying the same if England went through due to a referee's mistake?


You say "a referee's mistake". And I believe that it what it was. Why was the mistake made? Because Henry cheated and got away with it.

Cheats should not prosper. However, I do not think the match result etc etc should be changed, but Henry should be given some kind of punishment. Maybe missing out the first 2 games of the finals or something?

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Ok although I agree that it was the wrong decision and the goal should have been disallowed the long and the short of it is there is nothing that can or will be done about it and if it was England and they had done the same I would have taken it 100%

I know this does not help the Irish and I feel for them as it would have been good to see them there and I remember when they got to a world cup in 1990 (Proberly one of the best world cups ever) and drew with England 1-1 they also drew with the Dutch and Egypt before beating Romania on penalties and only going home to a 1-0 loss to the Italians which in all fairness was a bloody good result as the Italians were a good side back then (Mind you there were a lot of good sides at that world cup)

It is a shame and Henry has admitted what he did although in all fairness he was never going to deny it lets be honest (Every paper around the world has shown that picture)

I think what we have to understand is that Football has its ups and downs (I’m a West Ham fan so imagine how I’m feeling right now) and we take the rough with the smooth, We all know that if our team is winning we do not care but if they are losing well that is a different story

One thing that will not change and that is every game played will always have a controversial moment and without them we would not have that much to talk about

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henry has no shame on sky sports news he said it was accidental and the ref would of blew if it was handball

and he didnt feel guilty as stefen henchoz handled a shot his of the line in a fa cup final between arsenal and liverpool :SM_carton_y::SM_carton:

i feel sorry for the irish and they didnt deserve that but that's life i guess and france are in the hat for the world cup well enough of that come on england :yahoo:

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Guest Peppermint

What a travesty - Henry is in the same category as the discredited Maradona. I thought that there was question of offside before Henry handled the ball not once but twice.

It means that the useless, inept and has someone else stated smug Platini gets his way and his beloved France has sneaked into the finals in South Africa.

How fantastic if World Football and English Football was administrated by people who did it for the love of the game and not for their own egotistical reasons - rant over!!!!!!!

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the thing that i do not understand is that if this happened in the premier league they would have charged henry why cant whollier than though i hate england platini come out and make a statement. sorry i forgot his country got to the finals.it was bad enough him fixing sorry seeding the draw in the first place but now this! as a kid i was always saying "cheats cheats never beat"sorry i was wrong :SM_carton::SM_carton: :SM_carton:

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So when Ireland were awarded a pentaly (that wasnt) against Georgia, NO-ONE complained or asked for a replay!!!!

As Roy Keane said ...................... what goes around comes around.

Took the words right out of my mouth!! lol-i watched that game and not even the players realised the ref had given a penalty-they thought he'd given an offside!!!

first robbie keane handles (offence number one), he lays it off to someone (if i remember rightly kevin doyle) who chips it over the defence to an offside as usual robbie keane-as the ball goeas over the defence it brushes one of the georgia defenders chest-keane receives the pass then the ref blows up-georgia and ireland expecting for the offside only to be amazed at it being a penalty!!!!

here is what i managed to find on youtube


i cant remember the honest keane, duff or other honest players the papers were claiming who would have owned up owning up to their bit of luck-do you??

no replay was spoken about-no replay was offerd

Chin up-it happens-thats why we love football!!!!

get on with

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The more I look at it the more I have not got a clue why the penalty was given. What comes around goes around I suppose is the answer to the Henry incident.

Do you reckon Paul Scharners "incident" for the Wigan goal was as blatant as Henry's?.

Without a doubt Coopsie. It's an outrage and the game should be re-played!! ;)

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Quite simple to solve, in Rugby the Ref has a screen to show if it was a touch down, if there is any doubt,

I see no problem in having a screen, to cover the penalty area to show if it was a goal or a penalty,

this takes the pressure of the Ref & makes for a fairer game all round,

:c::clapper: :c:

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The more I look at it the more I have not got a clue why the penalty was given. What comes around goes around I suppose is the answer to the Henry incident.

Do you reckon Paul Scharners "incident" for the Wigan goal was as blatant as Henry's?.

Without a doubt Coopsie. It's an outrage and the game should be re-played!! ;)

:clapper: , Got to admit, I had the same sarcastic little thought when I saw it whilst watching the game online. Could you imagine it!! :D

Quite simple to solve, in Rugby the Ref has a screen to show if it was a touch down, if there is any doubt,

I see no problem in having a screen, to cover the penalty area to show if it was a goal or a penalty,

this takes the pressure of the Ref & makes for a fairer game all round,


Don't be so absurd. That would mean that Blabbering Blatter and Poncy Platini wouldn't be able to make last minute rule changes etc to ensure that their beloved home nations and supposed "big teams" are able to be a successful as they want them to be.. :rolleyes:

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