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Rogers Quits Cully

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I had heard rumblings about Dodge heading back to Ladysmead over a week ago

Below is taken from SWPL Forum

Marcus Scott

Squad Player

Joined: 31 Jul 2007

Posts: 46

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:03 pm Post subject: Cullompton Rangers - Martyn Rogers

Rangers were shocked to hear today that Martyn Rogers last night accepted the manager's post at Tiverton Town. The Club are bitterly disappointed that Martyn has gone back on his word and also the total lack of respect shown towards our Club by Tiverton Town. The search now starts for a replacement.

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No sympathy for Tivvy at all on this one. As most people in the know about Mr Clarkson and his money know, (police and lawsuit coming my way for this one) he never stays anywhere for very long so why Tiverton thought any different is beyond me when the likes of former Tivvy chairman Matt Conridge warned them what would happen but they wouldn't listen as they were sucked in by Clarkson and really believed he would be there for the long run.

BEWARE ANY SWPL club if he approaches them.

As for Cully, despite the rivalry between them and Withy I feel for the club (especially Marcus Scott) as they have a great setup and don't deserve the disrespect that has been shown to them.

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