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Blazey boss blasts 'joke' cup venue

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BOBBY Oaten has criticised the use of artificial pitches in football, insisting they have no place in competitive games.

The St Blazey manager takes his side to St Stephens Borough in the second round of the Cornwall Senior Cup on Saturday.

And they will be looking to make progress against the East Cornwall Premier League thisiscornwall.co.uk division one outfit on their third generation (3G) surface at Saltmill Park.

St Blazey train on the very same pitch during the week, but on a competitive stage Oaten has expressed his concern over player safety.

He said: "A lot has been said about the pitch and I think at this level of competition it's completely unacceptable to play on them.

"I can't believe that in competitive football this is allowed to happen.

"It is a an option for teams to train on, as we do, but to use them in games is far too dangerous.

"Players can't slide and for goalkeepers it's like diving on concrete."

Oaten also added that, because the Saltmill Park pitch is surrounded by caging, it also presents problems for fans.

He said: "Do supporters really want to stand behind a cage to watch a game?

"They could stand on the other side but there's not much space for them.

"To me the whole idea is a bit of a joke."

Borough, on the other hand, may beg to differ, having suffered just one defeat on their controversial pitch this season. But Oaten remains undaunted about facing a side that has enjoyed several big wins at Saltmill Park, including a 10-1 victory over St Columb Major in September.

In response to Oaten's comments, the Cornwall County FA insist the technology now involved in producing synthetic surfaces significantly reduce the risk of injury.

In a statement released on Monday, the Cornwall FA defended the use of artificial pitches.

"Investment in third generation (3G) pitches has been a consistent theme throughout world football over the last few years. The technology has come on considerably from the hard 'carpet like' surface which were used some years ago in professional football, so much so that the RFU has also been investing in their installation."

Andy Mitchell, Cornwall FA's County Development Manager said: "Cornwall is fortunate to have seven such surfaces throughout the county which are being used every week by local clubs.

"The manufacturers of the surfaces have to meet stringent criteria which are laid down by FIFA and consequently games at every level of football from World Cup qualifiers to local club football now take place on the surface.

"Professional clubs throughout England use 3G pitches and the FA sanctions their use for their cups.

"We sanction them for our cup competitions where clubs, such as St Stephens Borough, use them as their home ground."

But despite Oaten's concerns, St Stephens Borough secretary Julian Chenery believes the immaculate playing surface will actually work in St Blazey's favour.

"It's a pitch you can play football on, St Blazey play at a higher level than us so it's going to more of a disadvantage to us," he said.

"They train on the pitch every week so I wouldn't expect them to have any problems playing on it on Saturday.

"It's a great pitch to play on and I'm sure it will make for a very good game of football."

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Cant say this article is much of a surprise - St Blazey's views on the pitch are well known.

It does annoy me however when spectators are put off from coming by totally false statements about how they will view the game.

Can I stress to all those intending to watch the match that they will not be looking in from outside a cage. There is plenty of room inside the pitch fencing for spectators as we will erect, as we do for every game, temporary pitch barriers.

Anyone who has watched a game at Saltmill this season, regardless of their views on the pitch, will be able to confirm that watching a game is not a problem.

I would ask that Mr Oaten in future checks his facts before coming up with such rubbish.

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Guest Frank le tank

Could the Blazey gaffer be trying to cover his back just incase an upset occured....... The game will be an interesting affair.

Will Salt Mill be able to cope with what is tipped to be the biggest crowd for a match in cornwall this season????

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Guest st george9

i still dont understand why he has to keep going on about player safety?? not seen a single injury to a keeper or outfeild player...but ive seen plenty on grass..

as for the surface being like concrete, what?? blazey must have been training on the carpark this season then as that is rubbish...it mite not be to everyone taste but it is not unsafe..

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i dont have any problems with 3g being used as a training facility as i have used it many times, but when it comes to competitive games its not the same. i dry conditions it creates wicked spin that is nothing like grass where as in the wet its super quick and very greasy plus when you fall on it it hurs alot more than grass.

but i think this will be a very interesting game and could be a suprise!!

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can,t see what the problem is higgy,as you say if its dry tell the players to watch out for the spin,if its wet anticipate ball moving quickly, if you fall down grit your teeth get up and get on with the game...its a mans game and a lot harder if theres great puddles and long grass as on some pitches ;)

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correct handsome dan football is a mans game but it is also a very traditional game and i like to see football played on a football pitch not a plastic one. i've played on both in competitive circumstances and in my opinion theres only one winner.

a major part of the game is the pitches condition, and that can give home teams an advantage. But if we all played on 3g theres no difference to playing home or away.

pitches can be a levler in games that, on paper, only look like they can go one way. this is the kind of factor that makes football interesting.

in my opinion the 3g surface are a brilliant training facility but shouldnt be allowed in any competitive league. you just cant beat real grass.

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Guest st george9

higgy grass is always going be the best surface, but it not like blazey are going to play on 3g after not stepping foot on it before,train on it every week.. no danger of it being called off and we will have a perfect suface for football ..no muddy puddles, boggy goal area or divots :thumbsup:

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looking forward to this match now cant wait to see what its going to look like, i read earlier on in the thread that you are allowed inside "the cage" and that they set up barriers, is this true?? thanks for your time, see you all tomorow lol


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This is all it says on the CCFA web site. Nothing about extra time ot penalties

Cornwall Senior Cup Round 2 Saturday 6th December 2008. Kick-Off 2 pm or 2.30pm if floodlights are available.

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Good point Beaves, it seems very convenient that these clubs cancel games at the earliest possible point (Thursday Morning in Wadebridges case), then the replayed game will most probably be midweek when they can load their teams with first teamers, same goes for Bodmin, bang out of order if you ask me, its something the FA need to look at!!!

As for the plastic pitches they are a joke, I echo the views of Higgy and to a lesser extent the Blazey manager, they are great for training on but are totally uselees to play matches on. You cant do things that you would on grass, slide tackles etc, if you do, you have a bloody great big 'carpet burn' for weeks on end!!!

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Guest Frank le tank

For anyone who is negatively commenting and clearly has never watched a competitive game on this surface i invite you to come down to salt mill tommorow, pay your £2 and maybe your opinions will change.

Sir Alex and alike put your money where your mouth is, watch the game tommorow and then back your comments up with hard evidence that this surface is not suitable for competitive football.

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beaves has hit the nail on the head 3g is uncomfortable to play on.

sorry Frank le tank i cant attend 2moro as i will be at wadebridge if its not called off!!!! but i do have first hand experience of 3g having played on it many times my self and as sir alex says you cant play the same on it as you can on grass.

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beaves has hit the nail on the head 3g is uncomfortable to play on.

sorry Frank le tank i cant attend 2moro as i will be at wadebridge if its not called off!!!! but i do have first hand experience of 3g having played on it many times my self and as sir alex says you cant play the same on it as you can on grass.

It isnt uncomfortable to play on at all, its all how people percieve it in their minds, we went there this season and won 6-1....it was fine, and before you say it...i would still have the same opinion of the surface even if we had lost!

If your a footballing team, which im sure St Blazey are then you wont have a problem at all.

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Good point Beaves, it seems very convenient that these clubs cancel games at the earliest possible point (Thursday Morning in Wadebridges case), then the replayed game will most probably be midweek when they can load their teams with first teamers, same goes for Bodmin, bang out of order if you ask me, its something the FA need to look at!!!

Sir Alex, I suggest you check your facts before you post inaccurate information. Wadebridge have at no point called a game off on a Thursday before a Saturday game this season, and we do not call games off to allow us to load up with first team players during the week. Our recent mid-week game with Launceston saw us play two first team squad members who had little or no football on the Saturday! (Launceston played three!)

As for the pitch at Bodieve, it is suffering from the wet this season, but so are a lot of pitches! We only cancel games after a pitch inspection by qualified referees, who only consider player safety, not if we want to play midweek. Last weekends first team game with Ivybridge was played on a very wet surface, but a safe surface. Both teams managed to serve up some good exciting football.

I believe that Tuesday nights game Vs Saltash was the only first team game at Bodieve cancelled so far this season! Although we have had to postpone three ECPL games (one during the exceptional weather in August!!) We have spent a lot of time and money to improve our facilities at Wadebridge for everyone at the club to enjoy, and we are as frustrated as the next man when the pitch is waterlogged! What you need to bear in mind is that the pitch has only been level for just over two years and it is still a work in progress. I for one wouldn't want to go back to the famous slope.

So instead of being like you namesake 'Sir Alex' why not try some positive posts?

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Guest Flintstone

i still dont understand why he has to keep going on about player safety?? not seen a single injury to a keeper or outfeild player...but ive seen plenty on grass..

as for the surface being like concrete, what?? blazey must have been training on the carpark this season then as that is rubbish...it mite not be to everyone taste but it is not unsafe..

There have been injuries at Saltmill:- saw a player trip over the surplace netting when the pitch is divided for training, still not playing after 5 weeks.

Young lad broke his leg there this wednesday, match abandoned.

Get a bit of that black grit in ur eye, you know all about it!

But nice for Boro to have an advantage!!

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Good point Beaves, it seems very convenient that these clubs cancel games at the earliest possible point (Thursday Morning in Wadebridges case),

Sir Alex

As the referee that the majority of the time gets called in to inspect Bodieve Park, I can tell you that a game has never been called off on a thursday that is due to be played on the saturday.

The game due to be played tomorrow is currently doubtful, yes I have inspected it today, but is subject to another inspection tomorrow morning.

i recall a game being called off against sticker recently...was suprised as there was some rain in the nght but the day was fine must just be a mark of where the pitch is atm it'll take time for them to get it right tho...point taken


I remember this postponement, & I was also surprised at how much water was still covering the surface of Bodieve Park. Rain has a habit of only being in certain areas at times, so i guess the Wadebridge area had more that night than your area.

The pitch is getting there. Lots of work to improve drainage being done, but with the amount of upheaval the ground has had, natural drainage has not materialised fully yet. Once this has been established, I believe Wadebridge will have a fantastic pitch that drains very well - without the infamous slope!!

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I must apologise, it wasnt the Wadebridge v Sticker game called off, it was the Bodmin match scheduled for last weekend I believe. There had been little to no rain the previous couple of days yet NEITHER of the 2 pitches at Bodmin were prepared. Apparently (Im told by a guy I work with who lives in Bodmin and drinks at the footy club), there was nothing wrong with the pitch!!! Surely a game cant be called off this early, or is it just to ensure that there is a nice midweek tie under lights where a few first teamers can be drafted in!!!

As for the 3g/plastic pitches, at least they wont ever be called off!!! I look forward to playing Premier Sixes later in the season so I can experience first hand playing a competitive match on one!!!

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Guest bigdawg1

i dont see wat all the fuss is about, playing on a 3g pitch is ideal for teams n players that want to play football and players that want to run with the ball, it would make the game alot more attractive instead of hitting the big lump up top and playing from that. no bobbles, divits, puddles like people have said, so why the negativity towards it, if professionals use it then its certainly good enough for south western football, there is definate room for improvement in the game and this has to be a positive step from a footballing point of view, dont you agree, so wat wen it rains it skids a bit further or wen its dry it takes a different spin, but u get on with it, u deal with it , if u want to play attractive football i believe its the way forward

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