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Even Worse Day for Tottenham

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Lucan mistook his nanny for his wife. That's more understandable than mistaking Bale for a Divine Presence..

My only surprise is that Bale hasn't yet come into Slight Fart Lane riding on a donkey. Sadly, Kyle Walker bucked and threw him off his back.

The Spurs fans will turn against him, of course. One minute it was Palm Sunday, the next it'll be Golgotha.

Then he'll sign for Chelsea to warm the bench in case Oscar gets injured. :yahoo:

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Just the one major trophy in four decades ? The Foreign Office based in Woolwich ? Really ?

Great thing, history. The Danes were once the greatest warriors in Europe. Truro City were going to bring a new dawn for Cornish football.King Alfred hid in your hut on Sedgemoor. Spurs won things.

Then God sent the modern age and history opened its dustbin.

And in you fell. The rest is, er, history.

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Was the Bible in existance by this time??

1st British Club to win a European Trophy.

1st British Club to win 2 different European Trophies.

1st Club to win the double.

1st Club to retain the F.A..Cup.

Only Non-league Club ,to win the F.A.Cup.

Won a Major Trophy in the last 6 decades.

Still 4th.Still in Europe.

So F.O. back to Woolwich.

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Only the Old Testament, based closely on the rabbinical teachings that must surely have left their mark on the philosophies of Hoddle and Pleat. On Easter Sunday, however, Bale will rise again, just in time to make a surprise appearance at left back for St Day in the Combo Cup Final. Apparently he taught Matt Harris everything he knows about finding gaps in defensive walls and building club structures on no firm foundations whatsoever........

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It's all gone quiet over there since Bale bumped his ankle when attempting a characteristic Drog imitation against Fulham. Sky Sports assures me he will feature for our Welsh brothers in the international group wooden spoon six-pointer in Sunny Caledonia. Apparently the private bed in Glasgow Royal Infirmary has already been booked, so that's the end of the Spud season.

Once the Bale has gone, what will happen to the other ten wisps ?

"The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind."

Bye, bye, Tottingham ! :Santa:

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Some of the comments / jibes on this thread will be offensive to both Jewish people and Christians - come on administrators !!

Spot on,Keith.

Us Spurs fans get all sorts thrown at us,by these so-called football supporters.

I have been slung off here,when trying to defend my team,from these plonkers.

About time something was done.

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Shalom !

Keith, I'm glad you weren't pulling me up for irreverence....I am the son of the Chapel Street Society Steward; was Circuit Bible Reading Cup holder four years running before politics pressurised me to retire at 13; and will be a lifelong Methodist and worshipper at Chapel Street, sometimes with Mother, when I'm home in the People's Republic, giving thanks to divine forces for, among other things, blessing the Tinners, smiting the hosts of John Mead's Gomorrah and generally providing absolute confirmation of the legend on Grandfather's tomombstone that "The Memory of (St) Just is blessed" .......

I don't know about my prawnsandwichchomping adversary from Ludgvan, but twas over there that the original walkers of the Pilgrims' Way became lunch before they could take lunch in the battlemented safety of the Mount, so what do you expect ? Every time the sainted Curnows have travelled over to show a moral example of how the good fight should be fought, we've received nothing back but heathen disrespect, but our faith can move mountains and won't be disheartened by low-lying quagmires of alluvial Channel mud !

As an ancient Rosenberg, mindful of when my unconverted ancestors first arrived down Ponsandane to rip off the poor old Marathasjow and Holy Head natives with a few pints of purple dye, I would never make any statement deliberately intended to take in vain the holy imaginings of anybody !

May your god go with you, even if you leave the holiest and westernmost club in the known world for the darkness that is Devon; and may the god even of Somersetspur overcome any temporary embarrassment it may be feeling and go with him; and may a whole convocation of holy spirits of various denominations hover like tongues of St Just scolds to pacify any otherwise benighted enough to take offence at our merriment.

Thank you for your excellent contributions at St Just, where such excellent committee men need to be treasured !

God, if all-seeing, must have watched Tottenham and, given their continued existence, She must have a sense of humour !

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Keith, all texts , especially those in translation , are open to reinterpretation. Our ability to reinterpret in 2013 comes from an intellect which logically, if divinity is omnipresent, is no less holy than that of seventeenth century translators of Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic concerned not to challenge Jamie Sixth of Scotland's rather quaint notion of his own Divine Right.

It is no surprise that in a patriarchal society in which the ruling ideology was concerned to repress any suggestion of female power, particularly because King James's propagandists wanted to stamp out residual nostalgia for his charismatic predecessor "Gloriana", the translation you quote seeks to reinforce patriarchy. Despite the temporary error of the Church of England synod in refusing women bishops, Christianity and many other religions will eventually evolve in more egalitarian ways. As a result we may come to understand that the divine embraces everything and that our way of articulating it needs to move beyond narrow conceptions of gender.

On a day on which I am grateful that at least two of my prayers have been answered, thanks to you for your excellent reportage and to the Newquay Loyal for their impeccable timing, itself divinely inspired and preceding a 4-0 Tinners win.

Shalom, Shantih and the peace that passes understanding be with you. :)

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Roy Kean is GOD - The use of the word 'Yid' can be seen as disrespectful of Jewish people. Yid - Yidish, the language of Ashkenazi Jews, is a Higher German language of Jews who settled in the Rhineland of Germany. They are an ethnoreligious group who trace their origins to the indigenous Israelite tribes of Canaan. To use this name as part of banter / diatribe is disrespectful and could be seen as religious intolerance.

To parody pieces of the Bible whilst engaging in banter, shows disrespect to God's Word and Christians generally and, tends to ridicule the Christian faith. To some people, all this could be seen as religious intolerance.

I think we should all think more before we make certain comments.

I'm a Spurs supporter.....call me yiddo anytime you like Roy. In fact - call me what you like - couldn't give a monkey's, water off a ducks back and all that.

If people want to preach - go to church.

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