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i would like to thank steve webbber for all his efforts for hayle afc ,i was sorry to here this week that steve has had to stand

down from managing hayle afc combo side , it has been an honour to run the line for him and his knowledge of the game is brilliant.a top bloke and we have some fun on the way as well, a gentleman on and off the pitch and his family sam ,scoffy and nick have been a great asset to our club hope he stays in touch with us at hayle all the best for the future steve ,i .am sure there are more people at hayle who appriceate what you have done for us ,hope to see you soon

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Can I also echo the above comments, Steve W has been an integral part of the rebuilding process at Hayle Football Club after the club fell on difficult times. Steve Roscoe and I met up with Steve Webber and we were delighted when he took up the post of the JCCL manager. Steve was always their to support me in football terms, and he did that with great dignity . A well respected gentleman, and as mentioned someone who has offered the game a tremendous amount. We all hope to see you soon Steve and good luck . Speak soon

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Agree with everything already said about Steve, he is a top man. I was fortunate to play for him, and be a manager, within the same club as him. He gave my son his first break in senior football. I'm sure he will be missed at Hayle. Steve now your not involved make sure you get up to Wendron and see us soon, and it's your round!!!!

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As his son ive had the privilege of not only having him as a manager but the joy of playing with him when I was 14.having his input and feedback has benefitted me immensely. Can honestly say I have always been proud to say I played for my dad hppefully now hes away from the stress he can occassionally come and watch a few games. Am truly sad that he has had to step down but so happy I had the opportunity to play for him. Just want to say good luck to alex another top bloke.

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well said nick hope dads ok give him my best and will hopefully see you tomorrow [weather permitting] and great shout for alex ,i have known alex for a while and he will continue dads great work ,and let him know he is always welcome at hayle

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