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Cornwall Football Forum

Trelawny Reports - please read

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Avid football fans!

It looks like I am taking over from Dave Bartlam as the man to get your reports into The Sunday Independent. I'd like to thank Dave, and Rappo before him, for raising the profile of junior football and of the Trelawny League. I think it's important that this continues and we recognise results and achievements at this level. 

However, I do not have as much free time as Dave... so I need your help. The deadline for the report is 9pm on Saturday evening so it would be a huge help if you could email or text me any results or a quick match summary as soon as possible. I will try to trawl the internet for your results (amongst other things) too, but just to help me out I would be really grateful if you could do some of the work for me and send me some match details. 

Since I won't be able to take all of the credit, as hopefully you will all be helping me out, I will donate £10 from the payment to a different charity each week. 

I hope to hear from you on Saturdays!

Josh McDonald

07957345945 jmcdonald88@hotmail.co.uk

Disclaimer: I can not promise to not be biased towards the team I am involved with. 

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