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Easter Monday Finals change?

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Is it true there is talk that the Senior and Junior Cup Finals may be played on different days? Someone alluded to it on another forum and I wondered if anyone else had heard this?

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I personally hope it doesn't change as the old way (where both finals had a runners up match - for the losing semi finalists) started to become stale and unpopular.

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It's changing from next season Willow. The Senior and Junior cup finals will be on different days. Its a 3 year trial by all accounts. Possibly a Friday night final for the Junior Cup and the Senior maybe still on an Easter Monday from what I've heard? Must admit it used to be a bit of a mare trying to get changed in the same dressing room as one of the junior final teams who were out on the pitch playing. Must have been the same for them after!! Remember one year coming back into the dressing room with champagne sprayed all over our blazers and empty bottles everywhere!! Bit of a kick in the teeth after we just lost!!! Almost as many watching Truro as the final last Monday so maybe it's not a bad idea by the Cornwall FA to give it a crack and let the Junior lads have their own final under lights at a nice venue. I think the Area finals usually get a decent crowd.

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Ah that was that discussion about the change in competitions. Thank you for the input. A Good Friday evening game would be good and could mean a three game day.

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Ah that was that discussion about the change in competitions. Thank you for the input. A Good Friday evening game would be good and could mean a three game day.

I'm not at all sure if the plan is for the Friday evening Junior Cup Final to necessarily be on Good Friday. In fact I don't think that would be a good idea at all, far to much risk of crowd trouble after spectators have the opportunity to drink all day before the match. Not all supporters are as responsible as yourself (or indeed as dedicated, three games in a day is something of a marathon). I'm sure that the powers that control these things will enlighten us in due course.

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I was just alluding to what Rappo said and got caught up in the idea and the Friday evening would also mean that everybody would be free (probably) from family commitments.

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