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RESULT - Friday 13 August 2021

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  • Dave Deacon changed the title to RESULT - Friday 13 August 2021

Dave - I did leave when it was 3-0 so must have been a very late penalty lol

Hard game to do a match report on really as for large parts of the game there was little in it but then again Wadebridge deserved to win by two goals. 

First time I have seen Wadebridge this season and they looked very solid across the pitch - played 4-3-3 and were solids in every position - especially up front, which was the main difference. 

Second time I have watched St Austell this week and seen them preseason - young fast and quick interchanges is their style - but they lack a plan B if their opponents can match that - which Wadebridge did. 

The lad Bidgood up front for St Austell is excellent but he appears to be having a ‘strikers slump’ at the moment, missing chances he would normally score and had little support up front. The whole St Austell team seem to be lacking a bit of confidence

St Austell had two good chances ruled offside in the first half and two goals disallowed for offside in the second half and conceded an own goal - so it could of been different but Wadebridge wanted the game more and won every 50-50 ball and once ahead kept applying the pressure.

St Austell will improve their results but Wadebridge will be title contenders in my view - good players, well drilled and can be compact and then move the ball wide quickly. 

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Yes late penalty for St Austell tucked away by George Marris.

I’ve watched St Austell three competitive games now and have to say doesn’t seem they’re getting much bounce of the ball going their way.

Bidgood not having much luck, Chris Kilbey not playing yet and Jaffa Rowe gone back to St Dennis!

They must though not get downhearted - there were just signs of it after they went 3 behind last night! Probably good they got the late penalty and scored. 

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