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Dobwalls v Millbrook

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An enjoyable afternoon to complete all grounds in the SWPL West.

The pitch started off nice and green and was already brown by half time, by which time the score was Dobwalls 3-1 Millbrook, a scoreline which wouldn't change in the 2nd half. Millbrook did have a go at Dobwalls in the last minute (despite being down to 10 men), but in the end it was Dobwalls who progressed on a filthy afternoon.

Nice to see the ref allow this one to be completed - I'm sure not all of the would have!

Attendance: around 30 plus any watching from cars.

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Guest Dane Bunney

in fairness think the game should have been cancelled at half time , of cuse people will say its easy to say that when your 3-1 down ,

Come the second half the pitch was un-safe , and on top of that it was almost dark.

i think when you see that most other games in the county were stopped including liskeard just 2 miles up the road .

having said that , maybe dobwalls are more suited to playing in those conditions . we have a young team who would rather play football rather than resort to bully boy tactics,

as we proved when we could stand up on there pitch earlyer on in the season.

Hopefully we will have a dry week , so we can play again next week.

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I only watched the 1st half and the pitch held up very well. Millbrook had their chances but Dobwalls took theirs. I thought the ref did pretty good, he allowed the game to flow which was good although how he didn't send Millbrook goalkeeper James Gill off for the foul on Stuart Dunn baffled everyone as he was easily the last man. Fortunately the free kick I think from Simon Skews flew into the net. In any case what tarts complaining about the pitch. That wouldn't have been mentioned a few years ago, perhaps that was when men played the game and got on with it.

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In any case what tarts complaining about the pitch. That wouldn't have been mentioned a few years ago, perhaps that was when men played the game and got on with it.

well when the ball does run at all and it just dies every other touch, it spoils the game and it doesnt come down to "when men were men." The Ref blew up for every slide tackle saying it wasnt safe to slide tackle, so if he's saying that, surely the game shouldnt have carried on?

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I don't recall the referee blowing up for every slide tackle, there were some tough challenges and I thought he did ok. Don't know about the second half as I was not there. Indeed I didn't think the game was that overluy physical it was what you would expect in wet conditions. I suppose elf & safety comes into it now. I say it again - are we becoming a bunch of tarts. Its either too wet or too dry, too hot or too cold. The pitch I saw was fine.

'maybe dobwalls are more suited to playing in those conditions'

That was a very strange statement to make because Millbrooks pitch is very much like a ploughed field and very difficult to play football on at the best of times.

Nope - I'll stick with my first reactions - there was nothing wrong with the pitch.

I went from Dobwalls to Liskeard and the difference there was the pitch could not hold the water and when surface water appeared then the referee quite rightly called off the match. Very different circumstances I'm afraid.

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Come on folks, there's a difference between a wet pitch and a dangerous pitch, and today's was of the wet variety. Please don't tell me we have reached a point where we are demanding games on a step seven pitch to be called off because of a few puddles.

If the pitch is deemed playable at the start of the 90, then the referee should make every effort to play the full 90 except in the most extreme of conditions and we certainly didn't reach that point today.

Seriously, football is a winter sport and well done to the referee today.

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Guest Gary Andrews

pretty damming report in todays plymouth herald about this game ,

few points come from it ,

suggesting that the game shouldnt have been played from half time, Surely for a local football reporter to write this health and saftey needed to come into play here !!!!

and confirms the above posters remarks about ''bully boy tactics'' . the reporter calls the red card '' a complete joke'' and that the reaction of the dobwalls players and bench added fuel to a nothing incident.

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Despite the atrocious weather the pitch at Dobwalls held up really well.

I drove past yesterday expecting to see a quagmire but was surprised to see that apart from numerous divets that need forking it will almost certainly be ready for this saturday's Senior Cup match against Millbrook.(weather permitting)

The publican at the Highwayman was not impressed that not one of Millbrook 's players or management could be bothered to go back after the game to eat the food that was prepared for them.

A touch of sour grapes I assume?

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Have to agree with Dan/ECPL I was at the game for the full 90 + and it was a terrible afternoon for sure but thr ref was right to play the full game - and after all it is his decision alone and he obviously did not think it unsafe - it was a very competitive match - don' see how Millbrook can complain if the score was in reverse they would have been jumping about if the ref had called it off!!!! and as for bully-boy tactics I think the Millbrook manager should stop clutching at straws - and look at his own team - ridiculous statement that and as for playing good football - you have to adapt to the conditions - absolute rubbishop comments a classic case of sour grapes.

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