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I went to watch this game yesterday as I thought it would be an interesting match up, I was surprised to see Bodmin race to a 3 goal lead and then defend comfortable second half to the win. I was stood dug out side for a bit of shade from the sun and all I heard was the argyle bench constantly hound the lino for every decision he made, also shouting at the ref for any tackle on their players. Which I have watched a couple argyle games this season and some sides have used dirty tactics and tried to rough them up, I would say there was only one bad tackle by Lance Bailey on Craig tanner which surely is expected (let the pro no he's in a game)  but tanner gave as good as he got and went in strong after. Overall both sides did moan and appeal a fair bit which is part of the times in football now. Couldn't have been that bad by Bodmin as an argyle player got booked for moaning at the ref to much. Also on a last note where was garita born? I think he was born offside, I counted 8 times for a pro and wasteful finishing whereas Bodmin strikers were clinical. Wonder if sidelines 1 is just sour grapes argyle fan 

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