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Super Sunday

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Mr Boy, thats not very friendly :P Nevermind i've a good feeling about sunday :thumbsup::smiley20:

West Ham January Sale


West Ham TABLECLOTHS - Suitable for any occasion but tend to slip down the table after a short time - £4:99

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West Ham BANNERS - Come complete with interchangeable slogans Eg:- "Roeder OUT", "Redknapp OUT", "LET ME OUT" etc.. £15:00

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West Ham LIPSTICK - Ideal for kissing goodbye. (To the Premier League, as worn by the players) £0:99p each

BARGAIN BASEMENT - Don't miss the annual clearance sale of players. These come in all ages, (many are free of charge, spares or repairs)

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Super Sunday my ass.

West Ham v Scum.

Hammers fighting relegation.

Goons chasing the mighty Spurs.

Liverpool v Man Utd.

Scoucers are shot to pieces,falling apart.

And the cheating moaning Mancs.

As far as I am concerned,its Super Saturday,and I will be at the Lane to see Spurs continue their assault on

the top 4.

I tell you one thing,I hardly bother with this forum any more,its going down hill fast,if this is the best threads

you can come up with.

Where are all the characters,Midfield,Issac,Hutchspur,no one comes on here for days.

Gone to the dogs,just look at the last few threads.

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Super Sunday my ass.

West Ham v Scum.

Hammers fighting relegation.

Goons chasing the mighty Spurs.

Liverpool v Man Utd.

Scoucers are shot to pieces,falling apart.

And the cheating moaning Mancs.

As far as I am concerned,its Super Saturday,and I will be at the Lane to see Spurs continue their assault on

the top 4.

I tell you one thing,I hardly bother with this forum any more,its going down hill fast,if this is the best threads

you can come up with.

Where are all the characters,Midfield,Issac,Hutchspur,no one comes on here for days.

Gone to the dogs,just look at the last few threads.

i guess he does not like your post cockerkneeboy.

to be honest somerupsetspur i wish you wouldnt bother rather than hardly bother because your posts are only worth looking at when your tired. a bit like spurs really yawn yawn

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I tell you one thing,I hardly bother with this forum any more,its going down hill fast,if this is the best threads

you can come up with.

Where are all the characters,Midfield,Issac,Hutchspur,no one comes on here for days.

Gone to the dogs,just look at the last few threads.

somersetspur It is your choice as to weather you come on here or not, Personally it does not bother me one bit if you do or do not and as it is a public forum you have a choice but if you do and do not like what you see why not post something useful then instead of coming on here and slating others

The fact you came on here and took time out to read this thread and put up your own post speaks volumes

You talk about characters and you missed one person who just happens to be a spuds fan?

This is not the best thread by far but it is a little bit of banter between us footie fans (You know the ones with a sense of humour) and who enjoy a little wind up

I know many Arsenal fans on this forum and they all love a bit of banter so leave us all to it and go back to whichever flower picking forum you came from

Anita you cheeky mare :clapper:

Samo66 like it mate :thumbsup:

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Hmmm something strange going on here

Somersetspur who apparently does not come on here to much now because the topics of conversation are bo**ocks has just replied to his own thread Somersetspurs thread after 10 months, The last post on that thread was on December 6th 2008 and was posted by the one and only somersetspur

Now a post on October 21st 2009 and also another post on the same thread on October 23rd 2009 coupled with a post on October 22nd 2009 on another thread

Now tell me you don’t use this forum much again :SM_carton_y:

Talking bo**ocks my ARSEnal :SM_carton_y: :SM_carton:

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Very,Very funny.

Somersetspur 'Grow up pal'

Don't forget we all had to endure you and Midfield going at it everyday.And when someone said in a thread enoughs enough,You ran off and sulked for months :SM_carton:

And now your coming back with threads from months ago :blink:

Midfields still been on here,Just not sending all his attention to you,Argh bless!!!


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Midfield I know exactly what you mean mate, You gotta just love the forum :D

What better place to come and share your views and talk about all things football funny or not but of course there are some who do not like it but still come on :SM_carton:

I will say this much if West Ham do get a miracle (They do happen) and beat the Arsenal on super Sunday (Where is Leroy Rosenior when you need him) (F.A Cup third round January 1989) then I will be loving this forum a hell of a lot more as I have not had much to cheer about lately :(

Oh the joys of being a hammers fan :yahoo: :yahoo:

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Super Sunday my ass.

West Ham v Scum.

Hammers fighting relegation.

Goons chasing the mighty Spurs.

Liverpool v Man Utd.

Scoucers are shot to pieces,falling apart.

And the cheating moaning Mancs.

As far as I am concerned,its Super Saturday,and I will be at the Lane to see Spurs continue their assault on

the top 4.

I tell you one thing,I hardly bother with this forum any more,its going down hill fast,if this is the best threads

you can come up with.

Where are all the characters,Midfield,Issac,Hutchspur,no one comes on here for days.

Gone to the dogs,just look at the last few threads.

It was a super saturday for Stoke :thumbsup:

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It was a super saturday for Stoke :thumbsup:

And your point exactly?. :rolleyes: .. It was a super saturday for Burnley not too long ago, teams win and teams lose. That's football.. It's only a few weeks ago that Giggs had to come on in the second half to save your mighty lot from dropping points against Stoke. So perhaps a little humility wouldn't go amiss?.

The fact is that the oh so mighty Man Utd are a massive THREE points above crappy little Spurs, and today could go SIX points above them. You must be extremely happy to be absolutely battering such a crappy and insignificant little outfit like Tottenham Hotspur FC?. :rolleyes: ..

Just ask supporters of Liverpool, Fulham, Everton etc if they would rather be where they are in the league, or where Spurs are at the moment. Afterall, they all finished above us last season and are therefore surely superior?.

It's looking like it could be a GREAT season this season because it seems that everybody is capable of winning on their day. Stoke could quite easily beat many other teams of similar or better standard (especially if officials continue to turn a blind eye to nailed on penalty decisions ;) ).

I say that we should just sit back and enjoy the ride because apart from Chelski and Manure making the top 2 positions their own, I think EVERY other position is up for grabs this season..

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It was a super saturday for Stoke :thumbsup:

And your point exactly?. :rolleyes: .. It was a super saturday for Burnley not too long ago, teams win and teams lose. That's football.. It's only a few weeks ago that Giggs had to come on in the second half to save your mighty lot from dropping points against Stoke. So perhaps a little humility wouldn't go amiss?.

The fact is that the oh so mighty Man Utd are a massive THREE points above crappy little Spurs, and today could go SIX points above them. You must be extremely happy to be absolutely battering such a crappy and insignificant little outfit like Tottenham Hotspur FC?. :rolleyes: ..

Just ask supporters of Liverpool, Fulham, Everton etc if they would rather be where they are in the league, or where Spurs are at the moment. Afterall, they all finished above us last season and are therefore surely superior?.

It's looking like it could be a GREAT season this season because it seems that everybody is capable of winning on their day. Stoke could quite easily beat many other teams of similar or better standard (especially if officials continue to turn a blind eye to nailed on penalty decisions ;) ).

I say that we should just sit back and enjoy the ride because apart from Chelski and Manure making the top 2 positions their own, I think EVERY other position is up for grabs this season..

Burnley was a midweek game!! :thumbsup:

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Burnley was a midweek game!! :thumbsup:

You know what Kempy?. I thought that as soon as I posted my response :lol: , but didn't want to edit it, and I think I kind of got my point across?.

Like I said, could be a great season. Stoke beat Spurs, Burnley beat United, Wigan beat Chelsea, EVERYBODY has beaten Liverpool...

Could this be the most open season ever?.

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if you are last man and you foul somebody going on goal with the ball isnt it a straight red card

not when its on Owen, cos he's a has been little Judas Welsh *****!!! haha

but yeah, at the time I didn't think it was a sending off, but from the above angle then Carra could easily have gone, ah well!!

ngog, ngog, ngog, ngog, ngog, he tucks his c0ck into his sock, ngog, ngog, ngog, ngog

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Where are the posts gone from here when Arsenal were winning? they have deleted it!! shame :thumbsup:

you only sing when you are winning!!

I was wondering exactly the same thing Kempy?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

A one and a six just made himself look a complete **** but not to worry i shall remind him when i see him next :clapper:

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Anita looks like your money is safe :drink:

Yeah knew it would be :D oh ok so i was a little worried because of the amount of points you've had off of us in the last few seasons :P and i'm only slow at replying because i've just got in from a day of football :D:smiley20:

Nothing to do with the fact you have no doubt had a few sherberts this afternoon then :D:D

I know i did after that result, Mind you like you said we dont do that badly against your boys :P

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Nothing to do with the fact you have no doubt had a few sherberts this afternoon then :D:D

I know i did after that result, Mind you like you said we dont do that badly against your boys :P

not touched a drop all day :D been drinking squash, even when i popped into the mexican on way home i only had a coke :lol:

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Well, what I reckon is.....

Well done Liverpool. A bit of grit and determination pulled them through. Man U are the "better team", but Liverpool can beat anybody on their day. Carragher should have been sent off. But what the heck, swings and round-a-bouts. Probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. The best statistic is the 2nd goal...90+6! Ha Ha. Best picture, Reina the first layer to jump on Ngog!

Well done Fulham. Putting together a decent set of results. Haven't lost since the home defeat to Arsenal on 26 September. Thank god we got that result, their getting tough to beat. Man City are just not quite there yet.

Well done Bolton. Everton will come good, but to their credit, Bolton were matching them for effort and chances.

Well done West Ham. Arsenal failing to convert the half chances they created in the first half, came unstuck in the second half by commitment and effort (and a bad free-kick decision). West Ham have been playing decent football lately, and I'm sure they'll become tougher to play against, perhaps as a result of this encounter.


Well done Stoke, great result, against the balance of play. One look at the foul-count shows you what Stoke are like against "better class" opposition. Rough 'em up. I am surprised Spurs didn't muster a goal, but defending, they are always susceptible to leaking a goal!!

I know that last one was Saturday, but so what.......HA HA HA.

Am I finally going to be able to delete my "signature" next weekend, or simply add another statistic to it??????

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