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Ronaldo sending off


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Just curious to peoples view of the Ronaldo sending off. I know a lot of refs use this forum so hoping for a decent response rather than the usual my Dads got a bigger car than your Dad debate if we can all leave aside our own views on him personally or the team he plays for.

I cannot make my mind up.

The 1st yellow was a legitamate tackle, though after being booked was he lucky to stay on the pitch then for his "applause" of the ref. If he had been sent off would this be a bit over the top reaction?

Should he have received a yellow for the hand ball? Whistle or not he clearly was not trying to use his hands deliberatly to gain an advantage for his team. Though I cant help but think why he didnt just head it anyway!?

I can't help but feel the ref was just applying the letter of the law, fair enough, but why are refs not allowed to use common sense, looking at each individual case as it is and not having to think if I dont book him for that I will be demoted for next week. I heard that Dermot Gallagher gave up because he was basically given a telling off reffing each game as it was and not applying the exact letter of the law. Hopw are the refs out there feeling about this these days or does it not effect you guys so much at the levels played here.

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Peoples opinions are not important here. The ref had NO CHOICE. Deliberate hand ball = booking.. It was his second booking and therefore he had to go. The puzzling thing is the fact that the ref sent Ronaldo off and then gave a corner? :wacko: .. How does that work?.

The lad has talent coming out of his ass BUT maybe a bit of karma has come back and bit him on the ass?. Afterall, he should have been sent off plenty of times in the past for his playacting alone.

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Guest tafc.-gaffa

If this had been a lesser high profile player there would not be an issue. I agree with Coopsie im sure he has escaped more than he has been caught!!

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Guest Sport Lover

It looked to me like he was trying to get a penalty by over claiming the push by putting his hands up and hand balling. All the other Man Utd players were claiming the push and it seemed an after thought about another whistle being heard.

Ronalado is a good player but just a bit of a trickster as well!

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One take on it!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Cristiano Ronaldo will stop at nothing to hog the headlines - even rank stupidity.

Manchester United's victory at neighbours City might have been remembered for the football had Ronaldo not been sent off for his two-fisted batting of a corner.

And Early Doors has photographic evidence, published on the right, that proves the move was in fact premeditated and he had spent the week perfecting it in training.

Just what was he thinking? As ever, we need look no further than United's oracle Sir Alex Ferguson for an explanation: "He was trying to protect himself from the ball hitting his face."

It is a fair point. What is a player supposed to do when he has a ball hurtling towards his head at high speed? Football, as the name suggests, is meant to be played with the feet.

Wayne Rooney should really be more careful when he sends in corners at that sort of height - he'll have someone's eye out.

Ronaldo has survived several brushes with danger, and in some cases the ball has even bounced off his noggin into the goal. But sooner or later somebody is going to get hurt.

Rumour has it that in a dim and distant past known as the 1990s, mysterious creatures named Quinnasaurus and Duncandisorderly roamed the Premier League, specialising in using the upper part of their body to redirect the ball, and that the practice even had its own, quaint, name: the 'header'.

But Early Doors finds such myths hard to believe. After all, why would anyone risk those lucrative endorsement deals with cosmetics companies by putting their pretty face in the line of fire?

It was just a shame that ref Howard Webb did not realise that Ronaldo has got a high-profile award to collect this week. Any blemish to his tanned complexion, sparklingly white teeth or perfectly coiffed hair would be a tragedy - not just for Ronaldo but for the millions of viewers who will be treated to his rare beauty when he lifts the Ballon d'Or.


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B Manning why did he deserve a booking for the tackle, unless Wright Philips deliberatly kicked the ball out of play when on the attack Ronaldo won the ball did he not?

As for Ronaldos reactions I agree, as a fan of United I find it frustrating to see him react the way he does on occasion. especially when at other times he does just get up and get on with the game. I guess it depends what kind of mood he is in :( At Villa last week he was shocking, he certainly doesnt help himself!

Coops i dont mean to doubt you, please someone correct me if Im wrong, but handball is only a booking if he deliberately uses his hands to gain an advantage for his team or to stop the opposition gaining an advantage. For me neither was the case on Sunday.

Could be worse mind you. Fella playing in Greece got sent off. Fan runs on the pitch, he trips him and gets a red. Check out you tube, guys name is Bastia(will someone else do a link)

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Well isnt that a surprise. All I asked was folks opinion on an incident. I already know he is hated by virtually everyone in football, even as a Utd fan I dont particularly like the guy, so comments like that really dont contribute much. Try taking the blinkers off and commenting on the incident not the individual. I do not care what folks think of him i was actually hoping for some sensible comments about the incident and refereeing in the modern game. Is it a wonder people dont bother posting on here any more!?

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Having already been booked, straight forward 2nd yellow and off.

Can't imagine many people will have sympathy for him, he's got a few sent off in his time and is not exactly a shining light who is going to win any fair play awards with his diving.

Almost as crazy as the players who get booked week after week for celebrating by taking their shirt off.

Personally I think its a stupid rule, but if you know it will happen why oh why do they do it?

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Well isnt that a surprise. All I asked was folks opinion on an incident. I already know he is hated by virtually everyone in football, even as a Utd fan I dont particularly like the guy, so comments like that really dont contribute much. Try taking the blinkers off and commenting on the incident not the individual. I do not care what folks think of him i was actually hoping for some sensible comments about the incident and refereeing in the modern game. Is it a wonder people dont bother posting on here any more!?

Whats wrong with my response?. How the heck is it not a sensible comment? :wacko:

Seriously, what's wrong with it? Apart from debating whether advantage was gained/lost from the deliberate hand ball, how is it not sensible?

Peoples opinions are not important here. The ref had NO CHOICE. Deliberate hand ball = booking.. It was his second booking and therefore he had to go. The puzzling thing is the fact that the ref sent Ronaldo off and then gave a corner? :wacko: .. How does that work?.

The lad has talent coming out of his ass BUT maybe a bit of karma has come back and bit him on the ass?. Afterall, he should have been sent off plenty of times in the past for his playacting alone.

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Guest football mad

Your all wrong, first of all the first tackle was a clean challenge and not warranted a yellow card. If the ref had got that right Ronaldo would not have given him the response he did, and to be fair the guy has sprinted 25 yards to make a fantastic challenge and gets booked for it lucky he didnt knock out the ref. Secondly all his reactions point to him hearing a whistle, if you look at it sensibly he got in front of two defenders to win the ball and when he did hand ball it he didnt do it too any advantage otherwise he would have pushed it towards goal. Do you believe that Di canio for west ham should have been booked for picking up the ball all those years back when A players was injured. Your opinions all belong where the sun dont shine !! If it was not ronaldo i am sure your opinion would be different

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Your all wrong, first of all the first tackle was a clean challenge and not warranted a yellow card. If the ref had got that right Ronaldo would not have given him the response he did, and to be fair the guy has sprinted 25 yards to make a fantastic challenge and gets booked for it lucky he didnt knock out the ref. Secondly all his reactions point to him hearing a whistle, if you look at it sensibly he got in front of two defenders to win the ball and when he did hand ball it he didnt do it too any advantage otherwise he would have pushed it towards goal. Do you believe that Di canio for west ham should have been booked for picking up the ball all those years back when A players was injured. Your opinions all belong where the sun dont shine !! If it was not ronaldo i am sure your opinion would be different

OK :wacko: .. The first challenge, Ronaldo chased the guy (wright-Phillips?) 25 yards and ATTEMPTED to challenge from BEHIND. He kicked the players foot, which then put the ball out of play, he DID NOT win the ball. Therefore challenge/foul from behind = yellow card.. As has already been said by a few posters on here, he should then have received another yellow card for his petulant response to the decision/booking (remember Rooney a couple of seasons ago?). So he was lucky to still be on the pitch in any case.

Then there's the "I heard a whistle" bulls**t :wacko: .. If this is the case, why have there been half a dozen different accounts of why he did it. First he said there was the whistle, then it was because of a shove in the back, then Sir Alcy Ferguson was splurging shite about him protecting his face from that deadly hand grenade heading towards him at such ferocious speed, etc etc etc :rolleyes: .

To compare what Ronaldive did with the sporting act of Di Canio all those years ago just demonstrates that your'e as blinkered as the player and manager at the centre of this discussion.

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Guest Peppermint

i know I will be accused of being biaised but if Ronaldo deserved to be sent off then so be it but it is rather ironic that referees and the adminastrators are content to dismiss players for handling the ball but it is perfectly alright it seems for Chris Morgan to almost kill someone and he gets a yellow card only.

The the powers that be state that because the utterly incompetent official only gives a yellow card then they can not upgrade it!!!!!

So the football world are happy to punish players for handling the ball, taking their shirts off but it is seemimgly ok to maim someone for life and hospitalise them. Strange way of policing the world of football. A thugs charter!!!!!

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Hang on a minute.Here we go,typical Mancs,this has got nothing to do with Chris Morgan,or any other

F.A. decision.

Its about weather Ronaldo should have been sent off.

My opinion is TWO YELLOW CARDS, off you go.

If we were discussing the same incident,but the player was from Wigan or Fulham etc,there would not be

any complaints at all.

Technically,the right decision was made.

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Guest Peppermint

No hang on a minute Somersetspur - before you wade and have a go at me because I dare to support Manchester United. In my post I did not defend Ronaldo and I certaintly did not state that he should not have been sent off all I said was that it seems to be a bit rich that players who do no physical harm are treated in one way and players who commit other breaches in another.

I simply mention Morgan as an example - I note you post that technically the right decision was made - no argument but it still as far as I am concerned it still means that how the rules are interpreted at the moment it is a thugs charter.

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You hang on pal.This Thread is discussing weather rightly or wrongly,Ronaldo was sent off.

If you want to start ranting and raving the rights and wrongs of the F.A.start another thread.

As I said technically Mr Webb had no option 2 yellow cards.OFF.

So why bring in the F.A.


Dont think so,do you .

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B Manning ypur comments contue to beggar belief. You talk with a complete set of blinkers that will never ever critisise a referee. A few of us sat down with differing views to watch the so called 'first foul'. After going over it again and again (and yes a referee has only one look) all five of us came to the same opinion THIS WAS NOT AS FOUL. The referee did what all do at every level, he guessed and he got it wrong. As far as the second incident was conerned you would have to be a blind monkey to see that at a fraction of a second before his hands made contact a whistle went. Ronaldo could have headed for goal but the whistle did he He even gesticulated to the referee what he thought. Yes players called for shirt pulling but that is what the players do Why did Ronaldo say to sky tv when he was going down the tunnel 'I heard a beep'.

What was most distrubing was that the referee did not even consult the linesman who was looking directly at the incident. It would have taken a matter of seconds. But no AND THIS IS WHAT IS MOST DISTURBING is that the referee knew he had a trophy and he wasn't going to give that up And if any referee say that is nonsense then you must all be lying to yourselves.

There were some serious fouls taking place and he took little action. But he got his man. You may ask why didn't Ronaldo get a second yellow card for clapping the referee, the answer is very simple Two wrongs do not make a right. The first decision was shocking and has been proved over and over again thatn not no foul was committed and the Referee has no interest in what happened with the handball as he had got his man. All referess do it and they will continue to do it Once again B Manning you are wrong again.

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Well isnt that a surprise. All I asked was folks opinion on an incident. I already know he is hated by virtually everyone in football, even as a Utd fan I dont particularly like the guy, so comments like that really dont contribute much. Try taking the blinkers off and commenting on the incident not the individual. I do not care what folks think of him i was actually hoping for some sensible comments about the incident and refereeing in the modern game. Is it a wonder people dont bother posting on here any more!?

Whats wrong with my response?. How the heck is it not a sensible comment? :wacko:

Seriously, what's wrong with it? Apart from debating whether advantage was gained/lost from the deliberate hand ball, how is it not sensible?

Peoples opinions are not important here. The ref had NO CHOICE. Deliberate hand ball = booking.. It was his second booking and therefore he had to go. The puzzling thing is the fact that the ref sent Ronaldo off and then gave a corner? :wacko: .. How does that work?.

The lad has talent coming out of his ass BUT maybe a bit of karma has come back and bit him on the ass?. Afterall, he should have been sent off plenty of times in the past for his playacting alone.

Didnt mean your response Coopsie mate only the "once a winker always a winker" response that I was hoping to avoid. Should have known it was too much for some to look at the merits of the incidents not the individual to gain there opinion.

Back to it though. Letter of the law I think the ref was correct to book him for the 1st challenge. He thought was a foul so yellow card, fair enough. Though I do think he got that descision wrong as, I feel, Ronaldo got the ball.

The second one however I think is wrong as no advantage was denied or gained through the handball, therfore free kick to Man City.

Think its one of those that if you ask 10 people you will get at least 5 different opinions.

Somerset, United CANNOT appeal against the sending off as it was 2 yellow cards. Another wonderful rule made by people sitting around a table taking turns on silly cigarettes laughing themselves stupid about what to come up with next.

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God lord ECPL what on earth is it about me am I not allowed any opinion at all, a question was asked I replied in all honesty, now back to the first yellow for Ronaldo I class that as a reckless challenge where he had to contact the opposition player before he could touch the ball as the challenge was attempted too far back to make a clean contact with the ball possible, therefore a yellow card. Just for the record ECPL my honest opinion of the rest of your post is " what a load of bollocks!" and also what on earth have I done to you for you seem to want to pull any comments of mine to pieces, I hope we meet up at some time and at some game , I am on a ECPL game this saturday for a possible frank exchange of views. One other point is that this will possibly be my last ever posting on this forum as whatever I say seems to upset you. Bye.

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One other point is that this will possibly be my last ever posting on this forum as whatever I say seems to upset you. Bye.

Hey no need for that kind of drastic action buddy. There are users on here that are glad to get an officials view on things and actually enjoy what you contribute to the site. You hang in there mate, afterall, I'm always here for people to shoot down and keep the public eye off you. Being a figure of hate is not as bad as you think you know. :c:

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I concur the above Mr Manning. As I sarted the topic I was hoping to get a refs view on the incident so dont give up on all this because of one crazy fool. Think of what you will be missing.

Somerset stop feeling sorry for yourself, half expecting to hear you on Changing Tracks with Jo Wiley on Radio 1 with a sob story! ;)

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just to add a serious reply to this post.. i do think he should have had a yellow card for both, and also for his clapping at the ref, trouble is that the ref had to make his mind up there and then and did what he thought was right. even if later he thought it was a bit harsh

all ref,s will look at him in the same way as they look at drogba, they know he is a cheat and loves to try and con the ref with his diving around on the floor, so he will never get the decision on a 50/50.

at the end of the day this time things did not go the winkers way so what goes around comes around

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Ok, you want me to be serious (mental note to self, 'don't make light of such important topics').

I really don't know what the debate is about, Big Ronnie is lucky he didn't get a straight red for his really bad volleyball player impression!

Man U still won the game, Ronaldo's one match suspension was for a game he wouldn't have played in anyway (last night's Carling cup game), and we all got to laugh at the 'World's best player' while he made a complete plank of himself.

As far as I can see it's a win-win situation for everyone, well played Mr Webb! :thumbsup:

NB - The query I do have is, if, as he claims, he did hear a whistle, then why didn't he catch the ball instead? Or is that something else he can't do! Wow, he really is a flawed genius!!

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Have to agree with Coopsie on this one, I'm a United fan but rules are rules, he was already on a yellow and handled the ball - had to go. Hopefully he'll learn from it and become an even better player. He clearly has the talent (obvious from the jealousy that surrounds him) but he's mentally flawed. Push in the back or a whistle from the crowd are all irrelevant he'd got into a good goal scoring chance and is good with his head, so knock it in the back of the net and we're two up and cruising...

The personal attacks are a bit harsh, every teams got a little ***** who gets away with murder, Steven Gerard gets away with murder (jumps knee high into Athletico defender and gets a penalty for it!) but he doesn't get any abuse from tele pundits as he's a good old England boy... I bet all you slaggers would still rather have Ronaldo in your team than play against him?

Wayne Rooney on the other hand is a different matter all together, if anyone wants an extra defender come midfielder come chace the ball around like a schoolboy without any regard for team formation you're welcome to him in the January window... be happy to swap him for Robbie Keane as he was always good for finishing off Berbi's approach work, failing that any old striker who is prepared to play off the last defender would be fine.

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I was reading your post Jezza,and starting thinking that your were one of the only few United fans,that

were honest and intelligent.

Then I read your last paragraph,Rooney out,Keane in.

How long have you been out.?

Look at the stats before you make a silly comment like that.

Come on United fans ,do you agree with Jezza.KEANE FOR ROONEY.?

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Have to agree with Coopsie on this one, I'm a United fan but rules are rules, he was already on a yellow and handled the ball - had to go. Hopefully he'll learn from it and become an even better player. He clearly has the talent (obvious from the jealousy that surrounds him) but he's mentally flawed. Push in the back or a whistle from the crowd are all irrelevant he'd got into a good goal scoring chance and is good with his head, so knock it in the back of the net and we're two up and cruising...

The personal attacks are a bit harsh, every teams got a little ***** who gets away with murder, Steven Gerard gets away with murder (jumps knee high into Athletico defender and gets a penalty for it!) but he doesn't get any abuse from tele pundits as he's a good old England boy... I bet all you slaggers would still rather have Ronaldo in your team than play against him?

Wayne Rooney on the other hand is a different matter all together, if anyone wants an extra defender come midfielder come chace the ball around like a schoolboy without any regard for team formation you're welcome to him in the January window... be happy to swap him for Robbie Keane as he was always good for finishing off Berbi's approach work, failing that any old striker who is prepared to play off the last defender would be fine.

Agree with absolutely everything you say Jezza, superb and balanced post BUT I still think you should have gone for Defoe or Owen. they're the only sort of players you're missing out on if you ask me, fox in the box poaching kind of strikers. You've got all the creativity, hold up play etc etc, just need that somebody to come along and replace Van Nistelrooy because in my opinion you've never actually done that yet?.

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need that somebody to come along and replace Van Nistelrooy because in my opinion you've never actually done that yet?.

Spot on Coopsie, this is the problem in a nutshell, Ruud had the lot and we have never replaced him as an out and out goalscorer.

Rooney is talented but if he grew up a bit would be a much better footballer, he's the same for England plays 3 or 4 games in a row and does nothing constructive for the team, spends most of the game in front of the back four getting in the way! Then he scores a goal and all of a sudden he's the Dog's Bollards again. In my opinion (and thats all it is Somersetspur) he is overrated as a striker.

United were lucky last year that we had Ronaldo's 40 odd goals to help carry the luxury of having Rooney, look at the games we have played this year without him and we look a much better side going forward cos when we break we have a striker/s up front wanting the ball. Stick Rooney in a lot of other teams and his walkabout attitude would be exposed.

Think we would be better playing him on the wing (cos Nani seems to be going backwards in his development) and getting a goal poacher as Coopsie says like Owen or Defoe.

Keane may not be the 'best fit' answer but he combined well with Berbatov at spurs and both profited from playing with each other. It's all about balance and it's clear to see already this season that we have struggled by our standards because Ronaldo's not scoring freely to cover the cracks.

I was at Everton to watch United earlier in the season and I watched possibly the best 45 mins of our season and the worst in the same game! Second half we looked like we had never played the game before! Neither Rooney or Ronaldo won many plaudits that day...

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At times United miss someone like van Nistelrooy, like tonight. But he also held United up at times. The ball would break quickly then reach him in the middle of the park and he would slow things right up. Think thats why Fergie let him go to be honest.

As for Keane over Rooney. Stop drinking whatever it is your on, the pills you take, get more sleep. Do something about your lifestyle cos that is some crazy talk :wacko:

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As for Keane over Rooney. Stop drinking whatever it is your on, the pills you take, get more sleep. Do something about your lifestyle cos that is some crazy talk :wacko:

Keane was just a suggestion as he has worked well with Berbatov in the past... the point was Rooney is very over rated as a striker. Create three chances for Ruud and he would tuck two of them away. Create three chances for Rooney he might get one of them the other two he'd be on the half way line fannying around!

Midweek without Rooney we looked good going forward as a unit and we convert chances to bang in 5 goals.

Yesterday back to Berbatov and Rooney up front (so thats Berbatov as lone striker and 5 in midfield as Rooney chases the ball round the park like a demented Jack Russell), outcome as with so many games this season we dominate the play and scrape three points with a very lucky lasp gasp winner. Could so easily have been another draw and more dropped points against a side who are low on morale and struggling for goals.

Were solid at the back but alot of games this season were struggling to convert possesion into goals. Berbatov can't play up front by himself and his strike partner is no use to him if he's 40 yards away....

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I think Real Madrid will sign (in January) the man that Man Utd should've signed in the summer....

Klass Jan Huntelaar.

Still think Berbatov is world class, but he is similar to Rooney and Tevez, in that he likes to drop off into midfield and get involved in the build-up play, as opposed to being an out-and-out frontman.

Huntelaar would've lead the line, as well as score buckets of goals.

Utd will still be there or thereabouts in both the League & European Cup though, so I wouldn't worry you little Devils!

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