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The requiem of Radio Cornwall Sportdesk

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The balanced football interest has been well and truly kicked out of the back door:what was once an eagerly anticipated half hour football slot has now denegrated into an embarrassing diet of fatuous inanities delivered by so-called presenters who are more suited to "Blue Peter".However,I bear no grudge against Miss Vardy:after all she is embarking on a media career and has to start somewhere-and to that end I wish her luck.Unfortunately,the football we do have seems to centre on interviews with Messrs Hendy(Saltash)and Oaten(St.Blazey).I suspect these two worthy gentlemen-being relatively new kids on the block- are finding being on live radio something of a novelty;so I can understand their keeness.But am I alone in thinking this is wearing thin?Thankfully what credibility there remains is with the excellent Leigh Cooper(Liskeard) who is a pleasure to listen to-always being absoluteley fair with his assessment of what has been a difficult few matches.

So what is the future for us soccer fans on this shambolic programme?:as I see things the demise of Dave Deacon et al was the death knell and it is difficult to envisage any light at the end of the tunnel.

Ah well! roll on the "Eurovision Song Contest"..........

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I agree with the basic argument that we as part of the sporting community are not being supported by the BBC which is after all a public service broadcaster.

Being responsible for a local team with a large number of affiliated players I do not just want to hear about Senior sides but Junior sides also. We all pay our fees to the powers that must be obeyed!

Do the BBC have a complaints programme? I for one will write.....in fact I am off now.

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Guest Peppermint

I think you will find from another topic and postings that Stig tried to phone the Lawrence Read Programme but failed to get on air.

They obviously have an idea of the topic someone wants to talk about and the powers that be would not like any criticism of the station. It would be interesting if Stig or anyone else did get on air and have their say.

Many of us have registered complaints on their section on the website but that does not seem to have any affect.

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I was delighted to see Adlestrop back on the forum. No disrespect to The Judge, but Adlestrop is perhaps the greatest contributor ever and a formative influence on later sages. He casts an illuminating glow of insight over the bleak and turgis tundra of Cornish football and society.

Would that he posted as often as in the old days !

Where have you been, Adlestrop ? :D

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Helping to get Chris Goninan his ECB OSCA.

Seriously,Rodney,thank you for your comments:I had lost a wee bit of interest in the forum.However,with your good self,The Judge , Peppermint ,Dave Deacon,etc. regularly contributing there seems to be much more interest.Sadly,before the new regime,I felt the forum was heading the way Radio Cornwall has been.But now it is first class.

Incidentally,Rodney,where have YOU been?

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Well, Adlestrop, I've been earning a living, occasionally, which has necessitated reducing some commitments and activities, including some for the Tinners, although I think they are now hitting their own targets better without me. On the M5 more than I really want to be. I do regret neglecting this site for a few months, however: it was deteriorating , so it is a good job we're back.

Congratulations on your good work: Chris G deserves his honours in cricket. In football, he also won the Combo twice while managing Marazion in the seventies after leaving St Just, where the committee politics of the time were unhelpful, despite his sterling years as a centre-half. Like Geordie McCallum, another visionary not appreciated as he deserved to be in the far west, he moved on. Julian Barnes suggests that history repeats itself first as tragedy and then as farce. I am delighted to report that so far, the Tinners have suffered neither.

Have a lovely Xmas. :D

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Guest Peppermint

Great to have you back Adlestrop - look forward to your contributions which are always well thought out and reasoned.

Young Percy - I did not mean we should stop making our protests but it is very difficult when the powers that be at Radio Cornwall make absulutely stupid decisions and put pressure on the presenter to have a programme that does not reflect the wishes of the sports listeners in the County.

I certainly miss Dave Deacon's half hour when we could all catch up with the results when we have been driving back from matches.

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Posts on this thread have obviously missed earlier comments on related threads that (apparently) the audience figures for at least the main part of the programme have INCREASED!!!! :blink: Yes, I don't believe it, either, but that's the story. Of course, the method of calculating TV and radio audiences is a mystery in itself, something to do with diaries filled in by a cross-section of listeners but it must be a strange cross-section! Those of us formerly from the football side of things only know that football fans have been switching off in what must be hundreds; but with the official audience figures showing that increase there is no way Radio Cornwall would change back to the previous programme format.


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Guest Peppermint

Unfortunately Tom anyone can twist statistics to suit their particular slant. In the meantime the rugby followers in the County have a much better service than the football followers.

We are being deprived of reports, results and information - some dictate from above at Radio Cornwall from someone who would know a football if it smacked them in the mouth.


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