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Despite all CTB's fantastic work in compiling statistics and league history, the Combo has a major public relations and publicity problem.....i.e. John Roberts stuck in the mud and no proper publicity for anything !

To change it, all it needs is for one club to write on headed club note-paper to Brian Harris before the next meeting on the second Thursday in December, proposing that the general management committee should co-opt a publicity and press person; and to get it signed by a second club.

Time for all the club representatives to stop moaning behind their hands about that chocolate teapot from Helston and drag the league into the 21st century.......

CTB would raise standards...put his name forward !

:D :drink:


O.k., even if you don't want to do it, CTB, it would be good if somebody did.....and to require Hofficer Roberts to do something to justify his £250 a year I understand he doesm't communicate with other leagues much either. Even getting a mobile phone would be a start.

A shame you can't get into metings of the League....although, having attended them for twelve years, the response to any voices of dissent, like mine, and in the past, that of Bill Pearce, has been to seek a ban on allowing attendance by that representative. To be fair, there are some decent officers and Brian Harris does good work. Unfortunately with Vital Vidal and the Flora Dance Drummer there, decent debate is seen as a bit of a threat.

When St Just last appeared in the Combo Cup Final there was a long feature the night before advertising the simultaneous ECPL Cup Final on Radio Geriatric, but the Combo was not mentioned. No publicity....Roberts didn't bother, probably because Helston weren't in it. Then they moan about money and want to put up the annual league membership for clubs !

Anybody doubting that criticism of fixturing is justified, take a look on the website at the nice neat home-away-home-away pattern of Helston and the pleasantness of their fixtures when RN personnel are unavailable and compare it to the many clubs who unaccountably face long runs without bar income or gate money. How many times have Helston faced an SWPL/SWL club when their first team have no game ? Just about never, since, if this eventuality loomed, the whole fixture list would be amended and several other games would be switched to avoid it !

Nothing against Helston per se here: it's not the fault of the present club that they have a dubious supporter ! I suppose the fact that their shirts all carry a logo about Gas and Roberts might even indicate that they share this point of view. Good luck to them....no offence to their present players and committee intended.

Don't get me started......the only reason the Combo league didn't have a representative manager for two years was because Roberts wouldn't allow the motheaten blue (of course) strip to be stored in his garage after the St Just manager took over the team. Contact with players was made difficult because he would not release phone numbers for those from clubs he favoured in case they got tapped up, However, his friends could always get any player details they wanted over the phone....and never mind the Data Protection Act ! When the representative team played at Truro, he didn't even turn up, out of sheer pique against the management of the team. The league put on a buffet at a night match with Naval Air Command based on tea and bourbon biscuits. :SM_carton:

One advantage of my unaffiliated status as a private citizen with no connection to St Just AFC is that I can tell the truth about this...ungagged ! :c: :drink:

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