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St Dennis Reserves 5 v 1 Padstow 07/05/2014

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St Dennis Reserves scorers:

Luke Damerell 2

Mark Rowe

Lee Rickard

Carl Rickard

And to too the absolute doombar that tried to video the senior players walking out of the dressing room, thinking that St Dennis were playing too many senior players, get a hobbie of some sort!!! No rules were broken what so ever!

They played 3 seniors against Lostiwithiel on Tuesday night where St Dennis lost the game 9-2....nothing was said about senior players from the Lostwithiel team and management. Would this have been the same if Padstow won the game last night.....hmmm!!!

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St Dennis Reserves scorers:

Luke Damerell 2

Mark Rowe

Lee Rickard

Carl Rickard

And to too the absolute doombar that tried to video the senior players walking out of the dressing room, thinking that St Dennis were playing too many senior players, get a hobbie of some sort!!! No rules were broken what so ever!

They played 3 seniors against Lostiwithiel on Tuesday night where St Dennis lost the game 9-2....nothing was said about senior players from the Lostwithiel team and management. Would this have been the same if Padstow won the game last night.....hmmm!!!

What's a doombar?! I thought that was a nice pint of local ale?

Anyway Carl, I thought you played for St Austell SWPL? Does St Austell have an affilaition with St Dennis to make it ONE CLUB?

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St Dennis Reserves scorers:

Luke Damerell 2

Mark Rowe

Lee Rickard

Carl Rickard

And to too the absolute doombar that tried to video the senior players walking out of the dressing room, thinking that St Dennis were playing too many senior players, get a hobbie of some sort!!! No rules were broken what so ever!

They played 3 seniors against Lostiwithiel on Tuesday night where St Dennis lost the game 9-2....nothing was said about senior players from the Lostwithiel team and management. Would this have been the same if Padstow won the game last night.....hmmm!!!

What's a doombar?! I thought that was a nice pint of local ale?

Anyway Carl, I thought you played for St Austell SWPL? Does St Austell have an affilaition with St Dennis to make it ONE CLUB?

Haha....well i think its a horrible pint lol

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Laugh all you like old son but Willser's right - You may have used to play for St Dennis - You don't now !

Putting you up against my son ( or players of similar ability ) would be a total mismatch - He plays in Duchy 1 for a reason - That's his level

Yours is four or five leagues above that

Competitive sport is supposed to be about testing yourself

Running rings around duchy players is hardly that is it ?

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Brian, regardless at what level your son plays at, it has nothing to do with St Dennis Football club. As you are aware of our 2nd teams position in the league ! Last night was a game were they needed the points, they had players out with work commitments and 3 seniors stepped in and helped out.

People have there own opinions on this and that's ok, but like we said, no rules were broken, everything was done by the book.

We are NOT the only club that does it, so I'm sure we don't need to be writing the same stuff at the end of every season just because a few seniors played in a duchy game!

Who does your son play for ! I wonder if they've bought seniors in at some stage through out the season.

The result is the result so let's leave it at that.

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to be fair santini played against us couple weeks ago and didnt have a sniff all game. (hungover from senior cup)and the guy marking him raised his game! im sure all teams bring in players from higher levels during the week where regular players cant make it due to work or injuries.

am surprised at that result thou cos when we played padstow i thought they were a very good side and would still beat st dennis even with 3 senior players. sorry st dennis players no offence

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Every1 has there own opinions that's my point. Red mist Richie is spot on, duchy players playing against senior players certainly raise their game, that was proved on Tuesday night when Losty smashed us 9-2 and then we still had 3 seniors on. I didn't get a sniff that game. They defended superbly.

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St Dennis Reserves scorers:

Luke Damerell 2

Mark Rowe

Lee Rickard

Carl Rickard

And to too the absolute doombar that tried to video the senior players walking out of the dressing room, thinking that St Dennis were playing too many senior players, get a hobbie of some sort!!! No rules were broken what so ever!

They played 3 seniors against Lostiwithiel on Tuesday night where St Dennis lost the game 9-2....nothing was said about senior players from the Lostwithiel team and management. Would this have been the same if Padstow won the game last night.....hmmm!!!

What's a doombar?! I thought that was a nice pint of local ale?

Anyway Carl, I thought you played for St Austell SWPL? Does St Austell have an affilaition with St Dennis to make it ONE CLUB?

I do yes but i was asked to play as leezo was carrying a bit of a knock and has a game saturday, where my seasons over. so we played half each.......im down that club every weekend and i affiliate myself with the club outside of football.........all my closest friends are from there and the manager who is a good friend of mine asked me so i said yes. no harm done

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I can see it from both sides ...

I personally am in favour of the "one signature one club" scenario, which in this case would rule out Carl but allow a number of senior St Dennis players to play (up to 3 obviously :-)) in Junior football

St Dennis are one of those rare clubs where the span between 1st and 2nd teams is so vast. Most SW clubs have 2nd teams in ECPL, and some Duchy teams have 1st teams in ECPL, therefore any player changes are minimal.

It can seem unfair on the recieving side at times as some would see it as a unfair advantage, but the rules are there for a reason. There HAS to be a clear route for junior players to step up and of course senior players to step down, its the only way for grass root development.

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The problem wont go away unless teams speak up at meetings and back up the arguement. Many solutions have been discussed on forums but not discussed at a designated meeting such as :- one player one club, less senior games to junior games ratio and vice versa and many other plans.

If it affects your club for promotion or relegation you need to stand up and be counted, if it doesnt nobody mentions it!!

Same scenario every season, same problems, same open discussions on forums to put it right, same response and therefore same result Tough tits!!


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It does always happen at the end of each season

At the same old " all pals together " clubs

And whilst " no harms been done - After all it's only a game of football Padstow probably wouldn't agree.They've been in with a shout of winning the league all season - Last nights result might put the kybosh on that !

Stuffed 5 - 1 by a team that's struggled all season

You can spout on all you like with all the reasons you want - But the sooner it's one player one club the better

It won't affeact grass roots football at all

Everyone eventually finds their own level and plays at it consistently. As you get better you play at a higher standard - Simples !

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To be fair MQ, if i remember rightly at the Duchy AGM, EVERY member club voted for the scrapping the reinstatement rule and bringing in the "3 senior player" rule (including myself) therefore the rule is in place and I think its a good one!

Hypothesising (you taught me that MQ?!), maybe no senior players should be allowed to play for junior teams after March 31st, the same for new signings and transfers?

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It happens every season at St Dennis. My theory if your not good enough to stay in the league with your week in week out side you should be relegated. Could not raise a side?? Why was their 4 second team players watching from the sidelines?? Padstow managed to get a team there for kick off. Also 5 Padstow players not being able to warm up due to having to kick off early. (Bad lighting)

We have been in with a solid chance of winning the league ALL SEASON, where st Dennis have been relegation battlers all season. Doesn't add up how we was ever gonna get a spanking without you bringing the ringers on.

Bad enough you play first teamers but for Nanpean and St Austell players stepping in too it's a disgrace.

Never mind only a game of football I guess.

Hope matey who broke his nose is ok. Looked pretty painful ?

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In actual fact David Morton has been a duchy player all season as transfered from queens rangers around Christmas time . Unfortunate that players could make the game . Players on sideline were there to support as they had injuries . But if you all ask me if you were in my shoes you would use your first team players if need as we help them out the ought the season.

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Completely disagree. Why stay in a league you lose most weeks. Play to your ability. Who likes turning up and losing?? Sounds like sour grapes but Padstow could have fielded players from senior football last night, had the opportunity but we win and lose with our team from start to end of season. Not call in the ringers to keep the club in a league they can barely compete in. There's never going to be a right and wrong here so that's my points made. Good luck next season and look forward to seeing the same scorers as last night on the scoresheet in the duchy league next season ?

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I do enjoy reading peoples opinions on this topic, as quoted, there will never be a wrong and right in this situation so let's just forget it. The lad who broke his nose was a senior (david rickard) but he's fine, abit of swelling and bruised eyes, but not to serious. I wonder what would have been said if Padstow won the game last night !!!! Losty have always had a strong change in winning the league this year and look, we played ringers in that game and they smashed us 9-2. Swings in roundabouts.

Teams won't complain when there winning but when their losing their fast enough to have a moan.

Yes, St Dennis needed the points to stay in the league, so pulled ringers in, teams have done it in the past and teams will carry on doing it, and next year if St Dennis are in the same situation I'm sure they will find a way to get round it stay in the league ???

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Laugh all you like old son but Willser's right - You may have used to play for St Dennis - You don't now !

Putting you up against my son ( or players of similar ability ) would be a total mismatch - He plays in Duchy 1 for a reason - That's his level

Yours is four or five leagues above that

Competitive sport is supposed to be about testing yourself

Running rings around duchy players is hardly that is it ?

Brian, I will pick out 1 quote u mentioned in this comment. 'Competitive sport is about testing yourself' don't you think duchy players playing against senior players is a perfect chance for them to test themselves !

Would you want your son to test himself to find out how good he really is playing against better players ??????? U never no, duchy 1 may not be his level after all.

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Sour grapes. Simple. If Padstow won the game I doubt this conversation would even be happening.

At the end of the day if this costs you the league then maybe you should look at other results where you dropped points when no ringers were played and you were playing against a so called inferior side.

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Is this the same padstow that used to select Danny ohagan when bodmin weren't playing??its a bit of a sickener if your going for a league or fighting relegation but it happens so teams need to get on with it I'm sure when st Dennis first team have had to call 2nd teamers up that there opponents haven't offered to reschedule the game when everybody's fit!

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I think St mawgan have been relegated because of this result, their not on here complaining! Although st dennis have done nothing wrong, i do think it is harsh when it concerns other teams fighting relegation or promotion. Its the luck of the fixturing afterall so get on with it.

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Lee, your point is perfectly valid. By playing against players that are of a higher level you can get a measure of your capabilities. This happens in open cup competitions .But in those you know from the start that there are teams from higher leagues in that competition and you know what to expect.

Where I don't think it's fair or reasonable is for a team ( Padstow in this case, but I note the comments about O Hagan ) that are well placed in a particular league to have a seasons hopes and ambitions dashed by playing against players who are basically - semi professional ! ie someone who is paid to play football but football is not their full time occupation

I just happen to think that much of a differential is unreasonable

One other point - If your Duchy team has to bring in ( outsiders, seniors, ringers - call them what you will ) to stay up come the end of each and every season - wouldn't they be better off dropping down a level or two and trying to achieve some success there

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Danny O'Hagan hasn't wore a Padstow shirt for years. We started in duchy 5 and gone up every season without any ringers. So you must be referring to the older Padstow team that folded.

As for keeping them up at the expense of St Mawgan, I feel for them. They we're a great bunch of blokes when we played them. They even beat us at their place, with their reserve team. So good on them. But how people say IF padstow had won last night nothing would be said, completely true, as we wouldn't feel aggrieved about the result if we played the reserve team which clearly we didn't.

And as for blaming our other results. Seriously?? We lost them games fair and square. No arguments. Just feel slightly 'cheated' playing 5-6 south western standard players in a junior football match.

Good luck to St Dennis next season regardless I'm sure your senior players will dig you out the shit come the end anyway.

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Shaun,when Padstow are promoted to the premier and beyond if capable enough.

Your going to face better teams than st Dennis reserves.

I know lee,Carl and mark Rowe are top players,but the rest of the St Dennis line up are less of a challenge than what you will face in the future.

Just get on with it and put it down too experience of what you could have done,not too lose so heavily against three players!

Cheers nigel

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Cloughie - You're missing the point altogether

If they play better teams than St Dennis reserves in a higher division they'll try and get players of that level. That will then determine whether they succeed or fail

This season, in their current division they've worked hard all season to be in with a chance of winning the league

Those chances have now lessened because a team who have struggled all season bring in players of a higher level because it suits them to !

That may not break any rules but it's neither sporting nor fair

One player - One Club and ID cards would go a long way towards sorting this out

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Just my personal outlook,when I knew the opposition had players in of a higher level,it just spurred myself and teammates at St Columb on even more.

Didn't get intimidated and rollover.

If you want to improve as a player or as a team,playing against better players and opposition is part of the process too learn!

St Austell reserves(when junior) ,Veryan etc are full of senior standard players.

I know where your coming from brianmoore,but until the rules are changed deal with what's put in front of you,and move on.

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I agree with you fully mate about it spurring you on as an individual

Nobody mentioned Padstow being intimidated or rolling over - I'm sure they didn't on both counts

Whilst in my playing days we played a couple of times against an Argyle youth side in the P & D League

I tried my damndest - But in the end the class told - It usually does

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So far in this topic, the "senior" players mentioned that played were Carl Rickard, Lee Rickard, Dave "muzzy" Rickard, Mark Rowe?

Thats 4 unless I can't count? Anymore?

If you put those four in your team Willser - How many games do you think you'd lose in Duchy 1 ?

I'm not sure he's questioning the quality of the players, that goes without saying. I read it as a question regarding the number of Senior players named, versus the fact only 3 senior players are eligible to play in a junior game as of this season. ;)

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Perhaps Padstow where in the wrong frame of mind and thought they would walk all over St Dennis because of their league position, really Padstow's wrong attitude was their demise not the fact there were 3 senior players involved, if you're going to be at the top of the table then surely each game has to be played as if it is a cup final, like it was stated before Lostwithiel played the same team and they beat St Dennis 9-2.. They must want the league more perhaps....

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Perhaps Padstow where in the wrong frame of mind and thought they would walk all over St Dennis because of their league position, really Padstow's wrong attitude was their demise not the fact there were 3 senior players involved, if you're going to be at the top of the table then surely each game has to be played as if it is a cup final, like it was stated before Lostwithiel played the same team and they beat St Dennis 9-2.. They must want the league more perhaps....

Possibly, but in my opinion the best team we have played this year in this league is St Dominick, played us off the park home and away, I can't see them not winning it. Perhaps league and cup double?

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So far in this topic, the "senior" players mentioned that played were Carl Rickard, Lee Rickard, Dave "muzzy" Rickard, Mark Rowe?

Thats 4 unless I can't count? Anymore?

That was the only 4 will see, your aloud to name 5 but only 3 senior players can be on the pitch at the same time. I started with Carl on the bench and we swapped at half time die to myself carrying a knock and having a game that Saturday.

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So far in this topic, the "senior" players mentioned that played were Carl Rickard, Lee Rickard, Dave "muzzy" Rickard, Mark Rowe?

Thats 4 unless I can't count? Anymore?

That was the only 4 willser, your aloud to name 5 but only 3 senior players can be on the pitch at the same time. I started with Carl on the bench and we swapped at half time die to myself carrying a knock and having a game that Saturday.
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So far in this topic, the "senior" players mentioned that played were Carl Rickard, Lee Rickard, Dave "muzzy" Rickard, Mark Rowe?

Thats 4 unless I can't count? Anymore?

That was the only 4 willser, your aloud to name 5 but only 3 senior players can be on the pitch at the same time. I started with Carl on the bench and we swapped at half time die to myself carrying a knock and having a game that Saturday.

Fair enough Lee, it's within the rules and it's nice to see a club working as a club. There are many SW sides that have abandoned their Duchy 2nd team or 3rd team counterparts.

For St Dennis, I'd imagine the aim would be to find enough local talent to get them to East Cornwall?

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I had the little book out so looked at the Duchy League rules. They say nothing about allowing 5 senior players in a squad with 3 on the pitch at any one time. They simply say that no more than 3 senior players shall be included in a team. Perhaps that is why the result does not yet appear on the Full Time site or the Duchy league website.

I may be wrong but I think that next season the number will be 2 rather than 3, the same as it will become in the Junior Cup.

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I had the little book out so looked at the Duchy League rules. They say nothing about allowing 5 senior players in a squad with 3 on the pitch at any one time. They simply say that no more than 3 senior players shall be included in a team. Perhaps that is why the result does not yet appear on the Full Time site or the Duchy league website.

I may be wrong but I think that next season the number will be 2 rather than 3, the same as it will become in the Junior Cup.

Does this mean 3 seniors in the starting 11, or team meaning squad ?im guessing this needs clearing up.? I'm going on what I've been told by many officials, managers etc, Paul buscombe was the ref that day and had the same opinion after checking the team sheet, I'm sure will soon find out.
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I've always thought that as long as no more than 3 seniors on the actual field of play you are ok. Seems no case to answer. At Losty we don't have that luxury, except when we used Nanks in one game earlier in the season when we had no strikers available! I noticed Padstow had Kevin Murt playing against Looe in their last game....my guess is that they knew it was gonna be a tough game so called upon the services of a very good senior player. Everytime team will use a senior at some point if they can. Time to move on now. Can't believe how tight the league is!!

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