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Trelawny Results Weds 14th May 2014

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TMS 5 - 1 Helston Res

We got taught a lesson tonight. TMS rushed into an early 3-0 lead, Helston had to change shape just to see that scoreline into halftime. TMS playing very good football all over the park and when they didnt have the ball, they did not allow Helston any time to get the ball down and play.

Second half and Helston went direct making the TMS defence work hard. Helston had more chances this half just couldn't convert, TMS on the other hand had 2 on the counter and scored 2.

Good support for both teams with plenty of banter being put about.

Nige Nicholls was the referee.

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Firstly can I say many thanks to Carharrack for hosting the game and putting on a great spread at the social club. Always difficult when you go 3-0 down but full credit to Helston they kept at it and tested our defense for large majority of the second half however we were able to punish on the counter as gaps started to open up.

The referee Nigel Nicholls had a good game. Helston may feel aggrieved about a penalty shout which I personally feel could have gone either way. I however feel that he was consistent throughout.

Helston should be very proud of the season they have had and we wish them luck next season!!

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