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On Captaincy and leadership

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Tony Cascarino wrote perceptively about leadership in "The Times" last week. Since the article contains long words like "respect" and "crisis" and was almost as long as "The Hungry Caterpillar", here are some concise extracts for the cognoscenti of the trapezoidal Nou Camp:

"It's hard to have faith in someone whose mood swings from one game to the next.......

It's right that a captain should advise youngsters in private, but players take offence when criticised in public, especially when the guy mouthing off isn't leading by example......

The mark of a captain is how he performs when there's a crisis, not when the team are basking in glory."

Thatsh enough philosophy for a Saturday morning. Bring on Perranporth ! Don't eat all the pasties before I get there, Keano ! :rolleyes:

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